front end downloads
24.1.2 download**SmartGit by SyntEvo GmbH: A Comprehensive Git Client for Professionals** SmartGit, developed by SyntEvo GmbH, is a powerful, feature-rich Git client designed to cater to the needs of both novice ...
Fortitude HTTP download... & caching, HTTP 1.1 resume, easy to use front end, fully configurable XML backend and much more. ...
Fortitude HTTP x 64 download... & caching, HTTP 1.1 resume, easy to use front end, fully configurable XML backend and much more. ...
SmartGit for Mac OS X
23.1.3 downloadSmartGit is a graphical Git client with support for SVN and Pull Requests for GitHub and Bitbucket. SmartGit runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. One for All. This powerful, multi-platform ...
SmartGit for Linux
23.1.3 downloadSmartGit is a graphical Git client with support for SVN and Pull Requests for GitHub and Bitbucket. SmartGit runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. One for All. This powerful, multi-platform ...
11.2 download... is by default configured to run as a front end for MiKTeX. However, it is quite straightforward to ...
MTCrypt downloadMTCrypt is a simple and efficient front end for mounting/dismounting TrueCrypt volumes. While it does have ...
Gecko SDK
2.0 download... since you do not access parts of the front end from within a component. Furthermore, since a component ...
Gecko SDK for Mac and Linux
2.0 download... since you do not access parts of the front end from within a component. Furthermore, since a component ...
2.5 download... is accessible by portable devices via its mobile front end. ...
Portable SmartGit
24.1.2 download**Portable SmartGit by SyntEvo GmbH: A Comprehensive Review** Portable SmartGit, developed by SyntEvo GmbH, is a robust and versatile Git client designed to cater to the needs of both novice ...
10.5.3 download... capabilities for Access, Cassandra, DB2, Derby, DynamoDB, Firebird, FrontBase, HSQLDB, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, MySQL, OpenBase, ... running out of the box and requires no end user administration. Some of the main features contained ...
RazorSQL for Mac
10.5.3 download... capabilities for Access, Cassandra, DB2, Derby, DynamoDB, Firebird, FrontBase, HSQLDB, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, MySQL, OpenBase, ... running out of the box and requires no end user administration. Some of the main features contained ...
1.0 downloadmpv-hero, developed by stax76, is a sophisticated front-end utility designed to enhance the user experience of the popular media player, MPV. Known for its minimalist design and powerful playback capabilities, ...
Altova Authentic Enterprise Edition
v2025 download... for editing enterprise eForms and content creation. Authentic end users are typically business people, such as office managers, order processors, salespeople, marketing professionals, authors, copywriters, reporters, or field representatives. The ...
1.1.44 download... compression engines without having to develop your own front end. What's more, is that the source is open ... all capable of being plugged into the BiGZiP front end. If you make one good enough we ...
Open Teradata Viewer
0.29b downloadA database administration tool, suitable as front-end for your Teradata relational database. Used to easily query, update and administer your database, create reports and synchronize data. Features: Tested ...
3.0.0 download... of a number of modules including a graphical front end with advanced 3D display and modelling capabilities, and ...
5.39 downloadNetwag is a graphical front end for netwox which contains 222 tools. Netwag permits to easily, search ...
1.0 download... create natural looking textures. With this graphical wxWidgets front end to the open source noise library, you can ...
Machinery Classified Script
7.5.0 download... Multi-language based on a powerful CMS, easily customized front end. iLister Machinery is a dream script for Web ...
G-Lock EasyMail7
7.25.4 download... solution for Windows that works as a powerful front-end to email delivery services, SMTP relays and on-premise email solutions and transforms them into fully functional in-house email service providers with ...
5.3 downloadThe FFmpeg tool is capable of complex video/audio conversion, encoding, mux/demux, transcoding, streaming and playing. It supports a multitude of file types and formats, however, the tool only comes as a ...
Altova MobileTogether Designer
10.0 download... mobile apps. MobileTogether uniquely builds both the app front end and UI and the backend server logic based ... a perfect choice for enterprise or in-house apps. End users access apps instantly via the free MobileTogether ...
CreateInstall Free
6.2.1 download... final installation can be a very user friendly front end for all your installation projects. Features include 'Licensing', ...