given downloads

Flip It

1.8.0 download

... have completed the settings, and you will be given a chessboard according to your selected dimensions. Each of the squares on the board will be occupied by a black piece. ...

Reallusion FaceFilter Xpress - Photo Editor

1.0 download

... create perfect photos. Now photos you wouldn't have given a second thought can have a second chance. ...

FastTrack News

2.01 download

... uses a web feed to retrieve syndicated news given in XML-based formats (Atom, RSS, etc.), rapidly downloads news articles from various web sources in background and displays them in comfortable ...


1.1 download

... can search in the complete text-content of a given pdf-file. You can set different options to do this... 1. Combining the searchstrings with [and] or [or]. 2. How to search ...


10.0.0 download

... own tool and still sync after they have given up! You data flows from Outlook straight to Google, encrypted, Supports Category based Syncing to match Google and Outlook colors. Extend ...

Advanced XML Converter

3.07 download

... see in the output file choosing from the given subtags. It is easily done with drag-n-drop and sorting features. The structure of an output file is seen in the preview ...

Abacre Retail Point of Sale

13.1 download

... a complete picture of retail operations: sales by given period, hours of high load, Z-Out, on hand inventory, the most active employees, payment methods, and automatic tax calculations. By standardizing ...

Xilisoft DVD to Zune Converter download

... as customizing output file size, splitting file by given size or time. New features: 1.Supports ATI Stream encoding technology 2.Enables to transfer output files to iPad/iPhone 4 directly 3.Makes the ...

3D Belote Unlimited

1.0 download

... set the speed of dealing. Particular attention was given to the visual comfort and many options help create a comfortable playful ambiance. For example, the playing table can be seen ...

Tams11 Gaps download

... are 10 words per round. Example, you are given "H---Y". You could make the word "HAPPY". You will receive bonus points for matching the original word. If you create all ...

Tams11 CueWords download

... 5 chances to guess the word. Hints are given when you correctly guess a letter that is in the word. Use the hints to help you figure out the word. ...

Tams11 Barbu download

Play this online trick taking card game that is similar to Guillotine or Coup D'e tat. Everyone takes turns being the dealer and choosing the type of hand to be played. ...


1.0 download

... to a specific folder is secured by permissions given to a specific group. But basically users should be able to access this folder - but they have to initiate getting ...

Email Follow Up Outlook Addin

1.0.83 download

... see if you received a reply on a given email and emailing your contact to nofity him that you did not receive a reply. It is the perfect Outlook companion ...

Xilisoft DVD pour Zune Convertisseur download

... as customizing output file size, splitting file by given size or time. Key features: 1. With the support for multithreading, batch process and CPU auto-detect, you'll get the fastest speed ...

AVCWare DVD to Zune Converter download

... as customizing output file size, splitting file by given size or time for a more personal output. Aside from this, easy-to-use interface and fast conversion speed will make your whole ...

Falling Chickens

1.0 download

... you try to arrange the chickens in the given order. FEATURES: -Easy to learn and intuitive to play -More than 80 challenging levels -Use of the phone's accelerometer to control ...

Pigeon Planner

4.4.0 download

... calculate the pedigree and relatives. Results can be given for each pigeon and then be compared between all races and pigeons. FEATURES: Keep all your pigeons organized View ...

Pigeon Planner Portable

4.4.0 download

... calculate the pedigree and relatives. Results can be given for each pigeon and then be compared between all races and pigeons. FEATURES: Keep all your pigeons organized View ...

Pigeon Planner for Linux

4.4.0 download

... calculate the pedigree and relatives. Results can be given for each pigeon and then be compared between all races and pigeons. FEATURES: Keep all your pigeons organized View ...


1.0 download

... off and turn on Your computer at that given time. This can be useful when you must turn off or turn on the computer when You do not close. For ...

Moo0 VideoMinimizer

1.29 download

... to minimize the size of your video files?, given too large ones? ,but don't want to use any complicated software? Then, this tool may be the simplest and easiest solution ...


4.2.0 download

... runtime UML sequence and class diagrams for a given use case, helping the users to quickly understand a complex Java or J2EE application. MaintainJ logs runtime method call trace ...

Gmail Herald

0.4 download

... resides in the system tray and checks the given Gmail account for the new mail. Gmail Herald uses the Atom feed for unread mail detection with a minimal bandwidth. When ...


5.2.3 download

... telling log server what to dispatch to a given log viewer. They can overlap, meaning that different users can see the same or partially overlapped data streams in real time. ...