net chart downloads
MenuMeters for Mac OS X
2.0.8 download... display current memory usage as either a pie chart, thermometer, history graph, or as used/free totals. The ... optionally display a paging indicator light. The Net Meter can display network throughput as arrows, bytes ...
14.3 download... check out UMLet's sister tool PLOTlet to create chart grids.) UMLet runs stand-alone or as Eclipse plug-in on Windows, OS X and Linux. UML 2.3 Design Tool .NET, ...
Hindi Typing Tutor
download... verify and improve their typing abilities. A progress chart and a timer are shown during most exercises, ... details like the gross speed, accuracy or the net typing speed. A complete package for learning and ...
Benkyou Studio
1.01 download... other foreign languages Provided you have the Dot Net framework, Benkyou Studio can be run in portable ... converting file formats, Multi-Currency Calculator and Time Zone Chart ...
4.0 download... or peak activity thanks to a statistic evolution chart that let you zoom in specific periods of time to see what's going on. It's then easy to determine involved web ...
SSuite Office Lemon Juice download... makes entering complex formulas a breeze. Use the chart wizard to select from eight or more categories of 2-D and 3-D charts including line, area, column, pie, XY, stock and