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USB Image Tool download... Drive Management** USB Image Tool, developed by Alexander Beug, is a versatile and robust software designed ... **Conclusion:** In summary, USB Image Tool by Alexander Beug is an essential utility for anyone who ...
2.5.2 downloadWinMute, developed by Alexander Steinhöfer, is a streamlined utility designed to enhance ... relevant and up-to-date. In summary, WinMute by Alexander Steinhöfer is a practical tool for anyone looking to ...
1.0.0 download... Icon Animation** SystemTrayAnimator, developed by the innovative Alexander Illarionov, is a unique software tool designed to ... memorable user experience. **Conclusion:** SystemTrayAnimator by Alexander Illarionov is a testament to the power of ...
0.8.5 Build 9543 downloady-cruncher, developed by Alexander J. Yee, is a high-performance software designed for ... of their systems. In summary, y-cruncher by Alexander J. Yee is a powerful, versatile, and highly efficient ...
2.2.0 downloadWindowTextExtractor, developed by Alexander Illarionov, is a powerful and intuitive tool designed ... your local environment. In summary, WindowTextExtractor by Alexander Illarionov is a robust and efficient tool designed to ...
0.8.2 downloadSpek, developed by Alexander Kojevnikov, is a specialized audio analysis tool designed ... and reliable choice. In summary, Spek by Alexander Kojevnikov is a powerful and efficient tool for anyone ...
NetFlow2SQL Collector
2.0.1048 downloadNetFlow2SQL Collector can be used to receive NetFlow packets from 20 Cisco and other routing devices and store their contents into databases on Microsoft SQL and MySQL servers for retrieval and ...
Wake-On-LAN Sender
2.0.12 downloadWake-On-LAN Sender can be used to turn on remote computers sending magic packets (UDP). This freeware utility supports SecureOn password and allows to identify MAC addresses of LAN computers. It can ...
Remote Desktop Assistant
1.2.605 downloadRemote Desktop Assistant is a wrapper for Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection and OpenSSH. It creates RDP configuration files and utilizes the Remote Desktop Client (mstsc.exe). It allows to configure more RDP ...
Wake-On-LAN Virtual Machine
1.0.626 downloadIf physical host machine has not enough resources or performance to keep every virtual machine running the solution is to start virtual machines only when needed. Wake-On-LAN Virtual Machine implements the ...
Wake-On-LAN Listener
2.4 downloadThe program receives magic packets and can be used as a Wake-On-LAN configuration troubleshooting tool. It allows to select local network adapters and create Windows Firewall exceptions. Requires administrator rights. ...
5.9.4 downloadFuturixImager is a compact and customizable image viewer. It is capable of opening more then 50 file types, including all most popular ones (GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, JPEG2000, raw, DNG). Imager ...
D-Fend Reloaded
1.4.4 downloadD-Fend Reloaded is a graphical environment for DOSBox. DOSBox emulates a complete computer including the DOS commandline and allows to run nearly all old DOS based games on modern hardware with ...
Portable streamWriter B1135 downloadStreamWriter is an application for recording streams in mp3- or aac-format broadcasted by internet radio stations. streamWriter is completely free (open-source), is easy to use and should provide all features expected ...
StreamWriter B1135 downloadStreamWriter is an easy to use application designed to enable you to record MP3 / AAC-streams broadcasted by internetradio stations for example. The application is easy to install, easy to ...
AcruSky Planetarium
2.1.0 downloadAcruSky Planetarium is a planetarium software for Windows showing realistic starry sky for selected date and time. It supports pluggable star catalogs up to 2 million stars. New version of the ...
Rocket Propulsion Analysis Lite
1.2.9 downloadRocket Propulsion Analysis (RPA) is a multi-platform rocket engine analysis tool for rocketry professionals, scientists, students and amateurs. For many years rocketry scientists, students and amateurs were using command-line MS-DOS ...
Rocket Propulsion Analysis Lite x64
1.2.0 downloadRocket Propulsion Analysis (RPA) is a multi-platform rocket engine analysis tool for rocketry professionals, scientists, students and amateurs. For many years rocketry scientists, students and amateurs were using command-line MS-DOS ...
Portable D-Fend Reloaded
1.4.4 downloadPortable D-Fend Reloaded is a software tool whose sole purpose is to help you play DOS based games on any OS, using a DOSBox environment. Another aspect worth mentioning is that ...
0.8.2 Alpha downloadSwish adds support for SFTP to Windows Explorer so you can access your files on another computer securely via SSH. With Swish you can access the files and folders you ...
6.8.2 downloadQuickFolders, developed by Alexander Malfait, is a highly efficient and user-friendly add-on ... the latest versions of Thunderbird. Furthermore, the developer, Alexander Malfait, is known for his responsiveness to user feedback, ...
1.6.0 downloadSmartContextMenu, developed by Alexander Illarionov, is an innovative utility designed to enhance ... a simple right-click. In summary, SmartContextMenu by Alexander Illarionov is a powerful and versatile tool that transforms ...
abcAVI Tag Editor downloadabcAVI Tag Editor is little stand alone utility for viewing/editing tags in AVI files. In short it allows you to get information on movie from Internet Movie Database or type it ...
2016.12.09 downloadThis program is utility for artists, game designers and 3D-modellers. The main function of the program - the generation of three-dimensional models of plants. Models can be saved in standard formats ...
Funny Voice
1.6 downloadFunny Voice changes the pitch of your voice. Higher pitch will let you sound like a smurf, less pitch will give you a deep voice. All you need is a microphone. ...