delete skype chat downloads


1.2.3 download

SkyHistory is now a Skype application to save and manage your Skype chat history and call logs regardless of the client settings To comply with new Skype policy we have converted our SkyHistory extra into ...


5.7 download

Skyperious, crafted by the talented developer Erki Suurjaak, is ... wish to delve into the depths of their Skype data. This open-source application stands out as a comprehensive solution for managing, exploring, and analyzing Skype chat histories with ease and precision. At ...


2.1.1 download

SkyHistory is a chat history manager for Skype that enables you to store and manage conversations, filter chats, and search through saved conversations according to date. SkyHistory will help you to define Skype contacts whose chat history should be stored. You ...


12.5 download

... MSN Messenger, Netscape, OmniWeb, Opera, Preview, QuickTime, Safari, Skype, Transmission, Unison, Xtorrent, and Yahoo Messenger. These enhanced features allow you to pick and choose what exactly to remove from the ...

AV VoizGame

6.0.71 download

AV VoizeGame is an innovative voice chat tool that changes your real voice to disguise ... Man), to be completely anonymous in any game chat rooms. In addition, you are able to change ...

Amigabit Privacy Cleaner

1.1.0 download

... recent played Internet location, watched videows, music, pictures, chat log. Clean All Areas on PC: *Application: Adobe ... *Instant Messaging Software Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger, Skype, Yahoo Messager, Camfrog Video Chat, Miranda Instant Messager, ...