db conversion software downloads

DBF To CSV Converter Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to convert one or more DBF files to CSV (comma separated values) files. The user chooses the option to process single ...

MySQL Firebird Interbase Import, Export & Convert Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to transfer tables between MySQL and Firebird or Interbase databases. The user simply enters the login information for each database and ...

MySQL to Microsoft SQL download

DB migration software converts MySQL database tables into Microsoft SQL server ... MySQL database records at user specified location. Database conversion tool maintains database integrity and consistency of records during conversion process. Database converter utility requires less space of ...

Access Database To MySQL Converter download

Access database to MySQL migration software is most convenient solution to convert entire or ... unique key, foreign key constraints etc. Database migration software converts password protected MDB files from Access to ...

XML Converter

8.4.9 download

XML Converter is a data conversion software tool lets to interactively create XML data transformation. ... data source layout adjustment interface that makes XML conversion much adaptable. You are able to remove data ...

XML Converter Professional

8.4.9 download

... Converter Professional is a set of XML data conversion software tools to interactively create XML data transformation. XML ... data source layout adjustment interface that makes XML conversion much adaptable. You are able to remove data ...

XML Converter Standard

8.4.9 download

... Converter Standard is a set of XML data conversion software tools to interactively create XML data transformation. XML ... data source layout adjustment interface that makes XML conversion much adaptable. You are able to remove data ...

Convert MSSQL database download

... converter utility provides fast, reliable and sophisticated database conversion facility to the users who want to convert ... server. Shareware MSSQL database to MySQL database migrator software merges converted MSSQL database in to already present ...

MySQL to Microsoft SQL Converter download

Database conversion application converts entire database or selected table records ... architecture and multibyte character set for efficient DB conversion. Database conversion software is compatible with all Windows based operating system ... database integrity and consistency of records during whole conversion. Database conversion utility requires very less space of ...

Convert MySQL MSSQL download

MSSQL database conversion rescue tool is user friendly and compatible with ... NT, XP, Vista etc. MySQL to MSSQL database conversion tool proves cost effective and easiest utility for ... large size database records as compared to manual conversion process. MySQL to MSSQL database conversion tool proves ...

Convert MSSQL Database To MySQL download

MSSQL to MySQL database converter software is read only and non destructive utility accurately ... both MSSQL and MySQL server database. DB converter software is password protected utility which prevents unauthorized users ...

MySQL to Oracle download

... prior knowledge to operate the program. Professional database conversion utility has inbuilt step by step help manual ... wizard for user assistance. Expert MySQL database converter software is capable to convert entire or selected MySQL ...

MySQL to Oracle Database Converter download

... schemas etc at the time of data base conversion. Wonderful MySQL to Oracle Database Converter utility has ... information just by few click of mouse accurately. Software is developed by companys software developers who provide ...

Excel to Windows Contacts Converter download

... assistance on system. Excel to Windows Contacts Converter software easily downloaded from link address www.db-convert.com and enables user to export whole or selected excel worksheet records into windows contacts without ...

Convert MS Access To MySQL download

MS Access database conversion software is fast and accurate DB converter tool converts ... does not require additional hardware/software to operate this software. MS Access DB synchronization software provides best alternate solution to all expensive and ...

Migrate MySQL Database download

... to MSSQL database. Professional MySQL to MSSQL converter software supports all attributes, schema, table, row, column, primary ... provides wizard style GUI interface. Shareware database migration software provides password protected database files conversion and maintain ...

MySQL to Excel Converter download

MySQL to Excel database converter software is a flexible and prominent tool for converting ... or programming skills. MySQL to MS Excel database conversion software supports all data types or attributes and ...

MySQL to MS Excel Database Converter download

... to use MySQL to MS Excel Database Converter software. Technically advanced professional database transformation software is best and reliable utility for changing existing ... values of database to another without any additional software skills required. MySQL to MS Excel Database Converter ...

Migrate Your MS Access Data to MySQL download

... (including rows and columns) etc even after database conversion. MS Access to MySQL database converter utility provides ... server format. MS Access to MySQL server database conversion utility is easy to use so that it ...

Migrate MSSQL MySQL download

... loss of any additional information. Professional database transfer software prevents unauthorized users to change or modify software configuration setting. Database migration utility provides option for ... at new location. MSSQL to MySQL db converter software does not change relationship among rows and columns ...

MSSQL to MySQL Data Migration Tool download

... end. We provide complete migrate solution for data conversion which convert data from MSSQL to MySQL. Solution ... and offers unprecedented control over migration. DB Migrate software enables you to transfer the structure and data ...

Migrate MS Access Database download

MS Access to MySQL database conversion software transforms individual or multiple database table, rows or ... MySQL database. MS Access to MySQL DB migration software provides database integrity and consistency after conversion from ...

MySQL to MS Excel download

MySQL database to MS Excel conversion tool uniformly translates tables, views, records, indexes and ... advanced technology and powerful algorithm for accurate database conversion. MySQL db to MS Excel migration software is ...

Convert MySQL to SQL Server download

MySQL database converter software uses standard database transformation algorithms and allow user ... to Unicode character set. Download trial edition of software which contain inbuilt systematic procedure help option and does not require any additional hardware or software to convert MySQL database. Software work in both ...

Stellar Converter for Database download

... as Offline or Live. The Offline state allows conversion of the database that is disconnected or is ... entering its name in the search bar. The software also helps the user to narrow down the ...