imagine downloads


1.01 download

Imagine sitting in front of your laptop in an unprotected area (university, library, at work) and you have to leave it unattended for a short period of time. That's where ...


1.5 download

Imagine the following situation: you are a store keeper who needs to encode one and the same identification number in a few of the different types of barcodes. Respectively you ...

Outlook Messages as PDF

4.2 download

User search for an apt solution and here it is provided how user can bring the better selection into action when they are thinking to save Outlook Messages as PDF. MSG ...

Open XLSX In Excel 2003

5.2 download

Now you do not need to think how will you convert XLSX file to Excel 2003. Open XLSX in Excel 2003 easily with XLSX to Excel 2003 Conversion tool. Open XLSX ...

TeamPlayer4 Pro

4.1.3 download

Imagine having multiple simultaneous users on screen. Multi-user, multi-cursor tool: TeamPlayer4 Pro allows for multiple users to interact and collaborate on one PC, desktop or system. Work in any application(s) ...


1.0.0 download

Imagine having multiple simultaneous users on screen, and all can annotate, highlight and point out. Have you ever had a need for a collaborative and cooperative initiative that just needed ...

Volume Concierge 2

2.1.0 download

Imagine you forgot to turn your PCs volume down and its sound blasted out late at night. This can definitely disturb people nearby. With Volume Concierge you no longer need ...

Rt-Plot download

... can be altered in any item you can imagine. All distances in axis, scaling, numberings, captions colors, line- and point styles and colors can be altered. Thus a plot can ...

5 award

SkinCrafter Installer

2.6.1 download

... available in out Skin Gallery at homepage . Imagine how surprisingly can look your installer interface. Make your software style prominent and memorable from the beginning of the installation process ...

5 award

Aurora 3D Animation Maker

18.08.27 download

... can go, to further liven up your creations. Imagine applying particle effects to simulate fireworks, smoke, snow, flame, or the emptiness of space. Or apply motion effects like Linear, Quad, ...

5 award

Google SketchUp

13.0.4811 download

... same field. Model anything you can imagine. Redecorate your living room. Invent a new piece of furniture. Model your city for Google Earth. There's no limit to what ...

RaceRender Video Processor

1.12 download

... thrive on multitasking, this extension is a boon. Imagine attending a virtual lecture while taking notes in a separate document, or watching a tutorial while following along in another application. ...


2.2 download

... deep access to the sound components described before. Imagine drawing a bandpass filter or comb filter structure directly into the spectrum display ! Zoom into the spectrum to manipulate it ...


7.2.4 download

... someone else hear it as you intended. Imagine the frustration of using some other generative music product to make your generative mix or music but you then find you ...

Mixtikl for Mac OS X

7.2.0 download

... someone else hear it as you intended. Imagine the frustration of using some other generative music product to make your generative mix or music but you then find you ...


1.11.2 download

... want to hear, or like what you couldn't imagine to hear. Photosounder is a cutting edge spectral editing program, offering the best spectrogram editing and synthesis capabilities, making use ...

Photosounder for Mac OS X

1.11.2 download

... want to hear, or like what you couldn't imagine to hear. Photosounder is a cutting edge spectral editing program, offering the best spectrogram editing and synthesis capabilities, making use ...

HelpNDoc nLite Addon download

... a fully WYSIWYG environment and you’ll begin to imagine how fast and easy it will be for you to create your next help file and how professional it will look ...


1.4 download

... better, if you use them in different contextes. Imagine sentences with the words, write stories with them, talk and watch movies/listen to dialogs in the foreign language, learn the words ...

GoldenSharp download

... windows batch files. Ultra Rapid Tools Development Imagine that you need to rename dozens of files in a short time according to some rules. What can you do? ...

Rohos Mini Drive

3.0 download

Rohos Mini Drive is a freeware app that safeguards personal documents by creating a password-protected partition on your flash drive. The download actually installs two programs. One, Rohos Mini Drive, is ...

Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst Pro

2.11 download

... effect with the pitch of the audio signal: imagine a filter on an instrument controlled by the pitch of another instrument, compression depending on the pitch of the signal... Anything ...

Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst Pro x64

2.11 download

... effect with the pitch of the audio signal: imagine a filter on an instrument controlled by the pitch of another instrument, compression depending on the pitch of the signal... Anything ...

Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst Pro for Mac OS X

2.11 download

... effect with the pitch of the audio signal: imagine a filter on an instrument controlled by the pitch of another instrument, compression depending on the pitch of the signal... Anything ...


2.1.0 download

... its full featured capabilities and ease of use. Imagine, Customers stay more satisfied with faster order processing; staff activities are more streamlined; managers are more informed about store operations; waste ...