soft downloads

Numbering Software

2.0 download

With this program & Corel DRAW you can print anything with serial numbers. Serial numbers will be replaced automatically. Would you like to print tickets, labels, lottery tickets,... with serial numbers. ...


2.21 download

Cryptoprotect utility "4K-Crypt" is simple program for encryption/decryption of any files. It is intended for zipping and providing confidentiality of stored or transmitted information. It uses library for encryption and digital ...

Domain Whois Checker

1.0.2 download

Domain Whois Checker is a powerful tool to check availability of multiple domain names or monitor domain name expiration. You can check a large list of the domain names, save it ...

Web Archive Downloader

1.5.0 download

Web Archive Downloader is a powerful, modern software for downloading web site archive. With the help ... most affordable by price among similar web archive softwares, it will easily pay for itself and turn ...

KEY Safeguard

2.0 download

KEY Safeguard is a portable software that allows you to protect your typed passwords, ... private info, hiding them to any keystroke logging software. It protects info through the insertion of a ...

Driver Genius Professional Edition download

Have you encountered problems such as games not running, screen freezing, Internet connection dropping, intermittent sound? Bugs in outdated drivers can prevent your computer from working properly. Driver Genius can provide ...

CalculationLaboratory download

CalculationLaboratory - mathematical program that can handle scripts (your own programming language), also can process scripts extreme numbers (both decimal binary(256-bit number) and a 16-bit format). There is support for multi-threading ...

KISSKey Keylogger download

If you appreciate the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid), then you'll appreciate KISSKey Keylogger, a keylogger focused on simplicity. Capture keystrokes, email encrypted logs. Quick, simple, easy. Secret keylogging of ...

Automatic Numerator

2.0 download

With this program & Corel DRAW you can print anything with serial numbers. Serial numbers will be replaced automatically. Would you like to print tickets, labels, lottery tickets,... with serial numbers. ...

DTM Data Generator for Excel

2.01.01 download

... built-in data generation language are also available. The software supports powerful export and import options that helps users to create new project by a few clicks only. Try it right ...

DwinsHs download

DwinsHs is a Pascal script for Inno Setup that allows you to download files from the Internet during the installation process, or visit the WEB server script. The FTP, HTTP and ...

HDD Safeguard

3.0 download

HDD Safeguard is a portable software that allows you to protect your private files ... the correct password! HDD Safeguard is a portable software and has been developed to run directly from ...

MonitorPack Guard

5.5.1 download

... Service) Cloud Application (Platform as a Service) and software on demand (SaaS or Software as a Service). MonitorPack consolidates your inventories, generates ...

Pristy Tools

2.5.7 download

... messages, all these tasks usually require a dedicated software for each of them. The System Powerless module ... since it is so easy to use, the software is well suited for any user who wants ...

NetTMon download

Visual monitoring (control) of a network traffic from all network interfaces (devices) which are available in system, and also providing the main statistical information on the data transmitted through them. Display ...

IPAMon download

Visual monitoring (control) of availability of a host (network resource) in the local computer network, the Internet, etc. to its IPv4-address, by periodic sending to it inquiries under the ICMP protocol. ...

IPMScan download

The utility is intended for setup and testing of IPv4-networks, bystry obtaining different information on system nodes. Will help to define network safety of the selected node or just to receive ...

PCAA download

The program complex 'Accounting of Admissions' is intended for the organization of the automated work with the electronic database containing information on admissions (constant, temporary or single) on the protected objects ...

SMNote download

The small multinotepad disappearing in a tray of an operating system, allowing to store, look through, create and to change small text, graphic, sound and file records. Will help to keep ...

SPRuler download

The screen ruler by means of which it is possible quickly and with ease to measure in pixels any objects on the screen of the monitor (desktop). As the tool can ...

ARSKill download

Blackout of autorun of programs from data carriers. Will help to get rid of the annoying Autorun's (by means of which are started viruses and other harmful programs) which are on ...

AutoKFD download

Automatic removal of unnecessary files (garbage, temporary files, viruses and other harmful programs) from the removable data carriers connected to the computer (a flash disks, removable hard drives, etc.). By results ...

FDFSpy download

Automatic copying of the files chosen on a mask from the removable data carriers connected to the computer (a flash disks, removable hard drives, etc.) in the chosen folder on a ...

HDFSpy download

Automatic copying of the files chosen on a mask from the data carriers connected to the computer (fixed hard drives, etc.) in the chosen folder on a removable data carrier. In ...

FDFRun download

Automatic start of the chosen program or opening of the necessary file with certain parameters at connection to the computer of a removable data carrier (a flash disk, the removable hard ...