3d chess downloads
3D Chess Unlimited
2.3 download... for the best comfort of playing and learning chess, this full 3D chess board will attract a large variety of players. ... features and the complete well illustrated documentation. A chess clock and an emulation of ELO levels will ...
3D Chess Online Games
1.4 download3D Chess is a free online game in PopGameBox; it is played on a chessboard, a square board divided into 64 squares (eight-by-eight) of alternating color, ...
Fun Chess 3D
1.0 downloadThis is a chess game featuring a very powerful chess engine. Delightfully 3D rendered graphics and captivating animations. ... human or watch the machine play against itself! Chess is a two person strategy game which originated ...
E.G. Chess
1.3.10 downloadE.G. Chess gives you full 3D access to your chess experience. Rotate to adjust the board to any viewing angle. Watch ...
6.0.3 downloadChessPartner is a full-featured chess game that lets you play against the computer or against opponents across the Internet. With ChessPartner you can: choose from ten different sets of chess pieces (including a 3D chess set), choose from ...
Logyx Pack
24.47 download... Mind, Micro Yomb, Baca, Tetix, Tetrapod, Infe, Nam Chess, Foado, Heho, Three Men's Morris, Tackle, Kono, ArrowPath, CarPath, HexaPath, SquarePath, JumpPath, Connect Four, GoMoku, Ha, Icky, Reversi, Shaga, Jumper, Pegs, ...
Icons-Land Vista Style Sport Icon Set
2.0 download... badminton, baseball, basketball, bicycling, billiard, bowling, boxing, cards, chess, climbing, football, golf, gymnastics, hockey, martial arts, motor sport, ping-pong, rowing, skating, skiing, soccer, surfing, swimming, tennis, volleyball, weight training, windsurfing. ...
5.28 download... curve, ellipse, 3d frame and enhanced gradient and chess fill. You can set cursor hot spots and test cursors. You can import and export .cur, .ani, .ico, .bmp, .gif, .jpg, ...
3.37 download... also be used to apply color gradients and chess fills. For Windows icons, you get to add cool drop shadow and smooth effects. IconXP supports .ico, .ani, .cur, .wmf, .emf, ...
Icon Golygydd
3.33 download... also be used to apply color gradients and chess fills. For Windows XP icons, you get to add cool drop shadow and smooth effects. Icon Golygydd supports .ico, .ani, .cur, ...