monitor program downloads
PassMark WirelessMon
5.0.1003 download... is a software tool that allows users to monitor the status of wireless WiFi adapter(s) and gather ... * IP counter information: Network throughput is monitored and displayed. This includes the maximum bandwidth available ...
AmazonWatcher for Mac OS X
1.7.5 download... is a software tool that allows you to monitor the availability and price change on hot items and helps you catch them before they're gone. Support all 6 Amazon ...
5.0.1003 downloadWirelessMon 2.0 enables a person to detect and monitor Access Points (AP) on any wireless (WiFi) networks within range. The program provides substantial information regarding each SSID it locates ... selects a point on the map and the program automatically stores information on every AP it can ...
MSN Sniffer
2 download... from any PC on the network. No additional program installation is needed on the monitoring target computers. Everything will be recorded without being ... for network administrators or parents, who need to monitor what their employees or kids are talking about ...
CEIWEI SerialPortMonitor
12.7.4 downloadCEIWEI CommMonitor serial port monitoring wizard is a professional tool software program for RS232, RS422 serial port protocol, Modbus RTU/ASCII protocol filtering monitoring and packet capture. CEIWEI CommMonitor monitors and records ...
AIM Sniffer
1.5 download... any PC within the same LAN. No additional program installation is needed on the monitoring target computers. Everything will be recorded without being ... useful for administrators or parents, who need to monitor what their employees or kids are talking about ...
ICQ Sniffer
1.2 download... any PC within the same LAN. No additional program installation is needed on the monitoring target computers. Everything will be recorded without being ... useful for administrators or parents, who need to monitor what their employees or kids are talking about ...
Moo0 SystemMonitor
1.83 downloadMoo0 SystemMonitor is a smart free program that shows what is going on with your computer. The program uses a minimal amount of ressources, and you ...
Moo0 SystemMonitor Portable
1.83 downloadMoo0 SystemMonitor is a smart free program that shows what is going on with your computer. The program uses a minimal amount of ressources, and you ...
5.30b download... microcontroller used in many applications. With the THRSim11 program you can edit, assemble, simulate and debug programs for the 68HC11 on your windows PC. You can also use THRSim11 to debug the program on your target EVM or EVB compatable board. ...
Netzmonitor fürs Klassenzimmer
2.3.3 downloadNet Monitor for Classroom is a program that allows a 'view' of a computer monitor of a remote computer, which is connected to ... network. To be able to view a computer monitor of the remote computer, the program Net Objective, ...
SMTP Watcher
1.0 downloadSMTP Watcher is a tool designed to monitor your SMTP servers. This program is mainly intended for use by web administrators ...
3.0 downloadInternet filtering and parental control software program enables you to fully control your child's online use and monitor them irrespective of where you are; in the ...
2.5 download... is the simplest way to use your 3D monitor. You simply open your files then sit back and enjoy them. ...
AthTek Skype Parental Control
1.5 downloadAthTek SkypePC is an advanced Skype parental control program for Windows. It can invisibly monitor both Skype audio and video calls for parental ... to specified email account automatically. Actually SkypePC can monitor not only Skype calls, but also local voice ...
F-14 Tomcat Screensaver
1.01 downloadProtect your monitor with photos of the F-14 Tomcat. See more ... be displayed as your desktop wallpaper. Customize the program to your liking with several appearance and behavior options, all ...
AMD64 CPU Assistant downloadAMD64 CPU Assistant is designed to monitor the temperature of a AMD64 CPU core using ... thermal sensor. Features AMD64 CPU Assistant - * monitoring the temperature of a AMD64 CPU core using ...
S.M.A.R.T. Assistant downloadS.M.A.R.T. Assistant is designed to monitor the S.M.A.R.T. status and the temperature of a harddrives with possibility sending reports and alerts via e-mail, as well as manage AAM (Automatic Acoustic ...
Dr. Hardware 2025
25.0.0 downloadDr. Hardware 2025 is a powerful hardware detection program for Windows Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and ... of file and memory management, VCACHE statistics, system monitor; also provides benchmarks for CPU, video adapter, harddisks, ...
1.7.4 download... is a private area network auditor and easy-to-use program for detecting, scanning and monitoring mobile devices in a wireless network. It can ...
Phex downloadPhex is a free file sharing program running on the Gnutella Network. Additionally to ... passive search functionality Phex is able to constantly monitor the traffic that goes through the network and ...
Lucid Scribe
1.7.2 downloadA performance monitor for yourself. Create audio or visual alerts when ... or develop plugins for different hardware interfaces. The program can detect and record eye movements during your sleep. This ...
2.28 download... this Server to get a Network - Status monitoring in your PLC for alarm-generation or something else. ... into your HMI through OPC. - Option to program your own network management applications in your SCADA. ...
2.7.4 r354 download... it to create demonstration videos for any software program * Or how about creating a set of ... and techniques you discover on your favourite software program, before you forget them There's clearly a ...
NAS Herder
1.2.5 download... series of NAS. It lets user to start, monitor and shutdown ReadyNAS system easily from Windows task tray. It also can make power on/off of the system synchronized with client ...