ftp software for mac downloads

RecordPad Sound Recorder Free for Mac

10.06 download

RecordPad Sound Recorder Free for Mac is ideal for recording voice and other audio to add to ... date, duration, or size. RecordPad Sound Recorder Free for Mac is designed to be simple and user-friendly. ...

Next FlipBook Maker for Mac

2.1.3 download

Next FlipBook Maker for Mac allows users to create digital page-flipping flipbooks based on Adobe Flash for readers with Mac/PC and HTML5 for readers with iPhone, iPad, Android and other mobile ...

Express Dictate Professional for Mac

7.00 download

Express Dictate is a professional dictation voice recorder for Mac OS X. Features include voice activated recordings, record ... and Express Dictate will automatically send recordings via FTP, Email, LAN and command line to a recipient ...

Express Dictate Pro for Mac

9.00 download

Express Dictate is a professional dictation voice recorder for Mac OS X. Features include voice activated recordings, record ... and Express Dictate will automatically send recordings via FTP, Email, LAN and command line to a recipient ...

Wing FTP Server For Solaris(i386)

3.6.6 download

Wing FTP Server is a multi-protocol file server(FTP, HTTP, FTPS, HTTPS, SFTP) for Windows, Linux, Mac, freeBSD and Solaris. The server has real-time information ... extend the server by Lua language, virtual directories for easy sharing files and directories, and ratio, disk ...

Wing FTP Server For Solaris(x64)

3.6.6 download

Wing FTP Server is a multi-protocol file server(FTP, HTTP, FTPS, HTTPS, SFTP) for Windows, Linux, Mac, freeBSD and Solaris. The server has real-time information ... extend the server by Lua language, virtual directories for easy sharing files and directories, and ratio, disk ...

Wing FTP Server For Solaris(Sparc)

3.6.6 download

Wing FTP Server is a multi-protocol file server(FTP, HTTP, FTPS, HTTPS, SFTP) for Windows, Linux, Mac, freeBSD and Solaris. The server has real-time information ... extend the server by Lua language, virtual directories for easy sharing files and directories, and ratio, disk ...

Free jQuery Flipbook App for Mac

3.2 download

... to meet the demand of different PC users. For MAC users, fliphtml5 also has 3 different kinds of ... online publish it to share with others. Except for applying a FTP server, which usually not appears ...

Wing FTP Server For Linux

6.6.5 download

Wing FTP Server is a highly functional, easy-to-use and secure ... solution that can be used in Windows, Linux, Mac OSX and Solaris. It supports a number of file transfer protocols, including FTP, HTTP, FTPS, HTTPS and SFTP using SSH2, giving ...

Wing FTP Server For Linux(64bit)

7.3.8 download

Wing FTP Server is a highly functional, easy-to-use and secure ... solution that can be used in Windows, Linux, Mac OSX and Solaris. It supports a number of file transfer protocols, including FTP, HTTP, FTPS, HTTPS and SFTP using SSH2, giving ...

Express Scribe Pro for Mac

13.11 download

Express Scribe is audio transcription player for typists using Mac OS X. This transcription player features variable speed ... and can automatically load audio files from email, FTP or network. Audio format support includes dss, dct, ...

Express Scribe Professional for Mac

7.01 download

Express Scribe is audio transcription player for typists using Mac OS X. This transcription player features variable speed ... and can automatically load audio files from email, FTP or network. Audio format support includes dss, dct, ...

Debut Video Capture Free for Mac

4.12 download

Debut Free Screen Recorder and Capture Software for Mac allows you to easily record and capture video. ... video color, output settings, and resolution. Debut Free for Mac captures video and stores the file directly ...

GoodSync for Mac

12.7.7 download

... easy and reliable file backup and file synchronization software. It automatically analyzes, synchronizes, and backs up your ... servers, external drives, as well as remotely with FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, and Amazon S3 servers. GoodSync also ...

Commander One Pro for Mac

3.0 download

For all those who’ve been missing a famous dual-panel file manager for Mac, we tried to keep the best of what ... OS X users. Commander One Pro is a Mac OS X application designed to be an alternative ...

BASS for Mac OS X

2.4.17 download

BASS for Mac OS X is an audio library for use in software on several platforms. Its purpose is to provide ... Main Features: * Samples Support for WAV/AIFF/MP3/MP2/MP1/OGG and custom generated samples * Sample streams ...

MacWise for Mac OS X

20.2.4 download

MacWise is an easy to use Mac app that comes with a minimalist user interface ... Viewpoint mode. Features include phone list and dialer for modems, on-screen programmable function keys, connection scripts and ...

A-PDF Watermark for Mac

1.0.0 download

A-PDF Watermark for Mac is a great tool for Mac users to identify themselves with watermarked PDF documents. With this software, you can add or batch add watermark to ... - Append watermark(s) to PDF (s). A-PDF Watermark for Mac supports 5 different kinds of watermark such ...

JFTP for Mac OS X

5.0.1 B20120623 download

JFTP is a graphical FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client software for transferring files from one computer to another over ... that has a valid Internet address and an FTP server program, allowing you to transfer files between ...

CloudMounter for Mac

4.0 download

CloudMounter is a centralized solution for managing different cloud services and connecting to web servers. The cloud services are mounted on your Mac as if they were any other removable drive ...

Mountain Duck for Mac OS X

4.16.3 Build 22374 download

... David V. Kocher, is a robust and versatile software solution designed to streamline your cloud storage and ... protocols and storage solutions. Whether you're working with FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, or popular cloud storage services like ...

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder for Mac OS X

11.2.0 download

... Easy Web Builder is a comprehensive and lightweight software that provides users with a simple means of ... XHTML and HTML5 output! "One Click Publishing" No FTP program needed. Easily create forms using the built-in ...

CodeLobster IDE for Mac OS

2.6.0 download

... is a smart free cross-platform IDE primarily intended for creating and editing PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript files ... debugger, dynamic help, advanced autocomplete, Class View window for comfortable work with mixed code and FTP/SFTP client. ...

A1 Sitemap Generator for Mac

12.0.0 download

... content. Scan websites from multiple start paths, useful for websites not fully crosslinked. Scan local and online ... redirected links (whereto and wherefrom). Rich template support for HTML sitemaps. Generate sitemap files for ASP.Net controls. ...

Syncovery for Mac

9.26e download

... mounted volumes. In addition, it comes with support for FTP, SSH, HTTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, and Google Docs. ... it is recommended to download and try the software and take a direct look at the available ...