anthony goubard downloads

Ant Commander Pro

5.2 download

Ant Commander Pro, developed by Anthony Goubard, is a versatile and powerful file manager designed ... application. In summary, Ant Commander Pro by Anthony Goubard is a feature-rich file manager that combines ...


6.7 download

JLearnIt is a thematic dictionary that allows you to learn vocabulary thanks to the questionnaire. You can also translate text (word by word) or search for incomplete words, sort the languages ...


5.7 download

Decoration is an image editor. Decoration applies effects to your images. You have an extensive set of effects (more than 100) including color border, gradient border, round corners, drop shadow, mirror, ...

Japplis Toolbox

5.9 download

Japplis Toolbox is a compilation of text utilities in one application. It can encode and decode URL, Base64, Hex, ROT13, ROT47, Java unicode, Volapuk. It can convert numbers from/to binary, octal, ...


1.5 download

Discotheek changes your screen into a night club spotlight. You can use your it to generate multicolor flashes. You can use your screen as stroboscope. You can use your screen as ...

Ant Commander Personal

4.6 download

Ant Commander Personal is a free personal file manager. Several file systems are suported: file, zip, tar.gz, bz2, ram. Several kinds of panels are available: directory table, directory tree, text editor, ...


2.2 download

JLearnItME is a multilingual translator for mobile phones. Features: * 15 languages: English, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Russian, Latin and Czech. * The same ...


2.1 download

JLearnItPDA is a multilingual translator for PDA devices (PalmOS and WinCE devices). Features: * 12 languages: English, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Hungarian and Latin * The ...