reminded downloads
Daily Task Reminder Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to setup one or more daily task reminders. There is a default alarm sound or the alarm sound can be changed to ...
Event Reminder Software
7.0 download... a solution to users who want to be reminded about certain events based on date. For your convenience, this software minimizes to the system tray at the bottom right hand ...
Moo0 SimpleTimer
1.14 download... tool. Don't you sometimes want to be reminded of some specific time/after-duration? but don't want to use complicated programs? This may be the tool you've been looking for. This ...
CyberMatrix Reminder
1.00 download... enter upcoming events that you need to be reminded of. When the event approaches a reminder notice will pop up to remind you of the event. ...
Birthday Reminder Software
7.0 download... a solution to users who want to be reminded about yearly birthdays on the day that they occur or a certain number of days before the actual birthday. For your ...
Vocabulary Master
1.4.899 download... window on your screen so you are constantly reminded of these words which leads to easier remember of them. Main features: - optional time interval of words learning - show ...
2.77 downloadAgenda is a simple and small reminder for birthdays and other events. Agenda is multilingual and plays sound files or Morse codes if desired - even without sound card. Furthermore, the ...
Day Organizer
3.0.0 download... reminders for events that you wish to be reminded about. Other advantages include: User interface in Czech, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian and Slovak. Unicode international character set ...
Automatic Break Reminder Software
7.0 download... a solution to users who want to be reminded to take a break at regular intervals. The software will display a visual reminder or play an audio file at specified ...
IOGenie Reminder
1.2 download... With well defined reminder rules, you will get reminded precisely on time and you won't forget any important meeting, appointment or special day. You can schedule a new reminder with ...
1.0 download... Poker calendar: Add your favourite tournaments and get reminded. Never miss a start again! Poker news: All the latest poker news from Bluff magazine. Poker community: Blogs, user-videos/pictures, shout outs, ...
Everything I Own!
4.0.7 download... is maintained at all times. You will be reminded to backup your data, if you have added or edited records. This is done when exiting the program or when changing ...
1.221 download... long you take to reply to EMails, be reminded to when change the CO2 filter after 66 minutes and 10.624 seconds or run a program every 3 hours? Secs is ...
2.1.2 download... dates via easy-to-use lists, alerts, and alarms. Be reminded right in your browser without the need for a separate calendar application. ...
Money Manager Ex x64
1.8.0 download... and Deposits- Create bills & deposits to be reminded of your upcoming bills and deposits so you never miss a payment or deposit * Account Summary Views and Navigation- An ...
Money Manager Ex Portable
1.8.0 download... and Deposits- Create bills & deposits to be reminded of your upcoming bills and deposits so you never miss a payment or deposit * Account Summary Views and Navigation- An ...
Money Manager Ex Portable x64
1.8.0 download... and Deposits- Create bills & deposits to be reminded of your upcoming bills and deposits so you never miss a payment or deposit * Account Summary Views and Navigation- An ...
0.2.2 download... and alert options, ensuring that users are promptly reminded of important deadlines or transitions between tasks. These features are particularly useful for those who juggle multiple responsibilities and need a ...
NJStar Chinese Calendar
2.36 download... the "remind-me" alarm settings, you can be cleverly reminded of various important tasks minutes/hours/days/weeks ahead, giving you ample preparation time to be on top of everything. For reoccurring schedule - ...
Boachsoft SmartManager
2013.1.2 download... it easy and efficient for you.rnrn Please be reminded that Boachsoft would never sell the source code of any of our products. Report any attempt to sell the source code ...
StudyMinder Homework System
4.2 download... estimated time, status, type and more - Be reminded about upcoming assignments and projects - Displays the amount of time needed to study for each assignment - View total study ...
5.4 download... holidays reminder, they allow you to easily be reminded when important events comes. Additional features include search, built-in calendar, backup, import/export and more. Bringing great convenience to your work and ...
Internet Cafe
4.63v download... and when will be available * Customers are reminded about remaining time and when it is out, including voice reminders * Moving, swapping customers. Possibility to move the remaining time ...
Portable FullRecall
1.5.3 download... in your FullRecall learning database, you'll be soon reminded about it. Selected features of the PC version scheduling of repetitions is taken care of by neural network that ...
Boachsoft xRental SmartManager
2013.1.2 download... very reliable customer accounts tracking system. Please be reminded that Boachsoft would never sell the source code or key generator of any of our products. Report any attempt to sell ...