.xml downloads
1.0 downloadThe programme 'exif2xml' V1.0 is freeware. It is a tiny and powerful tool that can read EXIF metadata from JPEG files and can export it to XML files. It is W3C ...
A7Soft xml2csv
5.33 downloadA7Soft xml2csv is a powerful command line tool for converting XML files to CSV values. A7Soft xml2csv is definitive tool for developers working with Excel who need back-office batch conversion from ...
A7Soft JExamXML
1.2 downloadA7Soft JExamXML is an XML comparison Java based command line application. Aimed at professional java developers, this tool may be very useful for every users working with XML. This software can ...
Big Faceless Report Generator
1.2.8 downloadThe Big Faceless Report Generator is the leading Java component for converting XML to PDF documents. Using JSP, ASP or similar technology, you can now create dynamic PDF reports as quickly ...
3.5 downloadJaxe is a Java XML editor. Features include: graphical document-oriented user interface (not just tree-like), customizable user interface for a given document type, validation at edition time, HTML preview with an ...
Jaxe for Mac
3.5 downloadJaxe is a Java XML editor. Features include: graphical document-oriented user interface (not just tree-like), customizable user interface for a given document type, validation at edition time, HTML preview with an ...
0.2.0 downloadDataSetEditor is an easy to use graphical editor specially designed for XML based dataset files used by phpUnit or dbUnit. ...
0.2.8 downloadA highly customizable HTML/XHTML/XML pretty-printer and fixer for Windows. ...
Exult Professional Edition for MySQL
1.3 downloadExult Professional Edition for MySQL is an easy-to-use Wizard Application for importing the data from one or more XML files into a MySQL database. XML files are shredded to a relational ...
Altova SchemaAgent
v2025 downloadAltova SchemaAgent is a graphical tool for analyzing and managing XML Schemas, XML instances, XSLT files, and WSDL file relationships, as well as viewing files used in Altova MapForce data mapping ...
Altova MissionKit Enterprise Edition
v2025 downloadAltova MissionKit Enterprise Edition is a software development suite of industrial-strength XML, SQL, and UML tools for information architects and application developers. Powered by RaptorXML for lightning-fast processing, Altova MissionKit Enterprise ...
XmlSplit downloadXmlSplit is a handy and reliable application designed to split large XML files into smaller, well-formatted ones. XmlSplitTM provides several methods that split XML of any size into multiple, smaller, ...
1.0.105 downloadSTDU XML Editor is a lightweight editor of XML documents. This editor is very simple to use. The application will display the XML documents as a tree. The beest thing is ...
STDU XMLEditor Portable
1.0.105 downloadSTDU XML Editor is a lightweight editor of XML documents. This editor is very simple to use. The application will display the XML documents as a tree. The beest thing is ...
10.25 downloadXMLmotor - Automate XML data tasks, Run 1000+ tasks on a schedule. Goal is to create advanced XML and related tasks that can be scheduled automatically or run instantly. Run 1000+ ...
WD Live Info Editor
0.80 Beta downloadWD Live Info Editor is a smart program that can patch and edit your xml files for the WD TV Live 3G and WD TV Hub. Features: Can patch ...
WD Live Info Editor Portable
0.80 Beta downloadWD Live Info Editor is a smart program that can patch and edit your xml files for the WD TV Live 3G and WD TV Hub. Features: Can patch ...
Sitemap Writer
2.0 downloadSitemap Writer is a light version of Sitemap Writer Pro. This is a handy tool that helps you to create and edit sitemaps for your websites. Sitemap Writer is an XML ...
11.7 downloadBaseX is a light-weight and high-performance XML database system and XPath/XQuery processor, including support for the latest W3C Full Text and Update Recommendations. It supports very large XML instances and offers ...
1.3.1 downloadREKURSIO is a free xml editor that can surprise you with the speed of working with large files and the original approach to processing tabular data. In the 64-bit version of ...
Altova MapForce Professional Edition
v2025 downloadAltova MapForce Professional Edition is a graphical data mapping tool for transforming between XML, database, and flat file formats. This award-winning visual data mapper converts data instantly or autogenerates royalty-free XSLT, ...
MetaDataMiner Catalogue PRO - SITE LICENSE
4.2.6 downloadMetaDataMiner Catalogue PRO automates the metadata extraction from documents and files providing capability to download the information into an XML format, which can then be loaded into a metadata repository using ...
J4L FOP Server
2.2 downloadEasy to install and use free FOP Server. It converts input XML data to PDF files using XSL-FO templates and based on Apache FOP 2. The server supports also PDF generation ...
1.2.5 downloadJiBX is a tool for binding XML data to Java objects. It's extremely flexible, allowing you to start from existing Java code and generate an XML schema, start from an XML ...
Exult Database Edition for Oracle
2.0 downloadExult XML Converter Database Edition for Oracle is an easy-to-use Wizard Application for importing the data from one or more XML files into an Oracle database. XML files are shredded to ...