encryption algorithm downloads
2.7.7 download... bits certificates. Sha-1withRSAEncryption, sha256withRSAEncryption, sha384withRSAEncryption and sha512withRSAEncryption key algorithms supported. Freeware version supports only sha-1withRSAEncryption. Supports Automatic Certificate Management Environment, ACME (RFC 8555), protocol and can use Let’s Encrypt services ...
abylon BASIC
23.60.1 download... relatively simple. With the help of the Easy Encryption Technologie (EEnTe) only few steps are necessary to ... user the software support the signing and asymmetric encryption on the basis of X.509 certificates (PKCS-Standard of ...
Idea crypting module for BestCrypt
7.20 download... BestCrypt version 6.0b or newer. The module performs encryption using well-known IDEA algorithm. Works in Bestcrypt Environment in any Windows system.The ... and use the "Add.." button to add new encryption driver to the list of available drivers. The ...
SecureCD Creator
2.0 download... Creator is an advanced and powerful, full-featured CD encryption software. Create, edit, modify iso9660 files, and mount ... security program modules embedded into the CD-R which encryption,and write data back onto Security CDs. Sensitive personal ...
2.7 download... file and encrypts the file with the Blowfish algorithm using your submitted password as original seed. Each ... typing the password. As someones else says "This encryption software works. We cannot help in recovering information ...
BestCrypt Traveller
1.06 download... BestCrypt Traveller supports containers encrypted by any Encryption Algorithm and any Key Generator available in BestCrypt. ...
1.2.1 download... At its core, SecureDel employs advanced deletion algorithms that adhere to stringent data destruction standards, such ... of sensitive files. Its combination of advanced deletion algorithms, user-friendly interface, and robust security features make it ...
1.9 download... physics!) XorIt is designed to use conventional XOR encryption on keys that are the same size as ... from now. This is because there is no algorithm at all, just a big key, and thus ...
Digital Security Suite
2011 download... it's user-friendliness. Supports up to 480 bit strong encryption. Ideal for encrypting attachements to be sent by ... file shredding software. File shredding utilizes an advanced algorithm technique of overwriting your files multiple times so ...
Quick File Locker
1.0 download... privacy. Quick File Locker uses the Triple DES encryption algorithm and it also can make files totally unreadable ... files Encrypt folder using the Triple DES encrpytion algorithm Encrypt files using the Triple DES encrpytion algorithm ...
Ammyy Admin
3.0 download... in front of it. Ammyy Admin uses advanced encryption algorithm system. It provides high class data security. Ammyy ... remote computers are encrypted with high standard security algorithm AES and RSA which use different keys for ...
Hash Codes
1.62.780.7200 download... SHA-384, SHA-512, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-320 or Whirlpool algorithm. Features: Hash data from keyboard, file ... SHA-512, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-320, TIGER and Whirlpool algorithm Copy hash codes to the clipboard or save ...
Hash Codes x64
1.62.780.7200 download... SHA-384, SHA-512, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-320 or Whirlpool algorithm. Features: Hash data from keyboard, file ... SHA-512, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-320, TIGER and Whirlpool algorithm Copy hash codes to the clipboard or save ...
23.60.1 download... Explorer environment simplify using of the software. The encryption and decryption with the e.g. AES algorithm is done for each file operation automatically in ...
Any File Encryptor
3.4.25 download... Encryptor is a software designed for robust data encryption and protection. Here are the key features of ... software based on your description: Government-level Security (AES Encryption): The software employs Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), a ...
Big Crocodile
3.11 download... to use. The software uses a powerful commercial encryption algorithm. Big Crocodile password recovery is impossible! ...
10.8.2 download... without using the registry. LogonExpert uses a strong encryption algorithm (AES) to store login data. Powerful scheduler allowing ...
Remote Control
2.0 download... between computers. The connection is protected by RC4-like encryption algorithm with 128 bit key. Allows you to control ...
ZIP Self Extractor Maker
1.9 download... password and can get encrypted with Triple DES encryption algorithm. A specific unzip directory can be set also ...
SpyShelter Premium
9.8 download... data is being protected from information-stealing malware. Keystroke Encryption SpyShelter Premium offers a unique, second layer of anti-keylogging protection, namely Keystroke Encryption (also known as keyboard encryption). It encrypts your keystrokes in real time. All ...
Exlade Cryptic Disk
5.3.2 download... stolen. Exlade Cryptic Disk uses the AES 256-bit encryption algorithm, the same type of encryption that NASA, the FBI and the Department of ... up to 3 nesting levels. Encrypted drives Encryption of files and folders on physical drives and ...
23.60.1 download... for unauthorized persons or spies and only the encryption protect your data really. The software abylon CRYPTDRIVE ... create the software encrypted container, using the international algorithm standards AES and Blowfish with an key-length from ...
2.0.RC2 download... secure place, which is protected with a special encryption algorithm. Your mess and anxiety about passwords are over ... need. AnyPassword protects your private information with strong algorithms, which reduce the possibility of unauthorized access to ...
Wise Folder Hider Pro
3.41 downloadWise Folder Hider Pro is designed to password-protect your folders and files from being seen, read or modified by the priers. It provides enhanced security for files and folders on your ...
11.0 download... Anti Virus program. PentaZip offers 6 additional strong encryption methods that safely password protect files using one of the following algorithms: AES, DES, Triple DES, Blowfish, Serpent, Mars. ... 4GB 4. Use AES, DES and WinZip/PKZip Strong Encryption 5. Perform Virus checks using your standard Antivirus ...