linux 2 6 8 downloads
JIRA for Mac and Linux
5.1.6 downloadJIRA is a bug tracking and issue tracking application developed to track and manage the issues and bugs that emerge during a project. JIRA focuses on task achievement, is instantly usable ...
MQ File Mover for Linux & Mac OS X
4.1.8 downloadThe MQ File Mover v4.1.5 (MQFM) application is a managed file transfer solution that facilitates the transfer of files using IBM's WebSphere MQ (aka MQSeries). MQFM processes "Action" commands which are ...
B-Folders for Linux
5.4.2 downloadAll your data is fully encrypted with a strong, password-based, government-grade 256-bit AES cipher. This way your information is protected from unauthorized access by thieves, hackers and malware. The unique ...
Minimum Profit for Linux
5.61 downloadMinimum Profit is a reliable and highly-featured text editor designed especially for programmers. Features: Fully scriptable using a C-like scripting language. Unlimited undo levels. Complete Unicode support. Multiple files ...
Moon Planner for Linux
1.0.7 Beta downloadMoonPlanner is a Java calendar that allow to view moon's phases, moon's signs (constellations in which the moon is), and show the part of the plant corresponding to each sign (flower, ...
GazeParser for Linux
0.10.0 downloadGazeParser, a simple software that was developed to offer an accessible environment to help record and analyze human eye movement. GazeParser is a software that's been designed in the Python programming ...
Apriori for Linux
5.73 downloadA program to find association rules and frequent item sets (also closed and maximal as well as generators) with the Apriori algorithm (Agrawal et al. 1993), which carries out a breadth ...
Parallels Transporter Agent for Linux
8.0 B18483 downloadUse your Windows documents, pictures, music, downloads, and Internet bookmarks on your Mac without installing Windows. Parallels Transporter for App Store is all new! Parallels Transporter allows you to copy ...
DepthView for Linux
1.04 downloadDepthView is a basic stereoscopic 3D image viewer for .jps and .pns files. It supports anglaph (full-color, half-color, and greyscale), side-by-side (with mirror), interlaced (horizontal and vertical), checkerboard, and single image ...
MindRaider for Linux
8.0 downloadMindRaider is personal notebook and outliner. It aims to connect the tradition of outline editors with emerging technologies. MindRaider mission is to help you in organization of your knowledge and associated ...
Transfer on LAN for Linux
0.6.1 downloadTransfer on LAN is a software that allows multiple users to transfer files (or folders) on a local network. It is cross-platform (it works with Java 6) and requires no configuration. ...
MongoDB for Linux
4.0.28 downloadMongoDB (from "humongous") is a scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database. Written in C++, MongoDB features: Document-Oriented Storage ยป JSON-style documents with dynamic schemas offer simplicity and power. Full ...
Neuroph for Linux
2.9 downloadNeuroph is lightweight Java neural network framework to develop common neural network architectures. It contains well designed, open source Java library with small number of basic classes which correspond to basic ...
Economix for Linux
3.3.0 downloadEconomix is a useful and performant application developed to help users to manage, store, print and export their bank accounts. If you want to start the application, you have to ...
Pencil for Linux
3.1.1 downloadPencil is built for the purpose of providing a free and open-source GUI prototyping tool that people can easily install and use to create mockups in popular desktop platforms. Pencil provides ...
LongoMatch for Linux
1.0.2 downloadLongoMatch is a useful and reliable application developed to be a sport video analysis tool for coaches and sports scientists and to assist them on making games video analysis. It simplifies ...
SubiT for Linux
2.2.5 downloadDesigned as a small and user-friendly instrument, SubiT Portable can be used to search and download the movie subtitles you need. Now, you can download the subtitles you require in ...
Eclat for Linux
3.76 downloadA program to find frequent item sets (also closed and maximal as well as generators) with the eclat algorithm (Zaki et al. 1997), which carries out a depth first search on ...
BitNami ownCloud Stack for Linux
10.3.2-0 downloadBitNami ownCloud provides all-in-one free native installers, virtual machines and Amazon Cloud Images that simplify the ownCloud installation and hosting. The stacks include a pre-configured version of ownCloud and all of ...
yEd Graph Editor for Mac and Linux
3.24 downloadyEd is a powerful desktop application that can be used to quickly and effectively generate high-quality diagrams. Create diagrams manually, or import your external data for analysis. Our automatic layout algorithms ...
FastSmser for Linux
2024.0.0 downloadFastSmser is an effective way to write to your customers and contacts via sms. The software sends and receives SMS messages through the modem of a mobile phone connected to the ...
EgoNet for Mac OS X, Linux
2012-11-25 downloadEgonet is a program for the collection and analysis of egocentric network data. It helps you create the questionnaire, collect data, and provide general global network measures and data matrixes ...
Chronojump for Linux
2.3.0-31 downloadImage with three graphs: Dispersion graph, related to ABK and CMJ jumps on an IUB (arms using index). Stripchart, related to SJ and CMJ jumps on an IE (Elastic Index). ...
AdLint for Linux
3.2.14 downloadAdLint is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of ...
MdCharm for Linux
1.2 downloadMdCharm is a useful tool that was created in order to provide you with a simple means of editing several documents in the same time, wiki-style. You can use MdCharm to ...