keys downloads
Scrivener for Windows download... text involves more than hammering away at the keys until you’re done. Collecting research, ordering fragmented ideas, shuffling index cards in search of that elusive structure—most writing software is fired ...
Scrivener for Mac OS X
3.1.3 download... text involves more than hammering away at the keys until you’re done. Collecting research, ordering fragmented ideas, shuffling index cards in search of that elusive structure—most writing software is fired ...
Google Music Desktop Player
1.9.27 download... end - Uses Webkit Engine - Supports Multimedia Keys [PlayPause, Stop, Previous and Next] - Windows 7 Taskbar support [Buttons for: Play/Pause Previous and Next] - MiniPlayer - Metro UI ...
Removable Media Data Restore download... permanently deleted due to shift + delete operational keys from system.*Software provides best alternatives to regain missing/misplace official data in just short interval of time from system. ...
Minimum Profit for Linux
5.61 download... interface: drop-down menus, reasonable default key bindings. Configurable keys, menus and colors. Text templates can be easily defined / accessed. Multiplatform: Console/curses, Qt4, KDE4, GTK+, MS Windows. Automatic indentation, word ...
TeXstudio Portable
4.8.1 download... changes and LaTeX errors/warnings Key Remapping of single keys for automatically text insertion (e.g of nice quotation marks) And also line numbers, repetition checker, dynamic word wrapping, parenthesis highlighting, parenthesis ...
1.2 download... clef, tenor clef, bass clef) Cadences in different keys (main cadence and extended cadence) Different scales (Major, minor, modes, etc.) Transposing (Transpose a short melody to another key) More ...
1.03-RC1 download... them at once. Simply tell what are foreign keys, and you don't have to worry about data for one table being compatible with data from another table. MockupData generates CSV ...
Soundfont Midi Player
1.7 download... Pitch during playback. Real time Synth (F1-F8 Function keys for octave change, Right click for note name) Send Sysex for Synth (GM, GS, XG) Midi send and receive over Net. ...
Folder Menu (x32 bit) download... you can also use files, URLs or registry keys as a favorite item. # Show Menu Hotkeys Show Menu 1: Only show menu in supported applications, and open ...
Folder Menu (x64 bit) download... you can also use files, URLs or registry keys as a favorite item. # Show Menu Hotkeys Show Menu 1: Only show menu in supported applications, and open ...
Notepad X
2.1.2 download... * Option to modify all the available shortcut keys. * Custom translations & tool bars for the application. * Custom icons. * Syntax highlighting when writing programming languages. * Download ...
Access File Recovery Tool
4.1 download... elements and table structure with primary and unique keys with other OLE data. Access database Repair software is effective MDB recovery software that can be applied to repair damaged, corrupt ...
9.4.1 download... archives and self-executable archives. Print files. ? Send keystrokes and mouse clicks. Imitate user interaction with computer. ... and write data from/to registry, create new registry keys, delete registry data, etc. ? Enumerate running processes, ...
Macro ToolWorks
9.4.6 download... Macros can simply mimic user by sending Windows keys and mouse clicks or they can do even more complex repetitive daily tasks such as file backups and other file manipulation, ...
SpiderOak for Linux
6.0.1 download... your password or the plaintext of your encryption keys so at NO point can your data ever be exposed to anyone but you. It is what we call a true ...
1.10 download... versions, and hassle-free installation, without messing about with keys/passwords ...
SonicPhoto Portable
1.10 download... versions, and hassle-free installation, without messing about with keys/passwords ...
FM Live Platinum
12.1.6 download... Graphical User Interface (GUI) · Quick access toggle keys · One-click recording · Multi-recording channel support · Enhanced sound quality · Multi-language support (English, French, Spanish, Deutsch & Italian) · ...
TAPIMaster download... on yellow stickers, and misunderstanding the telephone's special keys. Perhaps most importantly, employees often wait for the customer to call them instead of seizing the initiative themselves to provide better ...
NanoStudio for iOS
1.34 download... SEQUENCER Record performances in real-time using the keys and trigger pads or create patterns and controller sweeps by drawing them in the piano roll editor. Arrange your patterns into ...
Undelete Folder downloadDid you accidently delete your entire important folders from your Window PC? You can retrieve deleted folders on Windows PC with ease with Undelete Folder software. Using this application, it is ...
download... to the Previous Page Keyboard Mode: Use arrow keys to Pan. Touch Mode: Douple tap at centre screen to switch between maximised or fit to screen Mouse Mode: Douple screen ...
6.40 download... AES Encryption with 128, 192 and 256 bit keys Unicode filenames are supported Supports archives up to 2^63 bytes, compresses and decompresses files up to 2^63 bytes Creates multi-disk spanning ...
Llama Music Cleanser
download... you sort out that ever-messy music folder Shortcut keys to rate songs Keeps itself on top when dealing with the media players Searches all subfolders from the one selected to ...