morse code downloads

Text To Morse Code Converter Software

7.0 download

... to users who want to convert text into Morse code. The user simply types text into the first ... a text file before starting the conversion. The Morse is then displayed in the second pane and ...

Morse Mania

5.0.1 download

Morse Mania is a morse code tutor for the Macintosh. Morse Mania provides the following three modules to help you learn morse code: Learn Characters - Each morse code character is ...

CwGet morse decoder

2.36 download

Program to decode Morse code (CW) via sound card to text. It can ... cooperate with RZ4AG AAlog logger. It is software Morse decoder that REALLY work!

Cute CW

2.0 download

Learning morse code is hard, but this tool will break it into phases to make learning easier. In Play mode, ...

Cute CW for Linux

1.0 download

Learning morse code is hard, but this tool will break it into phases to make learning easier. In Play mode, ...

CW Decoder

3.80 download

Decode Morse code from a radio 5 to 50 wpm Scrollable ... blanking threshold Automatic frequency control (AFC) Transmit Morse code, keyboard input 5 to 50 wpm Key the


1.24.6 download

ECTmorse (EyeComTec Morse) is a program which was developed to allow users to type text with universal Morse code. It can be used as an assistive technology ... in form of a text file or in Morse code, making it possible to check its accuracy. ...


0.1.1 download

... of software that allows you to practice tap code hearing and writing. The tap code is similar to Morse code, only with taps. The main quality of tap code is that the taps can be more easily ...


0.60 download

A program to decode Morse code via sound input of PDA to text. No additional hardware required ...


1.3 download

MorseTest is a program to help radio hams improve their Morse receiving skills. Modelled on a contest, the aim ... one of the best ways to improve your code receiving speed. You can set the speed from ...


6.8.0 download

MultiMode allows you to decode and transmit morse code (CW), RTTY, FAX, SSTV, SITOR-B, NAVTEX, PACKET, ACARS, ...


1.2.Free download

... * Simple substitution cipher (e.g. ROT13, ROT47). * Morse code conversion. Remove Diacritics: wReplace is an excellent tool ...


6.8 download

... the Internet or your hard disk. (French departments, Morse code, ...). You can also create a new file ...

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