d&d downloads
Pos Free Red Eye Wiz
1.20 downloadPos Free Red Eye Wiz is a free, user friendly and very intuitive red eye removal tool from the authors of Pos Free Photo Editor and Photo Pos Pro photo editor. ...
ImTOO Ripper Pack download* ImTOO Ripper Pack is a discount pack saves $51 for buyers. It consists of 4 super ImTOO rippers: ImTOO DVD Ripper, ImTOO CD Ripper, DVD Audio Ripper and ImTOO Audio ...
TInspectorBar download* TInspectorbar, TINIInspectorbar, TRTTIInspectorbar, TDBInspectorbar * Standard Outlook large and small icon size panels * Can accept controls in InspectorPanels * Build in support for checkboxes, edits, comboboxes, spin editors, datetime ...
Convert PDF to Image
15.40 download'Convert PDF to Image' is a simple to use, yet sophisticated file conversion utility specifically designed to convert PDF files into image files. If you need to convert one or thousands ...
PLUS 1D:Bar Nesting
9.xx downloadPLUS 1D is a Bar Nesting optimization software, which helps reduce the waste in cutting any 1D (linear) material like pipe, bar, sections, flanges, angles, beams, tubes, channels, frames, extrusions etc. ...
jetAudio downloadJetaudio is an integrated multimedia software. Not only does it play various music files but also has other major features such as music CD burning, recording of music files, conversion to ...
Spy BHO Remover
9.0 downloadSpy BHO Remover (formerly BHORemover) is the advanced tool to explore and remove malicious BHO's from your system. BHO stands for 'Browser Helper Objects' which are plugins written for 'Internet Explorer' ...
1.5.1 downloadMozBackup is a simple utility for creating backups of Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, Mozilla Sunbird, Flock and SeaMonkey profiles.It allows you to backup and restore bookmarks, mail, contacts, history, extensions, cache ...
Torrent Toolbar downloadThe Torrent Toolbar searches in 1 click many popular BitTorrent sites and automatically matches available Subtitles translations from various subtitles sites in your language(37 different languages), saving you a lot of ...
Reallusion WidgetCast
2 downloadWidgetCast blends your digital lifestyle media into powerful, entertaining and portable Flash™ for websites, social networks and Adobe® AIR® powered desktops. WidgetCast is a Flash authoring tool and media content service ...
FILEminimizer Pictures
3.0 downloadFILEminimizer Pictures reduces the file size of JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, BMP and EMF images, pictures and photos by up to 98% using an intelligent image compression technique which preserves the ...
15 downloadMP3 Maker 15 Total music - Simply everything you need for MP3s & digital formats Import & convert: The CD ripper quickly transforms CDs into MP3s, creates exact 1:1 copies, and ...
iPixSoft Flash ScreenSaver Maker
4.9.1 downloadiPixSoft Flash ScreenSaver Maker is powerful screensaver software helps you to create animated Screen Savers from photos and music with professional designed templates, transition effects, text captions, funny cliparts, sounds, etc. ...
Tiff Teller
2.2 downloadTiff Teller provides you with all the info about your TIFF and PDF files. It will show you page count, width, height, file type, file path, size of your files. You ...
Any DVD Cloner Platinum
1.3.7 downloadAny DVD Cloner Platinum is an ultimate DVD solution for DVD backUp. Any DVD Cloner Platinum can copy DVD to DVD with 1:1 ratio in a super high speed, shrink DVD9 ...
6.0 downloadMyOra is a free SQL Tool for Oracle database developers and DBAs. This tool is simple, fast and easy to use, requires no installation, no Oracle client and no internet connection. ...
Excel Reverse Transpose Rows Columns
3.5 downloadExcel Reverse & Transpose Order Of Cells is a powerful and easy-to-use Microsoft Excel Add-In for reversing and transposing order of the selected cells, rows and columns on Excel sheets. The ...
Kleo Bare Metal Backup for Servers downloadWith Kleo, you can now create all inclusive bare metal backup of servers. This saves 100s of hours tracking down original CD's or obsolete device drivers. Kleo enables server recovery without ...
Spekwin32 downloadSoftware for optical spectroscopy. Easy to use, fast and reliable. Viewing optical spectra (UV/VIS, IR, NIR, Raman, fluorescence) from different sources. Supported data formats include ASCII, JCAMP-DX, THERMO Galactic GRAMS SPC, ...
MP3 Workshop
1.0.10 downloadMP3 Workshop is an audio converting software for free which can assisst you to convert music DVD, wma, wmv, au, snd and all audio formats into MP3 formats. It aslo allows ...
AllMusicConverter Media Suite
4.3.8 download5-in-1 solution: AllMusicConverter, RipTiger, RadioGet, TuneGet and 1Step DVD Copy. You can easily convert any audio and video files, automatically record any online video or web TV to your computer, search ...
1.2 downloadComputers are everywhere these days. Reliable and tireless they replace potentially erroneous human beings at important tasks as well as they do in case with traditional media. Old paper photos are ...
TicketBench Pro
6.18 downloadTicketBench Pro allows you to design and print tickets, forms, labels, coupons, gift certificates, or any document that requires you to combine text, graphics, serial numbering, reserved seating, and other variable ...
Script It
1.0.0 downloadScript It is cross-platform script writing software with story planning and screenplay formatting features ideal for the novice writer who is learning the craft of screenwriting. It uses the simple technique ...
Script It OS X
1.0.0 downloadScript It is cross-platform script writing software with story planning and screenplay formatting features ideal for the novice writer who is learning the craft of screenwriting. It uses the simple technique ...