php+mysql downloads
2024.9.0 download... tool that can generate a full set of PHP scripts quickly from MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and SQLite databases. ... high flexibility, numerous options enable you to generate PHP applications that best suits your needs.The generated code ...
16.1.1 download... is a WAMP package including the scripting language PHP, the web server Apache, the SQL server MySQL, as well as easy development tools for your ... USB drive and develop or present locally your PHP code, projects, websites, scripts, applications... newModules : ...
23.12 download... AppGini converts your database into a powerful multi-user PHP application that connects to MySQL database. It creates HTML forms for editing your data and all the PHP scripts behind them. It features enhanced foreign keys ...
2017 download... most powerful and configurable Dating script working on PHP and MySQL. 11 Templates, Multisite mode, Search engine optimized, Instant ... Caching system improve performance and more... Optimized for PHP 5.3.x, PHP 6 ready. Tested on 1.000.000 users ...
1.1.1 downloadServBay is a one-stop solution for Web and PHP developers seeking a streamlined, efficient local web development ... servers, and queue services. **Key Features** - **Multiple PHP Instances:** ServBay supports multi-instance running, allowing you to ...
5.2.23 downloadPhorum is a little different from the other web based message boards out there. It was designed to meet different needs of different web sites while not sacrificing performance or features.Phorum ...
Phorum for Linux
5.2.23 downloadPhorum is a little different from the other web based message boards out there. It was designed to meet different needs of different web sites while not sacrificing performance or features.Phorum ...
Stunnix Perl Web Server
2.10 download... tray will run off CDROM (including webserver itself, MySQL and PHP/Perl interpreters) and will open a browser with site ... modifications. The database files, versions of Perl and PHP interpreters and of MySQL server, included for all ...
5.2.2 downloadphpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations with MySQL. The most frequently used operations are supported by ...
NuSphere PhpED
10.0 downloadPhpED is an Integrated Development Environment for PHP, HTML, CSS, XML, SMARTY, XHTML, JavaScript and other languages. As in any process, the php development efficiency finally depends on the choice of ...
BitNami WordPress Stack
5.9-0 download... software. The application includes ready-to-run, pre-configured versions of MySQL, Apache and PP so you can get an running installation of WordPresss in a matter of minutes. Features: Easy ...
BitNami WordPress Stack for Mac OS X
5.9.0-13 download... month. The application includes ready-to-run, pre-configured versions of MySQL, Apache and PP so you can get an running installation of WordPresss in a matter of minutes. Features: Easy ...
5.3 downloadX-Cart is a modern PHP/MySQL driven open source eCommerce platform designed for high-performing online stores. This feature-rich solution combines unbeaten scalability and customizability and can be used both as a ...
2.2 downloadUwAmp is a Wamp Server with Apache MySQL PHP and SQLite Without installation : UwAmp ... stop the server with one click. Multi PHP Version : Change PHP version in one click ...
WampServer 64-bit
3.3.2 download... allows you to create web applications with Apache, PHP and the MySQL database. It also comes with PHPMyAdmin to easily ... have the possibility to add as many Apache, MySQL and PHP releases as you want. WampServer ...
BitNami WordPress Stack for Linux
5.9-0 download... dependencies. The application includes ready-to-run, pre-configured versions of MySQL, Apache and PP so you can get an ... WordPress on an existing Bitnami LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) installation. Features: Easy ...
MaxDB Data Wizard
16.2 downloadData Wizard for MySQL is a powerful Windows GUI utility for managing your MySQL data. It provides you with a number of ... Data Pump: transfer any schema and data to MySQL * Data export to as many as 18 ...
10.91 B42144 download... appealing web interface for any local or remote MySQL, MS Access, SQL Server and Oracle databases. Your ... and delete pages. Built-in FTP Client to upload PHP pages to the Web server. Multilingual templates. Ability ...
3.9.19 download... too. The editor has syntax highlighting for DHTML, PHP and SQL. You can add functions with plugins. Integreated preview with ie and gecko. Some function for jpeg manipulation are included, ...
2.7 downloadLiteWeb is a powerful web server has CGI and ISAPI support, multiple domains, virtual paths, authentication, directory listings, MIME type editor, CGI interpretor editor, Server Side Includes, and user pages (with ...
BitNami WAMPStack
7.3.12-0 download... WAMPStack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of PHP applications. It includes ready-to-run versions of Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin and required dependencies. It can be ... for free under the Apache 2.0 license. PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. Much of its ...
VeryUtils Online Survey Builder SaaS
2.7 downloadVeryUtils Online Survey Builder SaaS is written in PHP script. It's also named PHP Survey. VeryUtils Online Survey Builder SaaS is a ... surveys. Easily create and manage online surveys using PHP survey scripts, you can add custom questions and ...
6.0.0 RC 2 download... Setup and Run TYPO3. Complete Apache Webserver with PHP/MySQL, easy Windows-Frontend for Endusers. Preconfigured Dummy, Quickstart and ... TYPO3Winstaller is a free WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP Webserver) package including the free Open Source ...
7.1.012 download... Rapid Web Application Development. What is Scriptcase? Scriptcase PHP Generator is a powerful tool to increase web development productivity, saving time and increasing profits. Scriptcase PHP Generator can build complete systems and create customized ...
5 downloadGenerates ASP or PHP pages to connect to your Access, SQL or MySQL database on the web. Demo Generates search form, search ...