net class downloads
Net Nanny
6.5 downloadNet Nanny is a powerful internet filtering tool that ... how your web filter categorizes that webpage. Net Nanny 6.5 can now mask (@#$!) inappropriate content, ... videos, personal descriptions, wall posts and more. With Net Nanny 6.5 you can even view your kid’s ...
.NET Barcode Library
2021.9.0 download... limit from there. IronBarcode is a well known class library or component for the .NET system which permits designers of C#,, and F# to work with standardized programming languages. ...
Net Core PDF Generator
2022.3.5084 download... PDF by using the IronPDF, HTML to PDF class and asking it to render. It will render any HTML file URL or string into a PDF document, including internal links, ...
.NET code security tool
8.8.3 download... Control flow obfuscation stops decompilers and deobfuscators Scrambles class names, method names, field names etc. Provides .NET Licensing features It works well on both (x86 and x64) platforms Implements .NET ...
.NET Obfuscation Software
8.8.3 download... Control flow obfuscation stops decompilers and deobfuscators Scrambles class names, method names, field names etc. Provides .NET Licensing features Implements .NET Code Extension for small .NET applications protection. Implements assemblies ...
.NET Obfuscator
8.8.3 download... Control flow obfuscation stops decompilers and deobfuscators Scrambles class names, method names, field names etc. Provides .NET Licensing features Implements .NET Code Extension for small .NET applications protection. Implements assemblies ...
.NET Obfuscator Ultimate Edition
8.8.3 download... Control flow obfuscation stops decompilers and deobfuscators Scrambles class names, method names, field names etc. Provides .NET Licensing features Implements .NET Code Extension for small .NET applications protection. Implements assemblies ...
.Net Runtime Library for Delphi download... native code. - Full access to .Net Framework Class Library. - Easy to use. CNClrLibrary can do so much: - Allow access to .Net Framework Class Library. - Allow access to Third Party .Net ...
.NET Obfuscator Freeware
8.8.3 download... unnecessary information used by debuggers from your .NET classes. Also, class, interface, field and method identifiers are renamed to ... Control flow obfuscation stops decompilers and deobfuscators; Scrambles class names, method names, field names etc.; Provides .NET ...
.NET Obfuscator Standard Edition
8.8.3 download... disassemblers from disassembling your .NET code. It keeps class, method, and other symbol names mangled. Skater .NET Obfuscator is a comprehensive professional solution for .NET application code protection. With Skater ...
Net Control 2 Classroom
11.0 downloadNet Control 2 is a classroom management software, teaching monitoring and network administration software, ... arrangement of communication between students and a lecturer. Net Control 2 includes original Broadcast Desktop teachnology, which ...
Net Tracker for Courses
1.05 downloadNet Tracker for Courses is a full-featured database system ... colleges and other organizations that need to track classes and student lists. You can use the software to keep track of any type class. For each class you can track category, instructor, ...
Net Tracker for Audio Visual Loans
1.05 downloadNet Tracker for AV Loans is a full-featured database ... registration, dropped out, wait list etc.). · Student class list management. For each student, record name, address, ... · Impressive 3-Dimensional Graphs showing you how your classes break down. · Various customizable financial, enrollment and ...
Microsoft .NET Framework 4
4.8.1 download... the common language runtime and the .NET Framework class library. The common language runtime is the foundation ... the runtime is known as unmanaged code. The class library, the other main component of the .NET ...
Active MIDI DJ Console for .NET
1.1 download... DJ Console for .NET is a .NET custom class which allows receiving MIDI data from the input channel connected to the external MIDI device and notifying MIDI data reception to ...
ComponentAce Barcode .NET
1.00 download... Barcode .NET is a lightweight and flexible .NET class library which lets you easily add high-quality barcode ... barcode imaging to your Windows application Includes a class which lets you to draw barcode images on ...
2021.12.0 download... single line of code using the Auto OCR class or with advanced setup using the Advanced OCR class within the Iron OCR namespace. Iron OCR fully ... using a single reference to the Auto OCR class, and an entire document can be read back ...
VB.Net Excel Library
2021.9 download... IronXL plugs into any VB.NET application as a class library or NuGet package. It adds full features for opening, editing, exporting, and importing data from Excel within VB.NET applications, including ...
2022.11.10347 download... software tutorial with code examples for VB Dot Net developers. VB.Net: Create a PDF file This Visual ... for ASP.Net, Console Applications and Windows Services. Dot Net Pdf Tutorial Contents: 1. VB.Net Pdf library Installation ...
SocketTools .NET Edition
8.0.8030.2386 downloadThe SocketTools .NET Edition is a collection of Internet components for Visual Studio 2013 and earlier versions. C# and Visual Basic developers can easily upload and download files, send and receive ...
Columns .NET assembly for DataGridView
2.0.5 download... manipulate DataGridView columns using properties of the DataGridViewColumn class. The .NET Framework (2.0 and later) includes six types of DataGridView column classes by default: DataGridViewButtonColumn, DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn, DataGridViewComboboxColumn, DataGridViewImageColumn, DataGridViewTextBoxColumn, and DataGridViewLinkColumn classes. DataGridView Columns dynamic link library contains the following ...
KeepDynamic .NET Barcode Generator Component
9.0 downloadKeepDynamic's .NET Barcode library can be easily integrated into any .NET framework projects and is able to be used as a control in toolbox in Visual Studio, which let developers easily ...
KeepDynamic .NET QR Code Generator
9.0 downloadKeepDynamic's .NET QR Code library can be easily integrated into any .NET framework projects and is able to be used as a control in toolbox in Visual Studio, which let developers ...
RapidSpell Desktop .NET
5.3 download... type check control) and RapidSpellChecker (core spell checker class). Visit for details. ...
1.16 downloadZylBurner.NET is a CD / DVD burner .NET component library. It is based on NeroCmd utility, so it needs Nero Burning ROM to be installed. This component is very easy to ...