nad83 downloads
24.12 download... State Plane Coordinate Systems (SPCS) on NAD27 and NAD83 and other coordinate systems of the North American continent. 4. The coordinate and reference systems of the Australasian continent. 5. Many ...
28.06 downloadTRANSDATpro can prove a helpful tool for professionals, providing them with the possibility to perform coordinate transformations fast and easy by use of the coordinate reference systems of their choice. TRANSDATpro ...
28.11 downloadTRANSDATpro can prove a helpful tool for professionals, providing them with the possibility to perform coordinate transformations fast and easy by use of the coordinate reference systems of their choice. TRANSDATpro ...
28.06 downloadTRANSDATpro can prove a helpful tool for professionals, providing them with the possibility to perform coordinate transformations fast and easy by use of the coordinate reference systems of their choice. TRANSDATpro ...
24.33 download... State Plane Coordinate Systems (SPCS) on NAD27 and NAD83 and other coordinate and reference systems of the North American continent. 3. The coordinate and reference systems of the Australasian continent. ...
UTM Coordinate Converter
2.0.4 download... and UTM. The following UTM Datums are supported: NAD83/WGS84, GRS80, WGS72, NAD27, GDA94/GDA2020, AGD84, ED50, OSGB36, Krasovsky 1940, and Everest 1830. UTM Coordinate Converter uses OpenStreetMaps, and includes Mundialis, Mundialis ...
UTM Coordinate Converter Mac Silicon
2.0.4 download... and UTM. The following UTM Datums are supported: NAD83/WGS84, GRS80, WGS72, NAD27, GDA94/GDA2020, AGD84, ED50, OSGB36, Krasovsky 1940, and Everest 1830. UTM Coordinate Converter uses OpenStreetMaps, and includes Mundialis, Mundialis ...
UTM Coordinate Converter Mac Intel
2.0.4 download... and UTM. The following UTM Datums are supported: NAD83/WGS84, GRS80, WGS72, NAD27, GDA94, AGD84, ED50, OSGB36, Krasovsky 1940, and Everest 1830. UTM Coordinate Converter uses OpenStreetMaps, and includes Mundialis, Mundialis ...