x by y downloads

Cars Screensaver from Online Casino

1.0 download

Dream Cars screensaver sponsored by Online Casino - a perfect place for gamble with poker, roulette, blackjack, slots and many other casino-games. ...

Coloring Book 2: Dinosaurs

5.00.89 download

Coloring book software with ALL dinosaurs! Not only are there dinosaurs to color, but the written pronunciation of the dinosaur names are included. It has large buttons that make it easy ...

Coloring Book 4: Plants

4.22.93 download

Coloring book software with a large variety of plants to color! It has the same easy to use interface as the previous coloring books which makes it easy to use even ...

New Version

Coloring Book 5: Alphabet Train

4.22.92 download

Coloring book software with a train load of alphabet pictures to color! Each train car has a different picture on it for each letter of the alphabet. Download a free trial ...

Guitar and Bass Ear Trainer

1.5 download

Play-along ear-training course for guitar, bass, and other fretboard instrument players. Learn to play effortlessly by ear. Develop the ability of playing whatever is in your mind without hesitation and without ...

Mastro Mente

1.2 download

A small clone of Master Mind. Discover the right color sequence in less tryouts as possible. 8 different colors available. A mind game by Bottomap Software. NB: DirectX9.0+ required. ...


1.42.01 download

MiniCap is a minimal screenshot capture app, with great commandline support, including the ability to launch (and then terminate) apps, capture windows by pid, handle, program name. And a nice interactive ...

1st Registry Repair

2.0 download

1st Registry Repair is a utility to optimize your system registry by finding and removing errors and invalid entries.The registry is a heart and soul of any Windows system.It contains information ...


7.0 download

A simulation of a NYC Transit Authority train traveling by automatic signals with working stop arms. Working circuit drawings show how the signal system relays function while the train passes over ...

Sudoku Quest

1.0 download

Sudoku Quest. The brain bendingly addictive new puzzle game that has taken the world by storm. Choose from four levels of difficulty that will cater for beginners as well as Sudoku ...

The Bouncy Killer

1.20 download

A fast and funny arcade remake of an old VIC20 game. Try to hit each smile one time only. Try the funny Multiplayer mode. By Bottomap Software. Made entirely with Botolib ...

Dungeon Scroll Gold Edition

2.00 download

Fight your way through 25 dungeons of evil creatures by arranging letters to create magic words. Dungeon Scroll fuses the challenge of a word game with the excitement of treasure seeking ...


3.66 download

R2V is a tool for converting raster images to vector by drawing centerlines and outlines. R2V converts architect, mechanical and various technical drawings, maps and other types from raster to vector ...

Weird Planet

3.1 download

This game is a murderous action where the main character is to pass several levels to escape from the unknown planet inhabited by various monsters. It is necessary to stay alive ...

Advanced File Vault

1.03 download

Hide or password-protect any file instantly by clicking on it. Advanced File Vault works with all file types including pictures and movies. Once a file is locked or hidden, it is ...

Reallusion CrazyTalk Home Edition

3.5 download

Create animated, speaking photos in minutes with CrazyTalk. Now, without the use of any additional video hardware or software, CrazyTalk enables users to easily and quickly generate professional-grade output. Images are ...

Domain Quester Pro

6.02 download

Search for domains by unlimited number of keywords. Input unlimited number of words that relate to your business interests and these exact terms will be used as "root words" in an ...

Macro Express download

Macro Express is an incredibly powerful macro recorder and playback utility. Automate all of your common tasks by simply turning on the recorder, performing the actions one time, then playing back ...


1.1 download

Use this program to simplify your experience of using Windows, by confining groups of running programs to different "screens" (or virtual desktops), and hiding all running applications other than those on ...

Coloring Book 10: Baby Animals

1.02.93 download

Coloring book software filled with 50 pages of baby animals. Download a free trial version of the Baby Animal Coloring Book that you can use indefinitely! 50 pictures are included with ...

New Version


3.5 download

Stitcher is the award-winning, full featured photo stitcher for professionals. Create impressive panoramas in the formats you need for print, web, film and 3D output. Stitcher combines overlapping photos easily into ...

Fox Hunting

1.0 download

Are you a minesweeper maniac? Then you've got to check out this game. Absolutely new idea. Nice interface with animation. The game field is divided into cells and has 10 cells ...

PDFLayout Plus

1.0 download

PDFlayout Plus - A dll for your pdf-files... Royalty free! With this dll you can get all layout-properties (listed below) from pdf-files. Page by page! As a second value you can ...

FoxPro Join Two Tables Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to horizontally merge two FoxPro tables based on one common field (column) of data. The user chooses the DBC file or free ...


1.26 download

GDIView is a unique tool that displays the list of GDI handles (brushes, pens, fonts, bitmaps, and others) opened by every process. It displays the total count for each type of ...