upper case downloads
Rename Multiple Files At Once Software
7.0 download... once. Users can change filenames and extensions; change case to upper, lower, proper (title) or sentence case; add character/s to beginning, end, or inside of ...
Word Find and Replace Professional download... italic or underline, strikethrough, superscripts and subscripts, changing cases like Upper case and lower case and formatting with header and footer. This Word ...
Ondesoft ClipBuddy for Mac
2.02.1 download... bar can make you remove unwanted marks, change case, line breaks and perform find&replace. Edit & reformat ... conversion allows you easily convert text between different cases: lower case, upper case, sentence case, mixed case ...
Metamorphosec English Word Scramble
3.0.0 download... to higher Passing Grade and change the font case, either Title Case, Lower Case, or Upper Case to be more challenging. UNREGISTERED Version has limitations, ...
Metamorphosec German Word Scramble
1.0.0 download... to higher Passing Grade and change the font case, either Title Case, Lower Case, or Upper Case to be more challenging. UNREGISTERED Version has limitations, ...
ClipMate Clipboard Extender
7.5.26 download... You can view, print, edit, reformat, convert to upper/lower case, search, rename, and reorder clip items. There is ...
ClipMate Clipboard - European Languages
7.5.26 download... You can view, print, edit, reformat, convert to upper/lower case, search, rename, and reorder clip items. There is ...
Midi Wizard
1.2 download... in the Midi Wizard's GUI in terms of upper (+) or lower (-) semitones. In order to ... Wizard has a "no hanging notes" function in case you accidentally play one or more notes while ...
MP3 Fox
4.14 download... files without tags intelligently Remove track numbers, fix upper/lower case, remove junk information, web adresses, ripper tags etc. ...
MemDB Barcode Maker
1.0 download... is the description of barcode type: Code 128B: Upper case and Lower case alphanumeric barcode value EAN128B: Upper case and Lower case alphanumeric barcode value Code 39: Upper case alphanumeric barcode value Code 93: Upper case ...
Power Excel
2.1.0 download... to clean data in excel. All alphanumeric, non-alphanumeric, upper case, lower case, alphabets, non-alphabets or user-defined characters can be removed ... the help of this utility. It has a case changing facility, means we can change lower case ...
Excel Add Data, Text & Characters To All Cells Software
7.0 download... In Each Selected Cell, Add Text After All Upper Case Letters In Each Selected Cell, Add Text Before All Upper Case Letters In Each Selected Cell, Add Text After All Lower Case Letters In Each Selected Cell, Add Text Before ...
Power XL
2.6.0 download... clean data in excel. It can remove all upper case, lower case, alphanumeric, non-alphanumeric, alphabets, non-alphabets or user defined characters from selected cells. We can change case from lower to upper or vice versa. It ...
Free Security Font
1.0 download... can be printed easily. Payee names in both upper and lower case characters are supported. ...
CW Decoder
3.80 download... save to a file Variable text display sizes, upper/lower case Variable character spacing Variable speed selection, helps in ...
BowPad x64
2.5.1 download... many common text management features (comment, duplicate lines, upper/lower case etc.) as well as custom command options. There ...
OCR-A and OCR-B Fonts by PrecisionID
2018 downloadPrecisionID OCR-A and OCR-B Fonts include both upper and lower case letters as well as numbers, and several special ...
Batch File Renamer
2.4 download... text in file name, file extensions can be UPPERCASE, lowercase or sentence case, many files name can be indexed ie. (file-name1.jpg, ... and image files. Replace, remove, insert or change case any string in filename. Rename file in Upper ...
ParseRat File Parser Converter Restructurer
2.0f download... addresses from input records. Convert string output to UPPER CASE, lower case, Proper Case (Mixed Case - with intelligent handling of capitalization exceptions like ...
2.2 download... regex, only much easier). Perform string operations (e.g. case conversions, rearrangements of substrings), arithmetic operations (e.g. on ... operations can be applied to registers and macros: case conversions (e.g. *.upper, *.lower, *.title), substring operations (e.g. ...
DigiCool 7z Password Unlocker
2.5 download... This may consists of characters like alphabets (upper case from range of A-Z and lower case from range of a-z), numbers (0-9), symbols (e.g.: ... Then give the specifications of the software, in case if it is known. Then the password is ...
Innovative calculator - InnoCalculator
1.1.65 download... - Both expression editing and button-clicking functionality - Upper case and lower case can be freely used in expression - Clipboard ...
Multipurpose calculator - MultiplexCalc
5.4.63 download... Parenthesis compatible and unlimited nesting for expression * Upper case and lower case can be freely used in expression * History ...
Multivariable calculator - SimplexCalc
4.1.62 download... Parenthesis compatible and unlimited nesting for expression * Upper case and lower case can be freely used in expression * An ...
Bar Code 3 of 9
6.0 download... a checksum, and lets you encode numbers (0-9), upper case letters (A-Z), and some special characters (space, $ ...