generation downloads
LignUp Multi Collector PRO MacOS
5.15.33 download... graphic editor, edit various categories; password protection; report generation as PDF document and HTML site; smart filters and data sorting. Database manager allows to easily switching between different collections. Customers ...
LignUp Multi Collector PRO
5.15.33 download... graphic editor, edit various categories; password protection; report generation as PDF document and HTML site; smart filters and data sorting. Database manager allows to easily switching between different collections. Customers ...
0.2.7 downloadSpliceGrapher predicts alternative splicing patterns and produces splice graphs that capture in a single structure the ways a gene's exons may be assembled. It enhances gene models using evidence from next-generation ...
2.4.6 downloadThe advent of massively parallel sequencing technologies has fundamentally changed the study of genetics. New platforms like the Illumina GAIIx and the Roche GS yield unprecedented levels of sequencing throughput. The ...
1.49 download... moves depth of field and out of focus generation to post production. If you need high quality camera blurs with the flexibility of 2d post processing, Lenscare is a great ...
Lenscare for Mac OS X
1.49 download... moves depth of field and out of focus generation to post production. If you need high quality camera blurs with the flexibility of 2d post processing, Lenscare is a great ...
Portable RapidTyping
5.4 downloadRapid Typing Tutor is designed to help any user enhance their typing skills with just a few lessons. Learning to type is fun with the typing game included with Rapid Typing ...
5.4 downloadRapid Typing Tutor is designed to help any user enhance their typing skills with just a few lessons. Learning to type is fun with the typing game included with Rapid Typing ...
Primo Ramdisk Standard Edition
6.6.0 downloadPrimo Ramdisk is the second generation of VSuite Ramdisk product. It brings new features and improved performance, as well as a friendlier user interface. As VSuite Ramdisk did, Primo Ramdisk ...
Primo Ramdisk Professional Edition
6.6.0 downloadPrimo Ramdisk is the second generation of VSuite Ramdisk product. It brings new features and improved performance, as well as a friendlier user interface. As VSuite Ramdisk did, Primo Ramdisk ...
Flip Writer Standard
3.0 downloadProfessional Page Flip Solutions for Page-turning eBook Software Creating Flash & HTML5 Flip Writer Standard is a powerful content-generation tool and page flip maker for writers that allows you to concentrate ...
OCS Inventory NG Server
2.1.2 downloadOpen Computers and Software Inventory Next Generation is a technical management solution of IT assets. Since 2001, OCS Inventory NG tries to make the automated inventory of computer hardware ...
OCS Inventory NG Server for Linux
2.7 downloadOpen Computers and Software Inventory Next Generation is a technical management solution of IT assets. Since 2001, OCS Inventory NG tries to make the automated inventory of computer hardware ...
smartision ScreenCopy
2.3 download... to foreground before making screenshots * Screenshot filename generation based on variables like screenshot number, date, time and window caption. ...
7.0 download... syntax highlighting, autocomplete, data export, query and DDL generation and database utilities (create, update, compact, repair) ...
1.3.1 download... publish/subscribe message passing model and automatic marshalling/unmarshalling code generation with bindings for applications in a variety of programming languages. It was originally designed and used by the MIT DARPA Urban ...
3.2 downloadITScriptNet Indago has been redeveloped from the ground up taking advantage of newer technologies and concepts to provide modern looking applications with improved communications and data processing. And support for Android ...
5.2 download... Java. It is written to make the dynamic generation of URIs easier than it is with Java's built-in URI and URL classes, and to provide support for the current URI ...
Windows Server AppFabric downloadWindows Server AppFabric is a set of integrated technologies that make it easier to build, scale and manage Web and composite applications that run on IIS. Windows Server AppFabric targets applications ...
Windows Server AppFabric x64 downloadWindows Server AppFabric x64 is a set of integrated technologies that make it easier to build, scale and manage Web and composite applications that run on IIS. Windows Server AppFabric targets ...
Pro Yacht download... the direct manipulation of NURBS surfaces, parametric hull generation and advanced techniques such as IntelliHull and X-Topology. The user interface is a unique environment where geometry can be manipulated ...
2.3.0 downloadSCons is an Open Source software construction tool—that is, a next-generation build tool. Think of SCons as an improved, cross-platform substitute for the classic Make utility with integrated functionality similar to ...
DVDneXtCOPY SimpleX download... copying and the greatest quality of the latest generation of DVD movies. If you want to copy DVD movies to DVD your computer and mobile devices like iPad, iPod, cellphones ...
Redline Reverb for Mac OS X
1.1.2 download... optimized CPU usage, Redline Reverb represents the next generation of these celebrated algorithms. Redline Reverb is a fully algorithmic and true stereo reverb with possibilities far beyond the conventional—just ...
6.0 download... and serves as the foundation for the new generation of e-business applications and Web services. In this context, LDAP Search makes it easy to remotely discover various information stored in ...