sql statements downloads

Excel Convert File To SQL Statements (Commands) Software

7.0 download

... a solution to users who want to create SQL statements based on rows in one or more Excel ...

CSV To SQL Statements Software

7.0 download

... or more CSV (comma separated values) files into SQL CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO format. The user ... are features in the software to customize the SQL output. Using this time saving software large numbers ...

SQL Data Lens

3.00 download

SQL Data Lens is a development tool designed for ... database Cache. It supports developers with a advanced SQL Query Editor.In SQL Data Lenss Server Navigator you see all available ... need to configure many many JDBC connections. But SQL Data Lens can also connect to databases like ...

Advanced SQL To XML Query

1.7 download

Advanced SQL To XML Query is a relational database client utility that allows execution of SQL (Structured Query Language) statements on Microsoft SQL Server databases. Resultsets returned by select statements are ...

Advanced SQL To XML Query

1.7 download

Advanced SQL To XML Query is a relational database client utility that allows execution of SQL (Structured Query Language) statements on Microsoft SQL Server databases. Resultsets returned by select statements are ...


2011 download

DTM SQL runner is a free command line tool for SQL statements execution. The runner allows the user to specify ODBC data source name and file with SQL statement to be executed. This handy tool for ...

Universal SQL Editor download

Universal SQL Editor is a lightweight Intellisense-enabled database query tool. It allows you connect Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase and any ODBC compliant database, and edit complex SQL with Intellisense-like autocompletion, highlight references, parameter hinting, syntax ...

General SQL Parser .NET

2.3.5 download

Due to the complexity of the SQL grammar, many people have attempted but failed to ... can successfully reduce the difficulties associated with decoding SQL grammar. Vendors are constantly releasing new versions of ...

Advanced SQL To PDF Table Converter

1.7 download

Advanced SQL To PDF Table Converter is a relational database client utility that allows execution of SQL (Structured Query Language) statements on Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle databases. Resultsets returned by ...

MS SQL Server Paradox Import, Export & Convert Software

7.0 download

... users who want to transfer tables between MS SQL Server and Paradox databases. Simply open both connections ... because importing and exporting can be done without SQL knowledge. MS SQL Server 2000 or higher required. ...

General SQL Parser .NET version

1.10.6 download

Adds powerful sql processing capability to your program,including sql syntax check, beautify complex sql code with lots of customizable format options,identify various database objects such as table, column, constraints in sql scripts,modify and rebuild sql on the fly, translate ...

MS SQL Server Stored Procedure Creation Software

7.0 download

... who want to generate stored procedures for MS SQL Server tables quickly and easily. The user simply enters the login information before selecting the required tables/views. The user-friendly interface allows ...

Advanced SQL To HTML Table Converter

1.7 download

Advanced SQL To HTML Table Converter is a relational database client utility that allows execution of SQL (Structured Query Language) statements on Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL databases. Resultsets returned by select ...

Advanced SQL To RTF Table Converter

1.7 download

Advanced SQL To RTF Table Converter is a relational database client utility that allows execution of SQL (Structured Query Language) statements on Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL databases. Resultsets returned by select ...

dbForge Event Profiler for SQL Server

7.0.362 download

dbForge Event Profiler for SQL Server by Devart is a sophisticated, yet user-friendly tool designed to monitor and analyze SQL Server events in real-time. This powerful utility is ... performance, troubleshoot issues, and gain deep insights into SQL Server activities. One of the standout features ...

MS SQL Server Join Two Tables Software

7.0 download

... users who want to merge horizontally one MS SQL Server table into another. The tables can be located in the same MS SQL Server database or two different databases. The user ...

dbForge SQL Complete Express

7.0.362 download

dbForge SQL Complete Express, developed by Devart, is a robust and efficient SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and Visual Studio add-in ... developers and administrators. This free edition of the SQL Complete suite offers a comprehensive set of features ...

Data Generator for MS SQL

2011.03 download

Datanamic Data Generator for MS SQL can be used to create realistic test data ... the database directly or you can generate a SQL script with insert statements.You define a data generation ...

Aglowsoft SQL Query Tools

10.0 download

Aglowsoft SQL Query Tools includes three database tools. They are ... The tools are designed to allow building of SQL queries with basic knowledge of SQL using user-friendly interface. Result sets from SQL queries ...

DTM SQL editor

2.03.01 download

DTM SQL editor is a set of powerful database management ... solutions that makes processing your data easy. DTM SQL editor gives database users, developers and administrators an ... IDAPI driver or the OCI interface installed). DTM SQL editor is especially convenient, since most organizations use ...

MS SQL Server to DB2 iSeries Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool

6.0 download

... extended. Supported source and target databases include Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Sybase, Informix, Teradata, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Greenplum and others Embedded SQL/Database API Conversion SQLWays automatically performs comprehensive assessment and migration of embedded SQL statements and database API in various applications: Java, ...

DB2 AS/400 to MS SQL Server Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool

6.0 download

... source and target databases include DB2 AS/400, MS SQL Server, Progress, Interbase, HP NonStop and others. Embedded SQL/Database API Conversion SQLWays automatically performs comprehensive assessment and migration of embedded SQL statements and database API in various applications: Java, ...

Oracle to MS SQL Server Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool

6.0 download

... Supported source and target databases include Oracle, MS SQL Server, Progress, Interbase, HP NonStop and others. Embedded SQL/Database API Conversion SQLWays automatically performs comprehensive assessment and migration of embedded SQL statements and database API in various applications: Java, ...

MS SQL Server to Oracle Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool

6.0 download

... growing. Supported source and target databases include MS SQL Server, Oracle, Progress, Interbase, HP NonStop and others. Embedded SQL/Database API Conversion SQLWays automatically performs comprehensive assessment and migration of embedded SQL statements and database API in various applications: Java, ...

MS SQL Server to DB2 Express Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 Migration Tool

6.0 download

... growing. Supported source and target databases include MS SQL Server, DB2, Progress, Interbase, HP NonStop and others. Embedded SQL/Database API Conversion SQLWays automatically performs comprehensive assessment and migration of embedded SQL statements and database API in various applications: Java, ...