constants downloads
.NET code security tool
8.8.3 download... any .NET application, executable or assembly Encrypts string constants Compatible with any .NET framework (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5) Control flow obfuscation stops decompilers and deobfuscators Scrambles ...
.NET Obfuscation Software
8.8.3 download... any .NET application, executable or assembly Encrypts string constants Compatible with any .NET framework (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5) Control flow obfuscation stops decompilers and deobfuscators Scrambles class ...
Skater .NET Obfuscator Standard
8.7.1 download... any .NET application, executable or assembly Encrypts string constants Compatible with any .NET framework (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5) Control flow obfuscation stops decompilers and deobfuscators Scrambles class ...
WPF XAML Obfuscator
8.7.1 download... any .NET application, executable or assembly Encrypts string constants Compatible with any .NET framework (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5) Control flow obfuscation stops decompilers and deobfuscators Scrambles class ...
Tinger Calc
0.0.25 download... atan), exponential functions (exp, ln, lg, sqrt), math constants (pi, e), system functions (exit, quit, print). ...
Professional .NET Obfuscator
8.7.1 download... Runs any .NET application, executable, assembly; Encrypts string constants; Control flow obfuscation blocks decompilers; Changes class names, method names, field names etc. Skater .NET Obfuscator is all-inclusive packaged development instrument ...
.NET Obfuscator Ultimate Edition
8.8.3 download... any .NET application, executable or assembly Encrypts string constants Compatible with any .NET framework (from 1.0 to 4.5) Control flow obfuscation stops decompilers and deobfuscators Scrambles class names, method names, ...
Visual Studio 2019 Obfuscator
8.7.1 download... any .NET application, executable or assembly Encrypts string constants Compatible with any .NET framework (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.6) Control flow obfuscation stops decompilers and deobfuscators Scrambles class ...
3.9 download... Table, Steam Table data, Acid and Base Dissociation Constants, General gas and liquid data etc. Solve standard equations in the following categories Physics, Electrical Engineering, Maths - Geometry, Maths - ...
Multipurpose calculator - MultiplexCalc
5.4.63 download... MultiplexCalc contains more than 100 mathematical functions and constants to satisfy your needs to solve problems ranging from simple elementary algebra to complex equations. Its underling implementation encompasses high precision, ...
Multivariable calculator - SimplexCalc
4.1.62 download... addition to arithmetic operation, more than hundred built-in constants and functions can also be used in your expression. SimplexCalc also has the unlimited ability to extend itself by using custom ...
11.1 download... is its extensive database of physical properties and constants. This built-in resource saves users valuable time by providing quick access to essential data, eliminating the need for external references. Whether ...
2.22 download... that finds the differences between the formulae and constants contained in either two whole Excel workbooks or ... is free to use. * Compare formulae & constants between workbooks or selected sheets. * Alignment of ...
Script Execute
4.0.63 B719 download... C++Script, BasicScript, JScript). * Standard language set: variables, constants, procedures, functions (nested functions allowed) with var/const/default parameters, all the standard operators and statements (including case, try/finally/except, with), types (int, float, ...
Turbo Pascal
7.0 download... dynamic objects * Constructors and Destructors * Object constants * Compiles @ > 34,000 lines/minute * New integrated environment tutorial * Hypertext Help with copy & paste * Enhanced SMART ...
SMath Studio
1.0 Build 9018 download... includes a rich set of built-in functions and constants, which can be easily accessed and utilized in calculations. One of the key strengths of SMath Studio is its ability ...
2.01 download... registers, recognizes procedures, loops, API calls, switches, tables, constants and strings * Directly loads and debugs DLLs * Object file scanning - locates routines from object files and libraries * ...
Calc Pro for Windows Phone
3.6.0 download... Scientific Calculator (includes RPN mode and access to constants) Base Conversions - Convert between 8 different number ... categories) World Currencies Converter (150+ currencies updated daily) Constants (Over 1500 constants in 4 categories) Financial Calculator ...
Kalkules download... ... ) · inserting some of the predefined constants + ability to define your own constants · inteligent percentage calculations ...
Portable Kalkules download... ... ) · inserting some of the predefined constants + ability to define your own constants · inteligent percentage calculations ...
4.1.941 download... up a library of them. Define your own constants, too. Choose how many digits to display, and ... a handy reference table of more than 300 constants, including atomic weights. Comprehensive help (with index) is ...
2.4.4 download... supported), psychrometric property calculator, and a general physical constants library. There is no longer any need to ... is standard and expandable. * A general physical constants library is standard and expandable. * A pipe ...
Chemical Data
2.9 download... Solubility 100 parts Ether Acid and Base Dissociation Constants (42) Acid and Base Dissociation Constants in Water (21) Acid Base Indicators (12) Liquids ...
Desktop calculator - DesktopCalc
2.1.60 download... number: 2.225E-308 * All functions, mathematical and physical constants can also be used in expression - 40 ... - 50 built-in most common mathematical and physical constants * Clipboard smart functionality - Cut, Copy and ...
Scientific calculator - ScienCalc
1.3.59 download... logarithmic and power equations *Pre-defined mathematical and physical constants Understandable and convenient interface: A flexible work area ... notation *More than 35 functions *More than 40 constants *User-friendly error messages *Simple mode (medium size on ...