converts tables downloads
mini TIF to Excel 2003 OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. TIF to Excel 2003 OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Excel 2003 OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini TIF to Excel 2010 OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. TIF to Excel 2010 OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Excel 2010 OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini PDF to Excel 2010 OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. PDF to Excel 2010 OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Excel 2010 OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini PDF to Excel Spreadsheet OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. PDF to Excel Spreadsheet OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Excel Spreadsheet OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini PDF to Form Data OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. PDF to Form Data OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Form Data OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Image to Excel OCR Converter
2.0 download... PDF documents; 3. Image to Excel OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... Image to Excel OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Image to Excel 2003 OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. Image to Excel 2003 OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Excel 2003 OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Image to Excel Table OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. Image to Excel Table OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Excel Table OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Acrobat to Excel 2003 OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. Acrobat to Excel 2003 OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Excel 2003 OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Acrobat to CSV OCR Converter
2.0 download... PDF documents; 3. Acrobat to CSV OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... Acrobat to CSV OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Image to Excel 2010 OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. Image to Excel 2010 OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Excel 2010 OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Image to Excel Spreadsheet OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. Image to Excel Spreadsheet OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Excel Spreadsheet OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Image to Text OCR Converter
2.0 download... PDF documents; 3. Image to Text OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... Image to Text OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
Boxoft PDF to DOC Converter
2.0 download... document is absolutely easy. This document converter also converts your document to .rtf format besides .doc format. ... encrypted PDF files conversion Preserve text, layouts, images, tables and hyperlinks in an editable Word document Support ...
mini Acrobat to Excel 2007 OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. Acrobat to Excel 2007 OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Excel 2007 OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Acrobat to Excel 2010 OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. Acrobat to Excel 2010 OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Excel 2010 OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Acrobat to Excel OCR Converter
2.0 download... PDF documents; 3. Acrobat to Excel OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... Acrobat to Excel OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Acrobat to Excel Spreadsheet OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. Acrobat to Excel Spreadsheet OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Excel Spreadsheet OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Acrobat to Excel Table OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. Acrobat to Excel Table OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Excel Table OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Acrobat to Form Data OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. Acrobat to Form Data OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Form Data OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Acrobat to Office Excel OCR Converter
2.0 download... documents; 3. Acrobat to Office Excel OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... to Office Excel OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Acrobat to Spreadsheet OCR Converter
2.0 download... PDF documents; 3. Acrobat to Spreadsheet OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... Acrobat to Spreadsheet OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Acrobat to Table OCR Converter
2.0 download... PDF documents; 3. Acrobat to Table OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... Acrobat to Table OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Acrobat to Text OCR Converter
2.0 download... PDF documents; 3. Acrobat to Text OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... Acrobat to Text OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...
mini Acrobat to XLA OCR Converter
2.0 download... PDF documents; 3. Acrobat to XLA OCR Converter converts PDF files into Microsoft Excel 97-2003 XLS and ... Acrobat to XLA OCR Converter does detect all tables and discard non-tabular content, leaving you with a ...