data tables downloads

FoxPro Display Table Structure Software

7.0 download

... want to display the table structure (field name, data type, description, etc.) of one or more FoxPro tables. The user simply chooses the DBC file or ... containing multiple DBC files for the required FoxPro database before testing the connection. The user-friendly interface allows ...

MS SQL Server IBM DB2 Import, Export & Convert Software

7.0 download

... a solution to users who want to transfer tables between MS SQL Server and IBM DB2 databases. The user simply enters the login information for the IBM DB2 and SQL Server databases before testing the connection. The user-friendly interface allows ...

FoxPro IBM DB2 Import, Export & Convert Software

7.0 download

... a solution to users who want to transfer tables to and from FoxPro and IBM DB2 databases. The user simply chooses the DBC file or ... containing multiple DBC files for the required FoxPro database and enters the usual login information for the ...

Recover FAT Drive download

Windows FAT data restoration software provides comprehensive solution to restores your ... FAT32 partition based hard disk. Hard disk FAT data recovery tool safely recovers inaccessible office documents (doc, ... from FAT supported USB hard disk drive. FAT data retrieval utility conveniently retrieves formatted files, directories with ...

Oracle Sybase iAnywhere Import, Export & Convert Software

7.0 download

... a solution to users who want to transfer tables to and from Oracle and Sybase iAnywhere databases. The user simply enters the login information for the Oracle database and the Data source name for Sybase iAnywhere ...

PostgreSQL Sybase ASE Import, Export & Convert Software

7.0 download

... a solution to users who want to transfer tables to and from PostgreSQL and Sybase ASE databases. The user simply enters the login information for the databases and tests both connections before proceeding to the ...

A-PDF To Excel

4.0 download

... way to extract and convert almost any PDF data (such as Invoice, Bank statement, Price list, inventory ... format), who need to batch extract the PDF data and save it to excel and retain the ...

ClipTable download

ClipTable(tm) lets you copy any desired data directly from your clipboard into an SQL table. You can easily get data from any sources, including: HTML Tables, Word, Excel, Text, PDF and many more... ...

Visual Importer ETL Standard 32 Bit download

... ETL If you regularly export, transform or load database data, Visual Importer ETL is designed to Save you ... if you have to fiddle around with your data to get it into the right format. So, ...

Visual Importer ETL Standard 64 Bit download

... ETL If you regularly export, transform or load database data, Visual Importer ETL is designed to Save you ... if you have to fiddle around with your data to get it into the right format. So, ...

MS Access MySQL Import, Export & Convert Software

7.0 download

... a solution to users who want to transfer tables between their MS Access and MySQL databases. This software will generate the necessary SQL commands ... importing and exporting for you. By instantly transferring tables, this software will save you hours of time ...

MySQL Find and Replace Software

7.0 download

... users who want to replace content in MySQL database tables. A single entry modifies all instances of one ... a time. You can select one or multiple tables to modify simultaneously. ...

MySQL Export Table To Text File Software

7.0 download

... solution to users who want to save MySQL tables as text or CSV files. In the resulting text file, each field (column) is separated by a comma or other custom ...

MS SQL Server Export Table To Text File Software

7.0 download

... users who want to save MS SQL Server tables as text or CSV files. Simply connect to the database and choose which fields to export. In the ... return. This software will allow you to manipulate database content without coding knowledge. MS SQL Server 2000 ...

PostgreSQL Sybase iAnywhere Import, Export & Convert Software

7.0 download

... a solution to users who want to transfer tables to and from PostgreSQL and Sybase iAnywhere databases. The user simply enters the login information for the PostgreSQL database and a data source name for the Sybase ...

MS SQL Server Paradox Import, Export & Convert Software

7.0 download

... a solution to users who want to transfer tables between MS SQL Server and Paradox databases. Simply open both connections and the user friendly ... easy. This program is designed for Paradox 5 databases. Higher versions of Paradox databases can be saved ...

Paradox To Oracle Conversion Software

7.0 download

... a solution to users who want to transfer tables between Paradox and Oracle databases. The user simply chooses the Paradox folder, enters the login information for the Oracle database and tests both connections before proceeding to the ...

Sybase iAnywhere Editor Software

7.0 download

... a solution to users who want to edit data in Sybase iAnywhere tables. The user simply enters the login information for the required database and tests the connection before proceeding to the ...

MS Access Change Case To Proper, Upper, Lower & Sentence Software

7.0 download

... the text case of records in MS Access tables. There are features to change case to upper, lower, title (also called "proper") or sentence case. By instantly altering multiple records, ...

CSV To HTML Table Converter Software

7.0 download

... want to convert multiple CSV files into HTML tables. Simply drag and drop the files you would like to work with and press a button to start the conversion. Each ...

FoxPro Change Case To Proper, Upper, Lower & Sentence Software

7.0 download

... users who want to change case in FoxPro tables. Entire fields (columns) can be converted to upper, lower, title (proper) or sentence case. Connection to FoxPro can be via a ...

<b>Remove Duplicates</b> from Excel

1.1.6 download

... searching and processing duplicated cells in Microsoft Excel tables. Program key functions: 1. Search across columns and rows. Remove Duplicates from Excel allows you to find duplicated cells in rows ...

Oracle Change Case To Proper, Upper, Lower & Sentence Software

7.0 download

... who want to change letter case in Oracle data. The user simply provides the user login information for the database and tests the connection before choosing to change ... easy to use software, changing case in large databases is quick and easy. ...

Microsoft Excel

2016 16.0.6741.2048 download

... for spreadsheet editing, use of graphing tools, pivot tables, macro programming, and much more. Available today on ... a cell's position in the spreadsheet and manipulate data easier. Cells can contain all sorts of data, ...

IGS Replicator

2.5 download

IGS Replicator 2.5 makes the exchange of data between databases a pleasure. All the functions you need are ... powerful and easy-to-use solution to handle all common data movement tasks including online backup. It scans the ...