mathematic downloads
Flying Cube
2.0.1 downloadSimple screen saver. Mathematic transformations of the flying figure with color flowing. Several options to change the visual effects (phantom, speed etc.). Preview and test mode support. ...
0.9.3 downloadTTCalc is a mathematical calculator that features a well structured graphical interface and is very easy to use. TTCal is composed of a standard scientific calculator and variable, functions, precision ...
TTCalc for Linux
0.9.3 downloadTTCalc is a mathematical calculator that features a well structured graphical interface and is very easy to use. TTCal is composed of a standard scientific calculator and variable, functions, precision ...
Portable TTCalc for Linux
0.9.3 downloadTTCalc is a mathematical calculator that features a well structured graphical interface and is very easy to use. TTCal is composed of a standard scientific calculator and variable, functions, precision ...
TeXmacs for Linux download... documents with different types of content (text, graphics, mathematics, interactive content, etc.). The rendering engine uses high-quality ... software includes a text editor with support for mathematical formulas, a small technical picture editor and a ...
TeXmacs for Mac OS X download... documents with different types of content (text, graphics, mathematics, interactive content, etc.). The rendering engine uses high-quality ... software includes a text editor with support for mathematical formulas, a small technical picture editor and a ...
TeXmacs for Windows download... documents with different types of content (text, graphics, mathematics, interactive content, etc.). The rendering engine uses high-quality ... software includes a text editor with support for mathematical formulas, a small technical picture editor and a ...
4.4.2 downloadThis program is for drawing graphs of mathematical functions in a coordinate system. Graphs may be added with different color and line styles. Both standard functions, parameter functions and polar ...
2.3.7 download... method is that of Julius Scheiner (1858-1913) german mathematic, physic, astronomer and pioneer in astrophotography. Today, in adition to polar align feature, EQAlign is a full featured software ...
admaDIC Calculator
1.2.1 download... Including admaDIC Skin and Christmas Skin * Standard mathematical functions * Scientific functions * Copy&Paste of display and tape to clipboard * Printable tape * Resizable tape * Always-On-Top feature ...
MathMagic Pro Edition
9.03 download... Adobe InDesign & QuarkXPress software in editing any mathematical expressions and symbols with WYSIWYG interface and various powerful features. Included MathMagic plugin lets InDesign write or edit equations ...
Xmart Calculator
1.2 downloadXmart Calculator is appreciated as an intelligent, programmable and expandable calculator based on text expression. Users can define personal functions and all calculations are step-by-step traceable. Xmart Converter inbuilt containing most ...
Logic Expression
3.00 downloadProgram Logic Expression (LE) calculates and analyzes the logical (Boolean) expression. Supports logical operators: negation, conjunction, disjunction, exclusive disjunction, implication and equivalence. Supports work with: up to 500 (five hundred) members ...
Math Practice
2.9 downloadMath Practice is an easy to use software addressed to parents who wish to help kids make their first steps into the world of math, providing fairly simple teaching tools and ...
Demo Video Maker
v2.0 downloadVeryDOC Demo Video Maker is very useful when you need to demonstrate the activities on your screen and the sounds you can hear from the earphone. Demo Video Maker key features: ...
1.0 downloadLitioLAB 1.0 is an advanced, complex-shape, mathematical drawing tool for AutoCAD, GStarCAD & ZwCAD, that ... Fourier series, space orbits, Guilloch patterns, harmonograph figures, mathematic roses, Rosetta orbits, Roulette curves, Tusi couples, filigrees, ...