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.NET Encryptor
2.0 download... * Protects executable and library assemblies compiled using VB.NET and C# * Support for x86, x64 and ... executable * Encryption/Decryption algorithms implemented in native x86/x64 code * Fully customizable managed bootstrapper program (in VB.NET ...
.NET Obfuscator Freeware
8.8.3 downloadYou need to obfuscate your .NET code because IL (.NET Intermediate Language) code contains all of the information, apart from comments, ... version of well-known Skater .NET Obfuscator, a .NET code protection tool. You can use Skater .NET Obfuscator ...
.NET Linker
8.8.3 downloadAssembly linking is an acute angle of any application including multiple assemblies. Linking provides conclusive advantages for your .NET application by increasing reliability and security while reducing size. It allows package ...
VB Decompiler Lite
12.5 download... compiled Visual Basic programs back into their source code. For VB5 and VB6 applications, it can decompile P-Code (pseudo code) and native code, providing a detailed and readable reconstruction of the ...
.NET Licenser - licensing software
8.8.3 download... corresponding value. Your licensed application itself implements no code to write the Registry value but .NET Licenser ... language and designed under Microsoft .NET Framework (C#, VB.NET etc). It supports .NET Frameworks 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, ...
.NET Licensing software
8.8.3 download... corresponding value. Your licensed application itself implements no code to write the Registry value but .NET Licenser ... language and designed under Microsoft .NET Framework (C#, VB.NET etc). It supports .NET Frameworks 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, ...
.NET Reactor download.NET Reactor is a powerful code protection and software licensing system for software written ... any future tool). .NET Reactor builds a native code wall between potential hackers and your .NET assemblies ...
.NET EMail Component EMail.NET POP3,SMTP
1.00 download... HTML emails with images - Stable and robust code - SSLTLS support for POP3, SMTP, IMAP in ... exceptions - Example of email client with source code for an IMAP client - Lots of C# ...
Spices.Net Decompiler download... converting compiled .NET assemblies back into readable source code. This capability is invaluable for developers who need to recover lost source code, understand third-party libraries, or perform security audits. The ... a wide range of .NET languages, including C#, VB.NET, and IL (Intermediate Language), ensuring flexibility and broad ...
.NET Barcode Generator
2022 downloadGenerate Code 128, Code39, ITF, DataMatrix, Aztec, MaxiCode, and PDF417 & QR-Code ... Visual Studio, Xamarin, and .NET supporting .NET, source code provided in C# and VB with example projects ... and EPS files. Each purchase includes complete source code provided in a single C# file and VB.NET ...
.NET Barcode Generator
2022 downloadGenerate Code 128, Code39, ITF, DataMatrix, Aztec, MaxiCode, and PDF417 & QR-Code ... Visual Studio, Xamarin, and .NET supporting .NET, source code provided in C# and VB with example projects ... and EPS files. Each purchase includes complete source code provided in a single C# file and VB.NET ...
.NET My Screen Capture
1.50 download... user report when a problem appears. The source code is available for purchase and an ActiveX version is also available on our website. ...
.NET Barcode Professional
8.0 download... - Australia Post 4-state Barcode, ABC Codabar, USS Code 128 A-B-C, USS Code 39, USS Code 93, Data Matrix ECC200, Deutsche Post Identcode, Deutsche ... Post KIX 4-State Barcode, SCC-14, Singapore 4-State Postal Code Barcode, SSCC-18, UPC-128, EAN-18, Swiss PostParcel Barcode, UCC-EAN-128, ...
.NET My Frame Panel
2.20 download... applications to suit your individual needs. The source code is available for purchase and an ActiveX version is also available on our website. ...
Code Visual to Flowchart
3.5 downloadCode Visual to Flowchart is a program Flow chart generator for code flowcharting and visualization.It can perform automated reverse engineering of program code into programming flowcharts , help programmers to document,visualize ...
.NET My Command Button
2.00 download... your application needs, and best of all source code is available for purchase at special price. Discover it now with full unlimited demo version. ...
Capture .NET
13.4.6421.3 downloadConvert .NET Converts C# source code units to equivalent VB.NET code. Convert .NET is a a useful developer's utility that allows users to Convert C# to VB.NET. You can also utilize our regular expression tester ...
Rebex Telnet for .NET
1.0.4086.0 download... library for .NET languages (such as C# or VB.NET). It makes it easy to execute commands on ... samples, including WinForm clients with full C# and VB.NET source code. Royalty free redistribution. Feature list ...
Excel .Net Library
2020.6 download... Spreadsheet files in popular .NET languages C# or VB.NET. Find out more at: homepage Excel is one ... understand because it is based on pure .NET code and not a wrapper for legacy C programs. ...
Spices.Net Obfuscator download... continues to evolve, protecting intellectual property and sensitive code from unauthorized access and reverse engineering becomes increasingly ... employs advanced obfuscation techniques to transform readable .NET code into a form that is significantly more challenging ...
The .Net PDF Library
2022.4.5455 download... homepage fully supports all .NET Framework languages, including VB.NET and C#. This works equally in server applications, ... It is not open-source in itself; however, source code for all of our tutorials and many of ...
Smart .NET Obfuscator
8.7.1 download... to protect your .NET app against reverse-engineering and code alteration, by making it difficult for a third-party to access your .NET project’s source code. If your whole business based on the IP ...
Skater .NET Obfuscator Ultimate
8.7.1 download... .NET Obfuscator is an obfuscation tool for .NET code protection. It implements all known software protection techniques ... is a comprehensive professional solution for .NET application code protection. With Skater .NET Obfuscator you can easily ...
Freeware .NET Obfuscator Skater Light
8.8.3 download... Skater .NET Obfuscator, an obfuscation tool for .NET code protection. The Light Edition is the Free version ... and commercial purposes. Obfuscation prevents .NET assembly source code recompilation without changing its functionality. Obfuscation deals by ...
Skater .NET Obfuscator
8.7.1 download... .NET Obfuscator is an obfuscation tool for .NET code protection. It implements all known software protection techniques ... is a comprehensive professional solution for .NET application code protection. With Skater .NET Obfuscator you can easily ...