.xml downloads

Directory Report

74 download

Show disk usage, Directory printer, Find and remove duplicate files, Rename files and maintain files, all in 1 tool Simple to use since it looks just like the MS Explorer The ...


2.1 download

dataPro is an advanced visual cross-platform database management, development and data migration tool. Transfer data between databases, run SQL queries, view data and export result of the query to the Excel ...


1.01f download

A powerful, easy to use photo editing application - also great for creating new images. Supports 14 popular file formats. Use custom brushes for bitmap painting, or create your own XML-based ...


6.90 download

-View/Edit/Manage .dbf files. Use the same engine for accessing all .dbf files. -Produce reports/labels/letters in any sort - for any records Create multiple labels of one record. -Produce graphs with one ...

AdRem iTools

2007 download

AdRem iTools 2007 is an essential networking toolset that combines diagnostic utilities such as Ping, Traceroute, DNS Lookup, SNMP viewer, port/network, bandwidth scanner, and more. All of them are available from ...

EControl Syntax Editor SDK

3.00 download

Powerful text editor control with syntax highlighting. This editor is built using EControl Syntax Editor SDK. The unique and more important feature is 100% customizable lexer, so you can adjust it ...

Advanced CSV Converter

7.60 download

**Advanced CSV Converter by HiBase Group: A Comprehensive Tool for Seamless Data Transformation** Advanced CSV Converter, developed by HiBase Group, is an indispensable tool for anyone who regularly works with ...

Data Wizard for MySQL

16.2 download

Data Wizard for MySQL is a powerful Windows GUI utility for managing your MySQL data. It includes the following modules: Data Pump • Converts schema and data from any ADO-compatible database ...

SQLite Data Wizard

16.2 download

SQLite Data Wizard is a powerful Windows GUI utility for managing your SQLite data. It includes the following modules: Data Pump • Converts schema and data from any ADO-compatible database to ...

MS SQL Data Wizard

16.2 download

MS SQL Data Wizard is a powerful Windows GUI utility for managing your SQL Server data. It includes the following modules: Data Pump • Converts schema and data from any ADO-compatible ...

PostgreSQL Data Wizard

16.2 download

PostgreSQL Data Wizard is a powerful Windows GUI utility for managing your PostgreSQL data. PostgreSQL Data Wizard is a powerful Windows GUI utility for managing data. It includes the following modules: ...


2.23 download

WirelessKeyView recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer by the 'Wireless Zero Configuration' service of Windows XP and by the 'WLAN AutoConfig' service of Windows Vista. It allows ...

Oracle Data Wizard

16.2 download

Oracle Data Wizard is a powerful Windows GUI utility for managing your Oracle data. It includes the following modules: Data Pump • Converts schema and data from any ADO-compatible database to ...

Data Exchange Wizard download

Data Exchange Wizard Loads or export data from/into ANY database. Full support for Excel, Access, DBF and Text files,XML, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Interbase/Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL, OleDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server ...

Aloaha PDF Saver

6.0.15 download

Who has not come across the situation: You complete a PDF form in Acrobat Reader and when it comes to saving your data, nothing happens. Or worse: You close the program ...

Kalimages photo

2.1.2 download

Documentation de photos en ajoutant des legendes aux fichiers images conserves meme apres transfert par mail ou ftp. Vous permet d organiser et retrouver tres rapidement vos cliches dans une grande ...


1.43 download

Each time that you send a new message in Outlook, the emails that you type in To/Cc fields, are automatically inserted into the AutoComplete list, so in the next time that ...

MS Access Editor Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution for users who want to edit data within MS Access tables. Besides allowing easy edition of any table in the database, this time saving application has ...

Line Count Mini download

Line Count Mini tool is all new powerful Line Count software for Transcription Industry including Medical Transcription, Secretarial as well as translation industry. Line Count Mini is an usefull tool to ...

ActiveXperts MMS Toolkit

2.0 download

MMS ActiveX Component for Windows, to send and receive MMS multi-media messages. Support for MM1 (GPRS Modems), MM4 (MMS over SMTP) and MM7 (MMS over XML/SOAP). Supports all popular multimedia formats, ...


2.50 download

HashMyFiles is small utility that allows you to calculate the MD5 and SHA1 hashes of one or more files in your system. You can easily copy the MD5/SHA1 hashes list into ...


1.33 download

Each time that you open a file from Windows Explorer or from a standard open/save dialog-box, the name of the file that you opened is recorded by the operating system. Some ...

WPF Barcode Professional

5.0 download

Barcode for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) generates high quality vector-based Linear, Postal, MICR and 2D. Features: XML Paper Specification (XPS) support - Crystal Reports for .NET support - GIF, BMP, PNG, ...


3.2.1 download

Glest is a free 3D real time strategy game, available for several operating systems and that can be modified using XML and a set of tools. The game allows the player ...

DB2 Data Wizard

16.2 download

DB2 Data Wizard is a powerful Windows GUI utility for managing your DB2 data. It includes the following modules: Data Pump • Converts schema and data from any ADO-compatible database to ...