cmd exe downloads

WCD for Windows (x32 bit)

6.0.5 download

Wcd is a command-line program to change directory fast. It saves time typing at the keyboard. One needs to type only a part of a directory name and wcd will jump ...

WCD for Windows (x64 bit)

6.0.5 download

Wcd for Windows x64 is a command-line program to change directory fast. It saves time typing at the keyboard. One needs to type only a part of a directory name and ...

WCD for Mac OS X

5.3.3 download

Wcd is a command-line program to change directory fast. It saves time typing at the keyboard. One needs to type only a part of a directory name and wcd will jump ...

WCD for Linux

6.0.5 download

Wcd is a command-line program to change directory fast. It saves time typing at the keyboard. One needs to type only a part of a directory name and wcd will jump ...

FireDaemon Pro

4.0.66 download

... or 64-bit application or script (EXE, DLL, BAT CMD, .NET, Perl, Java, Python, TCL/TK) as a Windows service. FireDaemon Pro features easy service configuration via the GUI or command line, ...

Automatically Run Or Close Programs At Certain Times Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to automatically run or close programs at certain times. The user can schedule the process to occur every x number of hours ...

Lovely Tiny Console GS

1.8.0 download

Lovely Tiny Console GS is graphical shell of the console with ergonomic, functional and customizable interface. It is able to remember commands and gives ability to work with console input and ...


5.2.2 download

... interpreter system. Offered as an alternative to Microsoft's cmd.exe, this provides a general purpose command line environment, which is particularly suited to use with MinGW, for porting of many Open ...

ConsoleZ x64

1.17.1 download

ConsoleZ is a Windows console window enhancement. ConsoleZ is NOT a shell. Therefore, it does not implement shell features like command-line completion, syntax coloring, command history, etc. ConsoleZ is simply a ...

ConsoleZ x86

1.18.1 download

ConsoleZ is a Windows console window enhancement. ConsoleZ is NOT a shell. Therefore, it does not implement shell features like command-line completion, syntax coloring, command history, etc. ConsoleZ is simply a ...


7.31 download

... ratio. - Print the dir list of the cmd.exe - Fast Folder Swiching - Portable - Multilingual Although there are more than 30 file details for the individual files detail ...

File Association Fixer

2.0 download

... the following files types: AAC, AVI, BAT, BMP, CMD, Contact, CSS, DAT, Deskthemepack, DLL, Doc, Docx, EXE, FLV, GIF, GZ, HTML, ICO, IMG, INF, INI, ...


1.B8 download

Just consolidate all of your utilities and installation ISOs on a USB flash or HDD with Easy2Boot. Easy2Boot makes it possible to have a single device that is capable of booting ...

VeryPDF HookPrinter SDK

2.1 download

... driver subdirectory. Run executable file upon completion (eg: exe, bat, com, cmd). Supports Terminal Services. Supports Cluster Servers. Delete original ...

VeryUtils VeryUtils Digit OCR Solution

2.7 download

... system, unzip to a folder, 2. Run a CMD window, you can run following command line to train VeryUtils Digit OCR engine first, but if you want to use already ...