canadian mind products downloads
CMP ISBN Validator
2.5 downloadThis Applet will help you interconvert, tidy up, and validate ISBN-10 and ISBN-13s (International Standard Book Numbers). It tidies them into standard form with the dashes in the correct places (the ...
CMP Email Masker
1.9 downloadThe email addresses on this website are usually not clickable. They are slightly fuzzy images, not text. I do this not to annoy you, but to discourage spam harvesters. You can ...
Quoter Amanuensis
5.5 downloadConverts text with many possible cleanups, including preparation of HTML and Java, aligning in columns, character set conversion, case converting, removing excess white space, removing blank lines, preparing regex expressions.... ...
MASM Balancer
1.3 downloadMASM Balancer is a handy and reliable utility designed to find unbalanced MASM segment/ends macro/endm proc/end. MASM Balancer helps you find out where your MASM Microsoft *.asm assembler program where you ...
1.1 downloadConverts set of jpg, jpeg, png or gif images to a common size e.g. for an animated gif. Crops and scales images to a common specified size. Java source included. To ...
PGP Keywords
1.0 downloadPGP is an encryption system that uses both private and public keys. Public keys are 160 bits or 40 hex bytes. There are very hard to transmit by voice over the ...
InWords Amanuensis
4.6 downloadShows you how to count in any of the following languages: Bahasa Indonesia Binary Decimal (several variants) Dutch (modern, old and banker's) English (British, North American, Ordinals) Esperanto French German Grams ...
1.3 downloadBraceBalancer helps you find out where your Java, CSS, C, C++, Pascal, Modula, CSS etc program where you have mismatched {} [] or (). It works by displaying your program with ...
1.1 downloadMASMTidy tidies MASM *.asm assembler source, aligning it in four columns. It also converts all your operators to lower case. It does not reorder the code in any way or insert ...
Aquarium Sand Depth Calculator
1.1 downloadSandDepth calculates weight of sand needed for an aquarium to achieved a desired depth. You tell it the size of your aquarium by adjusting sliders and the desired depth of sand. ...
1.1 download... When your browser goes to a website, e.g., similarly, it needs to look up the number ... utility, e.g. on the command line type: ping The problem is, from time to time, the ...
Mini PAD Submitter
26.1 download... modify). You can run it without installing at: To use Submitter, all you have to do is run it as an Applet or an application and type in the ...
1.7 download... columnbs will be ignored. 2. Use XENU (see to export a list of URLs your site ... homepage You can download it at: See the companion BrokenLinks utility that is also a ...
Common JDK 1.8+ Utility classes
3.1 downloadCommon utility classes that work under Swing Java 1.8+. They are intended to be included in your own Java programs. Some of the classes included are: Age : computes age in ...
1.0 downloadEnsure is a simple utility that takes a list of file names, one per line. It ensures each one exists and issues an error message if it does not. You run ...
1.0 downloadReplaces a delimited chunk of text in a file with a delimited chunk of text in another file. You could think of it as copying part of a file. You use ...
1.0 downloadSnapTime is similar to a stop watch. The difference is, it works in absolute time. Every time you click the SNAP button, it captures the current time and displays it in ...
Chop and Behead
1.1 downloadChops the end ends off text files either before or after a marker string. The companion Behead utility chops the beginnings off files before or after a marker string. chop.jar [-q] ...
Comparator Cutter
2.1 download... can also run the Applet online at the mindprod site without installing it. Why the striped triangle icon? It is supposed to represent items sorted in descending order. Each bar ...
1.6 downloadReplaces a delimited chunk of text in a file with a delimited chunk of text in another file. You could think of it as copying part of a file. You use ...
2.4 downloadFastCat is a streamlined speedy version of StringBuffer/StringBuilder that is more efficient because it does not allocate a buffer until the very last minute, and allocates it the exact size needed. ...
1.0 downloadPrints greeting cards from your own images. You can most easily run it as an Applet at homepage or you can install it and run it as an application with: java.exe ...
1.1 downloadFS (File Stats) searches the current directory tree for instances of the specified file or wildcard and tells you where it found them, their sizes and their file dates. It is ...
Credit Card Validator
1.8 downloadThis Applet will help you tell if a credit card number is valid. It will also tell you which of the following credit card companies issued the card: Amex, Diners Club, ...