avalokitesvara downloads

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of Compassion

2.0 download

Avalokitesvara, the most loved of all Buddhist deities, is ... Lord of the World or Protector of Tibet. Avalokitesvara vowed to listen to the prayers of all human beings in difficulty ...

Avalokitesvara at Waterfall

2.0 download

Avalokitesvara is the bodhisattva who has made a great vow to listen to the prayers of all sentient beings in times of difficulty, and to postpone his own Buddhahood until ...

High King Avalokitesvara Sutra

2.0 download

That is why in the High King Sutra, it is said: "able to stop the cycle of life and death, and annihilate all the misfortunes and sufferings". This sutra is highly ...

Ko Ong Kwan Si Im Keng

2.0 download

Just chant The true sutra of the High King Sutra causing calamities to cease, merit to accumulate, to empower others and to promote living kindness.This sutra is highly recomended by the ...

Quan Yin Pu Sa saving all sentient being

2.0 download

Avalokitesvara means one who looks from the beyond at the world, who is keeping himself in body-form, in mind-form - he is keeping the whole ladder. He has gone beyond, ...

Maha Locia, Buddhist Dharmapala

2.0 download

Maha Locia, One of the twenty eight Quan Yin's (Avalokitesvara) Dharmapala. He is actually a snake with a form of Humanbody, The King of Snake who heard Shakyamuni's teaching and realize ...

Quan Yin riding the Holy Dragon

2.0 download

... Sanskrit name of her chief progenitor which is Avalokitesvara, also known as Avalokita. In its proper form it is Kuanshih Yin, which means She who harkens to the cries of ...