freeware in Other downloads
NeoRouter Free Portable downloadNeoRouter brings your digital world together and creates a network that revolves around you. NeoRouter mobilizes your office network and enables you and your teammates to work securely from anywhere. ...
NeoRouter Free downloadNeoRouter brings your digital world together and creates a network that revolves around you. NeoRouter mobilizes your office network and enables you and your teammates to work securely from anywhere. ...
NeoRouter Free for Mac OS X downloadNeoRouter brings your digital world together and creates a network that revolves around you. NeoRouter mobilizes your office network and enables you and your teammates to work securely from anywhere. ...
NeoRouter Free for Linux downloadNeoRouter brings your digital world together and creates a network that revolves around you. NeoRouter mobilizes your office network and enables you and your teammates to work securely from anywhere. ...
2.7.0 downloadMAVisto is a tool for the exploration of motifs in network. It provides a flexible motif search algorithm and different views for the analysis and visualisation of network motifs. MAVisto is ...
Desktop Ticker downloadDesktop Ticker is a free RSS and Atom web feed aggregator application that allows you to keep an eye on the latest news from your favourite websites whilst you work on ...
Desktop Ticker Portable downloadDesktop Ticker is a free RSS and Atom web feed aggregator application that allows you to keep an eye on the latest news from your favourite websites whilst you work on ...
1.82 downloadDomainHostingView is a utility for Windows that collects extensive information about a domain by using a series of DNS and WHOIS queries, and generates HTML report that can be displayed in ...
Soft4Boost Update Checker downloadA unique scanning algorithm quickly analyzes the data about any outdated software on your PC and immediately displays the list of programs to be updated. Using the latest versions of programs ...
Alternative Flash Player Auto-Updater downloadAdobe's Flash Player is the key to the internet's most used technology called Flash. Nowadays Flash can be considered one of the internet's basics. Therefore it has always been ...
3.2 downloadFav-Links is a free bookmark manager which works independently from browsers and allows you to store and organize your bookmarks into categories. It can be used for any purpose such as ...
X-Proxy downloadDid you know your IP address is exposed every time you visit a website? Identity thieves may use your IP address to monitor your web activity and intercept your private information. ...
2024.5 downloadMiraxTV is a simple application that allows you to select a channel and watch it in your browser. Have the best webtv channels in a lightweight, portable and very ...
PasteBin downloadPasteBin is a simple application powered by and is designed to help you create, store and manage your paste’s even if you use a Guest account. With a simple user ...
SMTP Prober
1.01 downloadSMTP Prober is a portable SMTP settings test tool. It can be used by software and website developers to test the correct settings for there SMTP server. It can also be ...
Web Timer
3.0.0 downloadWeb Timer keeps track of the tab that you are actively using and updates its stats every 3 seconds. Features: - Helps you visualize the time you’re spending by displaying ...
CodeBot Adapter
b8 Alpha downloadThe CBA is a Java-based Library to interact with the CodeBot Forum (homepage You can read/send Messages from/to the ShoutBox, read/write Topics, get informations about members and much more. To interact ...
1.09 downloadAfter start, a small icon near the clock is shown. The tooltip of this icon shows the username, computername and workgroup/domain. Further, for every network adapter, all ip, gateway and dns ...
Royal RSS Reader
1.63 downloadThis program checks on startup and, if you like, periodically for new posts on RSS 0.91 / 0.92 / 1.0 / 2.0 / Atom feeds. Simply drag-drop the RSS / XML ...
2016. downloadRemoteRebootX was designed to be simple and intuitive. No installation necessary– just launch the EXE and you’re ready to go! You start by loading a list of computer names, IP addresses ...
PositionMeter downloadThe program is designed to check your sites positions in search engines Yandex and Google Key features: - check positions in search engines Yandex, Google and - collecting and displaying ...
4k Stogram Portable download4k Stogram is an client for Instagram on PC, Mac and Linux. It allows to download or backup Instagram photos. Just enter username and all photos will be available for you. ...
4k Stogram for Linux download4k Stogram is an client for Instagram on PC, Mac and Linux. It allows to download or backup Instagram photos. Just enter username and all photos will be available for you. ...
4k Stogram for Mac OS X download4k Stogram is an client for Instagram on PC, Mac and Linux. It allows to download or backup Instagram photos. Just enter username and all photos will be available for you. ...
1.51 downloadWebSiteSniffer will provide users with a packet sniffer tool that will help you capture all Web site files downloaded by your Web browser while browsing the Internet, and stores them on ...