spread downloads
1.0 downloadNewly developed Neat Template provides a stylish and fresh look for you to design more stunning page-flipping eBooks. The Neat Blue Theme Package blue different skins and button styles based on ...
1.0 downloadIn Neat Template, you can add brand logo in the top toolbar, set different featured buttons, show or hide transparent thumbnails at bottom, enable Social Share via different channels, etc. In ...
Free Page Turning Software
2.6 download... to choose from, they are Classic, Float, and Spread respectively. The free page turning software we launch today is of high-quality as usual. The software we provide this time is ...
Outlook Tools for PST File Management
3.0 download... the fully fledged edition at $17. To keep spread PST files in one folder use our ADDPST software, go for the trial version to add 5MB PST size to Outlook. ...
Flip Book Writer
1.7 download... and flipbook; Optional built-in templates: Classical, float and spread; Custom settings to make your own flipbook style; Flexible output formats: HTML, Zip, Exe, Mobile version and burn to CD; Available ...
2.0.8 download... tool window outside the chart window; View Current Spread information. ...
1.0 downloadGreen is the color of nature, fertility and life. Grass green is the most restful color. Green symbolizes self-respect and well being. Green is the color of balance. It also means ...
1.0 downloadNeat presentation interface, neat control panels and neat reading manner help to build your neat feeling publications. The 6 Design backgrounds based on Neat Template will bring you totally different senses, ...
1.0 downloadNo doubt that plant is important to us people. Plants produce almost all of the oxygen in the air that humans and other animals breathe. Plants are also an important source ...
1.0 downloadHave you ever experienced a clear day across the English Channel, the white cliffs of Dover which are even visible from France? Or seen awe-inspiring views Mount Everest from Kalla Pattar, ...
1.0 downloadJust like the most important aspect of a house is not its size or whether it's a ranch or a cape or a colonial, the truly essential is whether your living ...
Float Warm Theme Package
1.0 downloadNo matter your flipbook will be used as commercial presentation or customer newsletter, warm tones will make your book look inviting. The Float Template Warm Theme Package shows warm feeling backgrounds. ...
Classical Spring Theme Package
1.0 downloadSpring, the warm, lush and fresh season of rebirth, it sure is gorgeous around everywhere! Most people love this time of year for the beautiful Spring brings cleansing and beauty. Here ...
Neat Life Theme Package
1.0 downloadIn most time of our life, we work hard to living better, but not for a real life. The real life is to dream what we want to dream, go where ...
Float Gallery Flip Theme Package
1.0 downloadNo matter you are running an official website or a community site, build photo gallery for your products or friends could be a good idea to present pictures online. FlipBuilder provides ...
Neat Gallery Flip Theme Package
1.0 downloadDo you want to manage your gallery and upload to exhibit your nice work online? Now Flip programs and also beautiful designed themes will provides you complete solution for you produce ...
Drools Planner
9.44.0 download... weight. The weight in a container should be spread as evenly as possible. Different container types have different prices: minimize the overall cost. Not all items are added or removed ...
Classical Cartoon Flip Theme Package(1)
1.0 downloadWhen publish your cartoon booklets online, do you want to use some sweet or interesting image to make your book more attractive and wonderful? Flip Classical Cartoon package provides 6 different ...
Float On the Way Flip Theme Package
1.0 downloadThe most time of our life is on the way, for learning, for working, for journey, but how many people would enjoy the view or just the feelings on the way? ...
Neat Rainbow Flip Program Theme Package
1.0 downloadA rainbow is composed of the entire spectrum of colors of visible light, from the longest wavelength, red, to the shortest wavelength, violet. The order of colors in a rainbow is ...
Flash Catalog Templates of Red Flowers
1.0 download... flash catalogs: flash catalog with using Classical, Float, Spread and Neat templates. The flexible choices would help you make unique and fantastic flash catalog with ease by our page flip ...
World Tools
2.0.6 download... includes the following functionality not present in InDesign: Spread Numbering, a function to straighten existing quotes, and the ability to intelligently apply character styles to texts of different languages. ...
World Tools for Mac OS X
2.0.6 download... includes the following functionality not present in InDesign: Spread Numbering, a function to straighten existing quotes, and the ability to intelligently apply character styles to texts of different languages. ...
World Tools Pro
2.0.7 download... includes the following functionality not present in InDesign: Spread Numbering, a function to straighten existing quotes, and the ability to intelligently apply character styles to texts of different languages. ...
World Tools Pro for Mac OS X
2.0.7 download... includes the following functionality not present in InDesign: Spread Numbering, a function to straighten existing quotes, and the ability to intelligently apply character styles to texts of different languages. ...