redo downloads
VeryPDF PDF Editor
4.1 download... comment and annotation to PDF. 7.Unlimited levels of Redo and Undo for correcting mistakes in PDF editing. ...
AddFlow for .NET
V2.1 downloadAddFlow for .NET is a .NET Windows Forms Custom control. It provides approximately the same flowcharting/diagramming features as the ActiveX version but also some new features (class derivation, OwnerDraw property, Anti-Aliasing, ...
Better JPEG photo editor downloadBetterJPEG is a JPEG photo editor specifically designed to avoid recompression loss when editing photos. BetterJPEG takes advantage of the fact that JPEG images consist of a number of small independent ...
3.17 downloadSchematic is a diagramming tool that allows you to combine text, pictures, shapes and connectors to create clear and informative diagrams. Schematic has a clean and easy to use GUI, including ...
AudioEdit Deluxe
5.02 download... artist, copyright, genre, title, year); complete undo and redo capabilities; advanced, burn-proof audio CD recording; and much more. The following audio formats are supported by the audio editing and playback ...
2007 U2 download... Furthermore, you can create small self-executing patch-programs, that redo the modifications to a program. You can distribute these ResPatchers freely. ...
PlotLab VCL
8.0 download... and navigate. - Zoom/Pan history - Undo and Redo zooms/panning. - Data gaps - allows gaps in the data channels. - Markers - Add data markers. - Cursors, measurement and ...
Pro Motion
NG downloadPro Motion is a graphic editor, sprite animation and tile map design package, ideal for creating pixel precise animations, images or icons used in games especially for handheld systems like mobile ...
Helicon Filter
5.8.0 downloadHelicon Filter is a complete photo editing solution for the digital photographer. Its easy and intuitive interface, live preview feature, and contextual help ensure an easy start in photo editing ...
Sib Icon Studio
4.02 downloadWe are please to present Sib Icon Studio 4.02 - a new release of one of the best icon and cursor editors.The program still provides the most useful options to help ...
2.34.14 download... set your own color scheme, use the Undo, Redo and Search functions. Besides the hex format, the program can also compare files in text format. String searching can be done ...
Word Icon Library
3.9 download... file, edit, print, close, cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, preview, sort, table, ABC, OK, import, export, zoom, search and others. ...
Blue Icon Library
4.8 download... Help, New, Open, Print and Preview, Undo and Redo, Save, Save As and Save All, Yes and No, and many other useful symbols are included. The set is instantly available ...
PlotLab .NET
8.0 download... and navigate. - Zoom/Pan history - Undo and Redo zooms/panning. - Data gaps - allows gaps in the data channels. - Markers - Add data markers. - Cursors, measurement and ...
Pretty Good Solitaire
20.0 download... Good Solitaire you can undo every move and redo them again if you wish. Leave a game while it is in progress and Pretty Good Solitaire will save it for ...
AddFlow ActiveX
V5.4 downloadAddFlow is an ActiveX control that lets you quickly build flowchart-enabled applications. Features such as distinct colors, fonts, shapes, styles, pictures, text, and so on for each object of the diagram ...
Music Editing Master
11.6.4 downloadMusic Editing Master is an ideal and efficient audio editing and audio production tool for home users. It provides powerful and user-friendly editing environment which suits beginners especially. If you want ...
7.0 download... flexible solitaire and game selection, comments, undo and redo move, game history, game demo, hint move, player management, attractive statistical graphs, card counter, full screen mode, autoplay, sound and music, ...
Sib Font Editor
2.22 download... case you want to make corrections, Undo and Redo functions will come in handy. The effective controls will improve productivity and comfort. Sib Font Editor is competent enough to be ...
PTab Smartphone Spreadsheet
3.0 downloadPTab is a fully functional spreadsheet with the key features of desktop spreadsheets: Microsoft Office Excel (xls) & Windows Mobile Excel (pxl) compatibility, macros, charts, data validation, dropdown boxes, outline etc. ...
RationalPlan Project Management Software
4.2 downloadRationalPlan Project Management Software is a powerful project management software designed to assist project managers in developing plans, allocating resources, tracking progress, managing budgets and analyzing workload. Useful for project planning, ...
EDraw Flowchart ActiveX Control
2.3 downloadDo you want to learn how to draw? Now you can online! Learn how to draw like an local application with EDraw ActiveX Control, that lets you quickly build basic flowcharts, ...
Imagelys Texture Pack #1
2 downloadAdd Texture Pack into Imagelys Picture Styles software. Imagelys Picture Styles application is a way of creating an unlimited number of beautiful graphic images in a minimal amount of time. You ...
Imagelys Texture Pack #2
2 downloadAdd Texture Pack into Imagelys Picture Styles software. Imagelys Picture Styles application is a way of creating an unlimited number of beautiful graphic images in a minimal amount of time. You ...
Imagelys Texture Pack #3
2 downloadAdd Texture Pack into Imagelys Picture Styles software. Imagelys Picture Styles application is a way of creating an unlimited number of beautiful graphic images in a minimal amount of time. You ...