columns into rows downloads

Convert Rows To Columns and Columns To Rows In Text and CSV Software

7.0 download

... a solution to users who want to flip rows and columns in CSV and text files. The user chooses ...

Excel Join Multiple Rows or Columns Into One Long Row or Column Software

7.0 download

... are presented in the program as: Move selected columns to 1 column, Move selected rows to 1 row. This software is an Excel ...

VCF into XLS

3.7 download

... and simple to use tool to convert VCF into XLS? Use SoftSpire’s vCard Converter, an efficient, dependable tool that help its users to convert VCF into XLS in straightforward manner. VCF into XLS import ...

Excel Join Multiple Cells Into One Software

7.0 download

... want to merge text that spans over multiple rows into one row (or multiple columns into one column) in MS Excel. There is a ...

Excel Insert Blank Rows & Columns Between Data Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to insert blank spaces in an MS Excel spreadsheet. Instead of right-clicking numerous times, this software saves you time by instantly inserting ...

Split PNG Into Multiple PNG Files Software

7.0 download

... to users who want to split PNG files into multiple smaller parts. The user simply adds PNG ... or an entire folder, enters the number of rows and columns to split by and chooses an ...

Split JPG Into Multiple JPG Files Software

7.0 download

... to users who want to split JPG files into multiple smaller parts. The user simply adds JPG/JPEG ... or an entire folder, enters the number of rows and columns to split by and chooses an ...

OpenOffice Calc Split Into Multiple Smaller Files Software

7.0 download

... want to split one or more Calc files into smaller files. The user can specify a list ... are options to choose a specified number of rows and/or columns to split by. Calc 2.0 or ...

Split Images Into Multiple Files & Create HTML Tables Software

7.0 download

... solution to users who want to split images into parts and have them displayed in an HTML ... or an entire folder, enters the number of rows and columns in the table, and chooses the ...

Excel Split Cells Into Multiple Rows or Columns Software

7.0 download

... names, addresses or any other MS Excel text into many columns. In addition to column-splitting where data moves left ...

Covert Rows and Coloumns in Excel download

... use a Transpose function to multiple dataset's multiple rows and column and then gather the data. The ... Transpose formula. *User should be count number of rows and columns in original excel sheet then select ...

Zed Axis

13.0 download

... is the best way to import transaction data into QuickBooks, it will save you hours in data ... journals, timesheets from spreadsheets or text files directly into your QuickBooks company file. Open your file that ...

Zed Axis 64bit

10.0 download

... is the best way to import transaction data into QuickBooks, it will save you hours in data ... journals, timesheets from spreadsheets or text files directly into your QuickBooks company file. Open your file that ...

Image Cutter Software

7.0 download

... solution to users who want to split images into parts. The user simply adds image files or an entire folder, enters the number of rows and columns in the table, and chooses the ...

Excel Import Multiple HTML Files Software

7.0 download

... want to import one or more HTML files into a new MS Excel file. Specify HTML files ... conversion quick and simple. Choose to insert all into one sheet or to individual sheets per file. ...

XML To CSV Converter Software

7.0 download

... want to convert one or many XML files into CSVs. The user may choose the delimiting character: ... can save many hours by arranging XML files into an easy-to-read format. ...

FoxPro Import Multiple Text Files Software

7.0 download

... who want to add text or CSV files into a FoxPro database. The user chooses the DBC ... or appending the data to existing tables. Table columns can be created based on the first line ...

MS Word Import Multiple Access Files Software

7.0 download

... users who want to import multiple Access tables into a blank Word file. After choosing the required database and entering the password (if required), the user selects the required tables ...

Batch Image Splitter Free

5.6.18 download

Split multiple pictures into specified number of slices by rows and columns or into tiles of a desired size! - When you split images into rows and columns you need to specify the ...

Excel to MySQL Converter Software download

... that easily convert records of MS excel spreadsheets into MySQL database server. The advanced database converting wizard ... and quickly converts your bulk Microsoft Excel records into MySQL database within limited time period. MS Excel ...

Convert MySQL to SQL Server download

... primary key, foreign key, indexes, triggers, schema, tables, rows, column, views etc and maintain integrity, accuracy and relationship among element in converted database. By using MySQL database converter application user ...

VOVSOFT - Image Splitter

1.2 download

... - Image Splitter allows users to divide images into smaller, more manageable sections without compromising on quality. ... splitting process. Users can specify the number of rows and columns, or define custom dimensions for each ...

MySQL to MSSQL Database Conversion download

... or selected database by converting table records including rows, columns, views, structure and cluster or non-cluster indexes created ... tool is competent to convert all database table rows and columns records and some other information of ...

Migrate MSSQL MySQL download

... SQL to MySQL database converter utility converts table rows, columns records, null, default values, indexes, primary key, foreign ... key constraints with all necessary data type attributes into corresponding and equivalent MySQL file format. Database transfer ...

MySQL to Excel Converter download

... for converting all your MySQL created database records into Microsoft Excel worksheet accurately. Advanced database converting wizard ... quickly converts your bulk or selected MySQL records into MS Excel Sheets within limited time period. MySQL ...