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2.56 downloadDelAge deletes or moves files with a mimimum age given by the number of days. Syntax: DelAge32 filespec days [options] The files are specified by search pattern (e.g. ...
DMG Viewer
3.0 download... Supports search files by creating, modifying, and filtering last access dates. You can also search for files ... as name, size, creation date, modification date, and last access date. The DMG file opener software consists ...
vCard Duplicate Remover
23.7 download... duplicate filters based on Phone Number, First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. This comprehensive software enables ... users to save contacts based on First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Phone Number, or save ...
Agenda At Once Free PIM
3.3.3 downloadAt last, an easy-to-use but powerful PIM and To-Do Windows application - with a flexible interface that really supports you in managing your personal data. Agenda At Once combines the ...
Cleantouch Urdu Dictionary 7.0
7.0 download... providing English & Urdu dictionaries. After success of last 6 editions of dictionary, this seventh edition is being introduced with addition of 33,000+ new English words & its meaning. Both ...
Turbo WinMD5
0.44 download... find you have 1 file missing or the last file has a checksum error. The CRC value comparison is done by using a standard SFV/MD5 file. If a SFV file ...
TreeSize Personal
7.0.4 download... space, the number of files, 3D charts, the last access date, the file owner, the NTFS compression rate and much more information for several folders or drives you choose. It ...
2021 download... online-costs. When changes are detected WebSite-Watcher saves the last two versions of websites to your harddisk and highlight all changes in the text. Supports IE/Firefox/Opera Browser-Integration, Import and Export. ...
1.2 download... MSDOS console, saving command-line instructions for future use. Last 20 commands are memorized and you will be able to store 10 long most used or favorite command lines on 10 ...
1.70 download... all URLs that you have visited in the last few days. It also allows you to select one or more URL addresses, and then remove them from the history file ...
9.11.14 downloadAt last! A 'Pro' version of RAD Software's 911 radio dispatching program with the features of a mainframe program that would cost many thousands of dollars, yet 911CAD does it ...
Crazy Office
1.3 download... computer-dapartment you are removing the effects of the last virus-attack. ...
AB-Clock download... is the indispensable tool for your desktop. At last the clock in your Windows taskbar shows the current date. Additionally, with AB-Clock you keep ahead because of the integrated system ...
Lets Clean Up! Plus
7.08 download... keeps track of when each of them was last done. Chores can repeat in days, weeks, months, or years. You can assign chores to specific people, or rotate them between ...
Largest Files Finder
1.4 download... full folder path, file size and date of last change. If you need more free disk space, you can simply run "Largest Files Finder" and decide which files ton delete ...
GSA Cleandrive
3.47 download... you have surfed), recently opened files (like the last played video) or even the logs that show what programs you have run lately (for example a game you have started ...
Myibidder Auction bid sniper for eBay
1.2.2 Build 602 download... auctions, allowing users to place bids at the last possible moment, commonly known as "sniping." The software stands out for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both novice ...
Dark Halloween Night 3D Screensaver
3.0 download... to find a thing was lost on the last Halloween. This scary Halloween screensaver will certainly meet your expectations! Bright up your desktop with free animated screensavers! Choose from various ...
1.10 download... following information is displayed: DomainUser Name, Profile Path, Last Load Time, Registry File Size, User SID, and more. You can save the profiles list into text/xml/html/csv file. ...
Tams11 Worph download... word game you form words by morphing the last word you created. You change one letter at a time. So add an "e" to the end of "cut" to make ...
Battery Alarm
1.5.2 download... laptop battery from deep-discharge, the laptop battery may last for 3 years or more after using this software. the windows default power alarm setting is not good, it may cause ...
Ariston Backgammon
7.07 download... many features like: match play, doubling cube, undo last move, let computer recommend moves, rollout a position, set up any board situation, store positions in archive, save/load a position in ...
.Contact Converter
4.0 download... outlook with all contact information: Summary, Name (first, last, middle) & E-Mail, Home, Work, Family, Notes, Anniversary etc. Convert .contact files using easy to use .Contact File Converter program. PCVARE ...
FMS File Analyzer
3.1.7 download... the most,and show you the files with the last access date or write date on your drives. With 3D charts,it is easy to visually track down disk usage and see ...
Find Files By Date Software
7.0 download... find files by their date created, modified and last accessed. There are features to find between a certain date range, before a certain, after a certain date and on a ...