calculator downloads

Financial Calculator (Windows setup)

6.0 download

This is a portable program for financial calculations and could run in any computer device in any resolution. You only need to install Java 1.8 (Java 8) or newer one. By ...

Asset to Gain Calculator

1 download

Do you day-trade crypto currencies or on asset exchanges? This easy little app crunches percentage point based gains on up to three assets at once - it was used in IRT ...

Molar Mass / Molecular Weight Calculator

0.5.1 download

Molecular mass or molecular weight is the mass of a molecule. It is calculated as the sum of the atomic masses of each constituent element or group of elements multiplied by ...

Resistor Calculator

1.0.8 download

... resistors for LED circuits. By using this resistor calculator it is very simple to determine the color ... the current of the LED(s). Features of Resistor Calculator at a glance: - Calculating the color code ...

APFill - Ink Coverage Calculator

5.6 download

Ink usage is usually described by the printer manufactures as so many pages of A4 using 5% coverage. This software helps you calculate ink, toner coverage on page before printing expressed ...

Biorhythms Calculator

2.9 download

Calculates and displays biorhythm graphs. Enter your birthdate and this Applet and it will calculate your biorhythms for any day in the past or future. It computes your 23-day physical, 28-day ...

Canadian Sales Tax Calculator

4.4 download

Calculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or as they were in the past. Java Applet that can also be run as an application. Java source code and sample ...

MCTH - McCabe Thiele Plates Calculator

2.2.3 download

MCTH Number of Theoretical Plates by McCabe-Thiele method for distillation towers of binary mixtures - Interactive changes using McCabe-Thiele diagram - Full printable reports - Vapor equilibrium using relative volatility or ...

Payroll Calculator download

Shareware employee planner application helps managers to easily keep track of overall activities performed by employees during company working hours in efficient manner as compared to manual process which is more ...

Excel Payroll Calculator Template Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to record business labor costs. By entering data such as employee name, state and federal tax rates, and hours worked, charts are ...

Statistical Analysis Calculator Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to look at basic statistics for a set of numbers quickly. This software calculates: mean, median, mode, variance, sum, standard deviation, average ...

Aquarium Sand Depth Calculator

1.1 download

SandDepth calculates weight of sand needed for an aquarium to achieved a desired depth. You tell it the size of your aquarium by adjusting sliders and the desired depth of sand. ...

File Checksum Calculator

1.2 download

A standalone utility that generates and verifies cryptographic hashes in MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256. Cryptographic hash functions are commonly used to guard against malicious changes to protected data in a wide ...

F CRC Calculator

1.0 download

F-CRC is a free tool for calculating CRC32/MD5 for any file. A file's CRC/MD5 is a checksum code which is characteristic to the file contents. To check if two files with ...

Red Crab

8.3.1 download

RedCrab is a complex scientifical calculator with a full-screen editor. The mathematical expressions are ... the expression. The handling is easier than conventional calculators. This tool also supports the entry of ...

5 award


5.30 download

Calculator software that can enlarge characters even in a ... / time calculation, also corresponds to a scientific calculator) Features The display of the button can be erased and it is compact. Windows standard calculator has a numeric keypad button. However, in fact, ...

TAdvSmoothCalculator download

* Calculator with sophisticated opacity and fill * Support for background images, texture fill, gradients, hatch * Built-in color settings for Office 2003 / Office 2007 / Office 2010 styles ...


2.0 download

Aviassin iCalcy is a calculator for Windows which looks like the iPhone or iPod Touch Calculator! iCalcy looks and acts exactly the same as the iPhone 3G or iPod Touch calculator does, allowing you to perform all standard calculator ...

ESBCalc Pro

9.4.0 download

ESBCalc Pro is an Enhanced Windows Scientific Calculator with Infix Processing, Exponential Notation, Brackets, Scientific Functions, ... and other improvements to the User Interface. The calculator can have Prefix Functions turned on so that ...

Loan And Mortgage

2.3.4 download

Loan And Mortgage is a loan amortization schedule calculator that handles virtually any loan type. This program is flexible and loaded with useful features that show you where to recover ...

5 award

SkinCalc download

... which is completely free, features standard and advanced calculator functionality, a spreadsheet interface, and skins. Skins make it possible to change the layout and functionality of the software, with effects ...

Netpas Distance

4.1 B4144 download

Make it smart with Netpas Distance Netpas Distance is the world's best port distance table supporting more than 11000 ports and 60 million distance table. Features of product: ...

WorldCalc download

WorldCalc is a calculator and currency converter with daily exchange rate updates provided by Cloanto, a leader in currency software and services. Features include support for past and future euro ...

CalcNote download

Calculator for simple and complex multi-step calculations using numbers, constants and complex numbers; like in MathCad, only for free; full compatibility with "generally accepted" writing formulas in one line without ...

TAdvMoneyEdit download

* Edit control with attached dropdown calculator * Calculator dropdown look fully customizable with a CalculatorLook property * 4 custom calculator buttons can be added * calculation on inplace ...