linux 2 6 8 downloads

VariCad 2010 for Linux

3.03 download

VariCAD is 3D/2D CAD system primarily intended for mechanical engineering design. In addition to powerful tools for 3D modeling and 2D drafting and dimensioning, the CAD system provides libraries of standard ...

SynchronEX+ for Linux download

SynchronEX enables robust multi-directional file tree synchronization and backup over local & network paths in any situation: From laptop synchronization to scheduled periodic backup to incremental website upload. It supports true ...

Coccinella for Linux

0.96.20 download

Coccinella is a free and open-source cross-platform communication tool with a built-in whiteboard for improved collaboration with other people. Communicate with Whiteboard Sketch to explain your words. Collaborate ...

CPT Dictionary for Linux

1.4.2 download

A browser for dictionary files created by the program CPT Word Lists. Optimized for crossword puzzle searches. Features: * browsing/searching in any standard encoding including Unicode decomposition and ...

Turbo-Mailer for Linux

2.7.10 download

Turbo-Mailer has been designed for simply sending out bulk email like newsletters or personalized ads without troubles. Its jump-start GUI is very easy to use. TurboMailer has powerful options like insertion ...

DBEdit for Linux

2.4.6 download

DBEdit is a database editing tool, written in Java, which is suitable as a front-end GUI for your Oracle, DB2 or MySQL database. Its aim is to use the features of ...

Maxima for Mac and Linux

5.44.0 download

Maxima is a system for the manipulation of symbolic and numerical expressions, including differentiation, integration, Taylor series, Laplace transforms, ordinary differential equations, systems of linear equations, polynomials, and sets, lists, vectors, ...

Bible Analyzer for Linux

5.2.1 download

Bible Analyzer is a Bible analysis program developed to aid Believers in their study and defense of the Holy Bible. The advantage of this software is that it contains a number ...

Resound for Linux

1.8.1 download

Resound is a software audio delay effect processor that emulates the sound and operation of vintage magnetic-tape echo units. Whilst not a direct copy of any one particular model, it takes ...

DocHaven for Linux

4.8 download

DocHaven is a library for your documents. DocHaven is run as an alternative to normal folders on your PC or file server. Your documents are permanently backed up and you bring ...

CashHaven for Linux

6.0 download

CashHaven is a system for paying for goods without having to handle cash. Each user is given a cash allowance. Certain users are given the privilege of begin able to ‘sell’ ...

Anki for Linux

23.10.1 download

Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it is a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly ...

MilkyTracker for Linux

1.04.00 download

MilkyTracker is an open source, multi-platform music application for creating .MOD and .XM module files. It attempts to recreate the module replay and user experience of the popular DOS program Fasttracker ...

Tintii photo filter for Linux

2.10.0 download

tintii takes full colour photos and processes them into black and white with some select regions highlighted in colour. The technique is known as colour popping or selective colouring – tintii ...

Moneydance for Linux

2017.8 (1691) download

Moneydance is a reliable finances management program, which allows you to record transactions, monitor expenses and generate statistics graphs. The application features useful tools that facilitate online banking, bill payment, managing ...

Sonic Visualiser for Linux

4.5.2 download

Sonic Visualiser is an application for viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files. Sonic Visualiser is the program you need when you find a musical recording you want ...

SysAid Help Desk for Linux

9.0.53 b13 download

SysAid Help Desk Software is a dynamic and highly intuitive software solution for small to medium-sized organizations. SysAid Help Desk provides extensive Helpdesk, Asset Management, Monitoring, Reports and Analysis, Live Chat, ...

Router Commander for Linux

1.2.50 download

Router Commander is an easy-to-use router hangs prevention and optimization tool that keeps the Internet connection stable. The program can automatically detect TCP ports opened by applications running on your system ...

CUDA-Z for Linux

0.10.251 download

This program was born as a parody of another Z-utilities as CPU-Z and GPU-Z. It demonstrates some basic information about CUDA-enabled GPUs and GPGPUs. This program works with nVIDIA Geforce graphic ...

MagicPlot Student for Linux

2.9.3 download

MagicPlot is a handy tool for scientific and engineer data processing, plotting and nonlinear fitting. MagicPlot is powerful enough and consistent. Advantages: * Compact: Single file ~2 MB * ...

Albumin 3D for Linux

1.7.1 download

Albumin 3D is a photo album manager with very interesting features. Albumin 3D uses OpenGL and QuickTime to display the 3D environment. Albumin 3D is very easy-to-use and requires no ...

RenderPal for Linux download

RenderPal is a useful, reliable and professional render management system for a high number of renderers and compositing tools, including Maya, Mental Ray, Softimage XSI, 3d Studio Max, Lightwave, Apple Shake, ...

musicGuru for Linux

1.4.3 download

musicGuru is a music management software which helps you rename, move, copy, record to CD your songs without getting your collection disorganized. The central piece of musicGuru is its Design ...

moneyGuru for Linux

2.8.2 download

moneyGuru is a personal finance management application. With it, you can evaluate your financial situation so you can make informed (and thus better) decisions. Most finance applications have the same goal, ...

dupeGuru Picture Edition for Linux

4.1.1 download

dupeGuru Picture Edition (PE for short) is a tool to find duplicate pictures on your computer. dupeGuru PE is a big brother of dupeGuru. It works like dupeGuru, but is specialized ...