java 5.0 downloads
EJS TreeGrid
5.9 download... TreeGrid is a DHTML component written in pure JavaScript to display and edit data in table, grid, ... set on the Internet. Compatible with Internet Explorer 5.0+, Mozilla 1.0+, Mozilla Firefox 1.0+, Netscape Navigator 6.0+, ...
pdf-Office Professional
10.x download... pull-down fields, radio buttons, formatted form fields +++ Java-Script +++ Test mode +++ field validations and calculations +++ save formfields +++ Zoom +++ centimeter, pixel or inch mode +++ text ...
2.14.0 downloadOfficeFloor is a handy framework designed to simplify the development of high performance applications. The intuitive graphical configuration makes OfficeFloor applications self documenting - which works great with both Agile and ...
8.0.4 download... compliance for all content. OpenCms is based on Java and XML technology. It can be deployed in an open source environment (e.g. Linux, Apache, Tomcat, MySQL) as well as on ...
1.0.28 downloadThe ANDS PID Client is built as a generic client library that allows you to access the ANDS Persistent Identifier service. Now, you can use the accessible ANDS PID Client library ...
2.10.1 downloadShark is a programming framework to build semantic P2P applications. It is as easy or complicated as Servlet programming. There are just a few applications based on Shark, e.g. SharkNet (another ...
0.54 download... format * Ragel file export (used for C/C++, Java or Ruby code generation) * Other export formats: SCXML, vvvv Automata code Qfsm is being developed by Stefan Duffner and ...
Alice for Mac OS X download... and export the animation. It is created with Java which makes it available for multiple platforms. ...
Alice for Linux download... and export the animation. It is created with Java which makes it available for multiple platforms. ...
UltraEdit download... syntax highlighting for hundreds of languages, including C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, HTML, and more. This makes it an indispensable ... Users can create custom macros or scripts using JavaScript, further extending the software's functionality to meet specific ...
1.15 downloadJavaScript 3D without any plugins CopperLicht is a WebGL library and JavaScript 3D engine for creating games and 3d applications in the webbrowser. It ...
Universe Benchmark
0.76 PreAlpha downloadUniverse Benchmark was specially developed as an accessible and handy application that performs test measures by calculating PI on multiple threads. The software gives number of Decimal places option. ...
J4L-RChart for Android
2.2 downloadCharting package for Android (2D and 3D charts). It supports more than 18 different chart types like piecharts, linecharts, barcharts, areacharts, radarcharts and a richt set of features like labels, notes, ...
1.5.1 downloadBrainy is a software designed for people, especially students to conquer words such as Barron's SAT 3500. Building vocabulary for standard test is a hard work but with the help of ...
GeDA - Generic DTO Assembler
2.0.3 download... same for most of the objects. GeDA uses Java5's annotations in order to map DTO's onto paths of the Domain object properties (the reflection method). Thus the annotated ...
1.1.5 download... was specially created as an accessible and easy-to-use JavaScript plug-in for Notepad++. In order to install it ... has been created in order to better format Javascript code. It provides JSON data viewer that can ...
DataStorm for Linux
4.23 downloadBatch data conversion. Main Features: 1.Conversion file data between JSON, XML, CSV, PLIST, INI, the .properties and YML. 2.Support batch conversion 3.Support customized conversion parameters 4.Support complex data file processing, in ...
TouchOSC Editor for Mac OS X
1.8.9 downloadTouchOSC is an iOS application that can run on iPhones, iPads or iPods touch and provides a solution for controlling CoreMIDI compatible software by using a modular interface and MIDI or ...
SearchGUI for Mac and Linux
4.3.9 downloadSearchGUI is a user-friendly open-source graphical user interface for configuring and running proteomics identification search engines and de novo sequencing algorithms, currently supporting X! Tandem, MS-GF+, MS Amanda, MyriMatch, Comet, Tide, ...
EmEditor Professional
14.6.1 download... and time to open large files. Features include JavaScript or VBScript macros, plug-ins, syntax highlighting (including embedded ... much more. The text editor supports not only JavaScript and VBScript for the text editing macros, but ...
3.29.2 download... fully multiplatform since it is a 100% pure Java package. It runs on any platform where Java is installed. It was fully tested on Windows, ... jHepWork uses Jython, the Python language for the Java platform in order to call Java numerical and ...
2.3 download... fully multiplatform and runs on any platform where Java is installed. As a Java application, SCaVis takes the full advantage of multicore ... be used with several scripting languages for the Java platform, such as Jython (the Python programming language) ...
3.26 download... as Pascal / Delphi, Oberon, Perl, BASH, C#, Java and Php code. Structorizer is a simple, ... Linux, Mac OS an any other platform running Java. There is also no Install an Uninstall support. ...
Panoweaver Professional for Windows
5.00 download... can also be published into Flash, Quicktime, and Java applet format panoramic tours. Stitch 2-3 circular fisheye ... panoramas. Publish high resolution panorama in Flash, QTVR, Java Applet. Full screen panorama display. Stitch HDR panorama ...
Bluetooth File Transfer FULL
1.70 downloadUse your cell phone to browse, explore and manage files of any Bluetooth ready device! Download, upload, explore, search, edit, create, delete and rename files and folders on your phone, PDA, ...