upper downloads
Texture Workshop
1.6 download... and the lower area will flow into the upper one. In other words, a real repeatable tile will be obtained. The same can be done with a small fragment of ...
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary English <-> Polish for Palm OS
3.2.90 download... quickly. By pressing the pop-up trigger in the upper right corner you can change the translation direction. ...
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary English <-> Hebrew for Palm OS
3.2.97 download... quickly. By pressing the pop-up trigger in the upper right corner you can change the translation direction. ...
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary English <-> Romanian for Palm OS
3.2.92 download... quickly. By pressing the pop-up trigger in the upper right corner you can change the translation direction. ...
Data Export - DB22Access
1.0 download... DB22Access is a program to import DB2(8 or upper) database into MS Access(95, 97, 2000, XP, 2002, 2003, 2007).It support export data in DB2 Procedure,or embed in your application,or accord ...
Data Export - Paradox2DB2
1.0 download... 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10,x, 11.x) into DB2(8 or upper) database. It can export data in DB2 Procedure, or embed in your application,or accord a config file. The software are completely ...
2.2 downloadEver wished there was an easy way to rename files or directories quickly without having to struggle with clunky graphical interfaces? RenameWand can help you with that! RenameWand is a simple ...
Ringed Drag Strip
2.0 download... will not allow a novice to get the upper hand. If you are ready to encounter them wheel-to-wheel, go for it! The game has a blur effect, superb graphics. An ...
Bar Code 93
6.0 download... a popular alpha-numeric bar code. It will encode upper case letters, numbers, and some punctuation. These scalable bar code TrueType and PostScript fonts let you print a bar code from ...
Bar Codes Plus
6.0 download... most commonly used bar codes and offers numeric, upper case ASCII, and some punctuation. PostNet bar code is used to print bar codes for U.S. Mail delivery. Finally, the UPC-A ...
5.8.0 download... text will be fixed! Use 'SHIFT+F10': for converting upper / lowercase text: ABC abc Use 'F6': For reversing a text, In addition LangOver can reverse your text: ABC CBA Use ...
Doremisoft FLV to WAV Converter
1.50 downloadDoremisoft FLV to WAV Converter has a simple UI to operate for newbies. However, it also provides setting parameters for advanced users, including channels, sample rate, volume. It enables you to ...
Xilisoft Password Manager download... generator to generate robust and strong password including upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. 6. Lock the program automatically when no mouse or keyboard action happens within ...
Quoter Amanuensis
5.5 download... in column delimiter rules). 19. Convert to UPPER case, lower case or Book Title case. 20. Converting raw multiline clipboards into search or replace regex expressions for Java ...
RetroMagix Harpsichord VST VST3 AU
2.0 download... Italian Harpsichord 5 • Coupled Harpsichord 6 • Upper Harpsichord 7 • Electric Harpsichord 8 • Hybrid Harpsichord 9 • ClaviHarpsichord Synth • Low-Frequency Oscillator Controls. • ADSR envelope generator ...
1.55 download... file version). For each crash displayed in the upper pane, you can view the details of the device drivers loaded during the crash in the lower pane. BlueScreenView also mark ...
Free Bar Code 3 of 9
4.2 download... a checksum, and lets you encode numbers (0-9), upper case letters (A-Z), and some special characters (space, $ % + - . /). Simply begin and end each barcode with ...
Clipboard Master
5.7.0 download... modifiy seletect text in any application, e.g. to upper, lower, proper case - calculcate expression - convert numbers - search in Google, Bing, Ebay, Amazon, Wikipedia etc. Hotkeys/extended hotkeys: - ...
BlackBerry App for SMS download... comprises small system necessity like Pentium class or upper processor, 8 MB free disk space and 256 MB Ram. Extraordinary software features: * BlackBerry App for SMS software presents amazing ...
Quoter Amanuensis
5.5 download... in column delimiter rules). 19. Convert to UPPER case, lower case or Book Title case. 20. Converting raw multiline clipboards into search or replace regex expressions for Java ...
3.5 download... movie all just try to move the subtitle upper. ...
Batch File Renamer
2.4 download... text in file name, file extensions can be UPPERCASE, lowercase or sentence case, many files name can ... case any string in filename. Rename file in Upper case, Lower case and Proper Case. Rename file ...
Project Dogwaffle Howler
7.0 download... provides a fast zoom widget (visible in the upper right corner as long as your screen resolution can accomodate it). ...
Kid3 for Mac
3.9.5 download... directories from tags Generate playlist files Automatically convert upper and lower case and replace strings Import from gnudb.org, TrackType.org, MusicBrainz, Discogs, Amazon and other sources of album data Export tags ...
Kid3 for Linux
3.9.5 download... directories from tags Generate playlist files Automatically convert upper and lower case and replace strings Import from gnudb.org, TrackType.org, MusicBrainz, Discogs, Amazon and other sources of album data Export tags ...