brainstorm together downloads

MultiBrainStorm LITE

1.0.3 download

... had a need for a collaborative and cooperative brainstorm initiative that just needed a solution beyond what ... each using their own local mouse. Conduct digital brainstorm sessions with your group with sticky notes on ...

MultiBrainStorm PRO

1.0.3 download

... had a need for a collaborative and cooperative brainstorm initiative that just needed a solution beyond what ... each using their own local mouse. Conduct digital brainstorm sessions with your group with sticky notes on ...

XMind for Mac OS X

2020 10.1.0 download

... you instantly capture the ideas without disrupting the brainstorming process to define their precise wording or position. ... Through powerful yet simple visualization, groups constructively work together to reach important conclusions and faster alignment. You ...


24.10 (01101) download

... is a powerful and versatile mind mapping and brainstorming tool designed to enhance productivity, creativity, and organization. ... The software supports real-time collaboration, enabling teams to brainstorm and develop ideas together, regardless of their physical ...

5 award


2.2.1 download

... for its unique ability to bring multiple artists together on a single canvas in real-time. This open-source ... teams, art classes, or any group looking to brainstorm and create together without geographical constraints. The built-in ...

Miro for Windows download

... offers an expansive digital canvas, enabling teams to brainstorm, plan, and execute projects seamlessly, regardless of their ... wireframes, making it an ideal solution for creative brainstorming sessions, strategic planning, and complex project management. ...

Mindomo Desktop download

... also supports real-time collaboration, enabling teams to work together efficiently, whether they are in the same room ... can use it to create interactive lesson plans, brainstorm sessions, and collaborative projects, while students can benefit ...


4.4.4 download

... is its real-time collaboration capabilities. Teams can work together seamlessly, sharing tasks, notes, and ideas in real-time. ... collaborative environment where team members can communicate effectively, brainstorm, and track progress without the need for constant ...

Boardmix Online Whiteboard

1.5.3 download

... structuring with Boardmix's diverse templates and grids. From brainstorming sessions to project timelines, find the perfect template ... streamlining process facilitates the distribution of meeting minutes, brainstorming sessions, or project plans. 9.AI-powered: Boardmix leverages the ...


0.8.3 Alpha download

... can easily create and organize notes, linking them together to form a web of interconnected ideas, much ... choice for teams and groups who need to brainstorm and develop ideas together, regardless of their physical ...