x64 geometric downloads
ImageJ x64
1.54i downloadImageJ x64 is an intersting Java based image processing application ... edge detection and median filtering. It does geometric transformations such as scaling, rotation and flips. Image ... gray scale calibration is also available. ImageJ x64 was designed with an open architecture that provides ...
VisualXPORT for SolidWorks x64 downloadVisualXPORT x64 is a class of products that allows direct geometry transfer from various CAD systems. These products are native plug-in or add-in produts that are in-window integrated into these ...
DFMPro for Pro/Engineer x64
3.0 downloadDFMPro is a CAD integrated Design for Manufacturability (DFM) tool which performs upfront design for manufacturing validation and provides suggestions to avoid downstream issues which impacts cost, quality and product launch ...
VisualXPORT for Inventor x64 downloadVisualXPORT for Inventor x64 is a direct plug-in for Inventor 2011 that ... IGES and STEP formats. With VisualXPORT for Inventor x64 you can export: 2D & 3D Sketches (curves), ... separate faces and individual surfaces. VisualXPORT for Inventor x64 is compatible with Inventor versions 2011, 32 and ...
Techne CAD/CAM x64 RC downloadA Windows only 2.5D CAD CAM x64 application. The user experience tightly integrates the CAM ... ShopBot toolpath generation Text based design support Built-in geometric shapes CSG style combinations of cuts Unlimited Undo/Redo ...