complex-number arithmetics downloads
CMATH for Delphi
8.3 download... Delphi is a useful and comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics, both in cartesian and in polar ... to the compiled or inline code of available complex C++ class libraries). Only for the most simple ...
CMATH for Lazarus / FreePascal
8.0.1 downloadCMATH is a comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics. The following features make CMATH an ... unit UComplex as well as for other available complex class libraries: 1. High-performance implementation in machine code ...
CMATH for C++ Builder
8.0.1 downloadCMATH is a comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics. The following features make CMATH an ideal replacement for other available complex class libraries: 1. High-performance implementation in machine code ... enhanced. 3. Each of the floating-point accuracies (complex(float), complex(double), and complex(extended)) is given its own, individually optimized ...
CMATH for Visual C++
8.0.1 downloadCMATH is a comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics. The following features make CMATH an ideal replacement for other available complex class libraries: 1. High-performance implementation in machine code ... enhanced. 3. Each of the floating-point accuracies (complex(float), complex(double), and complex(extended)) is given its own, individually optimized ...
CMATH for Delphi
8.0.1 downloadCMATH is a comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics. The following features make CMATH an ideal replacement for the unit Complex coming with Delphi: 1. High-performance implementation in machine ... enhanced. 3. Each of the floating-point accuracies (complex(float), complex(double), and complex(extended)) is given its own, individually optimized ...