webdesign downloads


4.1 download

Pixie is a utility made especially for webmasters and designers. It is a color picker with few extra goodies. Run it, simply point to a color and it will tell ...

Responsive Web Page Generator

2.5 download

The ultimate responsive web page generator system. You add your information in a step by step interface and the program creates all the web page code for you, no programing knowledge ...


2.3.1 download

... built your website with iWeb, Rapidweaver, Dreamweaver or WebDesign, WebCrusher can ensure your website loads as fast ... designed using any web authoring tool including iWeb, WebDesign, Rapidweaver, Dreamweaver, Freeway & more Optimize HTML newsletters ...

WebCrusher for Mac

2.3.1 download

... built your website with iWeb, Rapidweaver, Dreamweaver or WebDesign, WebCrusher can ensure your website loads as fast ... designed using any web authoring tool including iWeb, WebDesign, Rapidweaver, Dreamweaver, Freeway & more Optimize HTML newsletters ...

MAGIX Website Maker

3 download

MAGIX Website Maker makes it possible for every beginner without previous knowledge or introductory times to create and publish professional Flash websites online in no time. Up to 10,000 MB disk ...

Advanced HTML Protector

3.2 download

If you are a web designer, you know how much time, energy and money it takes to create a unique and professional Web Page. You also know how easy it is ...

HomepageFIX 2020

11.1.0 download

Erstellen Sie in 10 Minuten Ihre eigene Homepage mit der Homepage Software HomepageFIX. Fügen Sie einfach Texte, Bilder, Bildergalerien, Flash-Animationen, Musik, Hyper- oder Videolinks ein - es sind keinerlei Programmierkenntnisse nötig! ...

Accounting Toolbar Icons

2015.1 download

Enhance an accounting package or bookkeeper software with appealing graphics. Accounting Toolbar Icons depict numerous concepts and symbols related to accounting and bookkeeping, including currencies, financial symbols, files, customers, percentage points, ...

Perfect Table Icons

2015.1 download

Designing a usable application or attractive Web site is not an easy task. Drawing or ordering a matching set of toolbar icons is neither easy nor cheap. Save time on making ...

Hotel Tab Bar Icons for iPhone

2013.2 download

The hotel industry is currently one of the most promising and lucrative. It is rapidly developing and adapting to the requirements of our modern lifestyle. This is why there is a ...

Perfect Logistic Icons

2013.2 download

Perfect Logistic Icons allow Web designers and application developers produce professional-looking products for logistics and storage specialists, government and business applications. With more than 120 instantly available, royalty-free icons and the ...

Android Dialog Icons

2015.1 download

Develop Android apps faster with professional-quality Android Dialog Icons! These slick, high pixel count icons will blend seamlessly with the Android environment with their semi-translucent alpha channel. In addition, an extra ...

Glossy Data Icons

2013.1 download

Glossy Data Icons is a collection of royalty-free ready-made icons for use in various database products, including software applications, information websites and presentations. Stand out of the crowd by giving pretty ...

Hotel App Tab Bar Icons for iOS

3.1 download

Consisting of 65 high-resolution images, Hotel App Tab Bar Icons for iOS will help developers quickly implement stylish navigation bars, toolbars, and tab bars for iPhone, iPad, and iPod apps for ...

Medical Tab Bar Icons for iPhone

2013.2 download

The health-care industry is currently one of the most promising and lucrative. It is rapidly developing and adapting to the requirements of our modern lifestyle. This is why there is a ...

Business App Tab Bar Icons

1.1 download

Consisting of 193 high-resolution icon images, Business App Tab Bar Icons will help iOS developers quickly implement stylish navigation bars, toolbars, and tab bars for iPhone, iPad, and iPod apps for ...

App Bar Icons for Windows Phone 7

2015.1 download

Windows Phone 7 is an increasingly popular mobile operating system that its current competitors, Android and iOS, will have to reckon with. As more and more developers start working on applications ...

Android Icon Pack

2015.1 download

Android Icon Pack is a bundle which includes launcher, tab, dialog, status bar, list view, menu icons for Android interface development. Drawn in strict accordance with Android Guidelines for interface icons, ...

Android Tab Icons

2015.1 download

A collection of over a hundred royalty-free tab icons for Android developers, Android Tab Icons will enhance any Android app. Designed to conform to the strictest Android Icon Design Guidelines, the ...

Large Business Icons

2015.1 download

Enhance your accounting or business-oriented software with readily available professional Large Business Icons. 42 professionally designed and carefully crafted icons representing various financial objects, symbols and actions are included in a ...

Android Menu Icons

2013.2 download

Android development projects benefit not only from great programming, but from excellent visual elements, as well. With the right icons, an application can be transformed into a more intuitive, easy-to-use resource ...

Android ListView Icons

2015.1 download

An Android application typically relies on multiple visual elements to function smoothly and convey important data to users, and ListView icons are an integral part of this collection of elements. Meeting ...

Android Status Bar Icons

2015.1 download

A great Android apps should be complemented with icons that help users enjoy app functionality while presenting an attractive, uniform appearance. Android status bar icons can be some of the most ...

Universal Shop Icons

2013.1 download

Universal Shop Icons focus on serving your users and viewers with beautiful graphics that reliably convey key information. Make your website or application easier to use and more visually appealing with ...

WebSite X5 Evolution

2024.4.11.0 download

**WebSite X5 Evolution by Incomedia: A Comprehensive Website Creation Tool** WebSite X5 Evolution, developed by Incomedia, is a robust and versatile website creation software designed to cater to both beginners ...

New Version