thermodynamic downloads
SteamTab Quad
4.0 download... general and scientific use. This formulation is more thermodynamically rigorous, accurate, and applicable over wider range of conditions. Industrial Formulation (IAPWS-IF97): This is the IAPWS approved formulation of industrial ...
2.0 downloadMoistAirTab brings you a comprehensive set of air, water, steam and ice properties — right in your spreadsheet — with "live" links to variable psychrometric conditions by cell reference. You never ...
CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import for Matlab download... Matlab package allows for importing CAPE-OPEN version 1.1 thermodynamic and physical Property Packages into Matlab. A command ... selecting a CAPE-OPEN Property Package, and then perform thermodynamic and physical property calculations as well as thermodynamic ...
CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import for Excel download... that allows for using CAPE-OPEN version 1.1 compliant thermodynamic servers directly in Excel. Excel CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import ... equilibria. Excel CAPE-OPEN Thermo does not provide the thermodynamic servers. It supports any third party CAPE-OPEN 1.1 ...
6.6.2 download... behavior of their chemical systems by using rigorous thermodynamic and unit operations' models with no cost at ... data regression studies for two compounds using various thermodynamics models and methods, generating conclusive graphs that can ...
1.8.5 downloadMixProps is a two phase vapor-liquid equilibrium, thermodynamic, and transport property calculator for technical professionals. Both ... to allow importing/exporting data to other applications. Thermodynamic models include the following equations of state (EOS): ...
COCO download... a user-friendly interface that seamlessly integrates with various thermodynamic and unit operation models. This flexibility allows users ... features of COCO is its extensive library of thermodynamic property packages and unit operations. These include both ...
17.1 download... chemical compounds,allows prediction of chemical compound properties,critical constants, thermodynamic properties,gas & liquid diffusivitiy ,surface tension,viscosity calculations etc,periodic table, solves 500+ chemical/electrical/civil/mechcanical engineering,design,distillation, physics, and mathematical equations. Contains 200+ unit conversions. ...
7.56 download... Based on the most up-to date nearest neighbor thermodynamic data, Oligo's search algorithms find optimal primers for PCR, including TaqMan, highly multiplexed, consensus or degenerate primers. Multiple file batch processing ...
Rocket Propulsion Analysis Lite
1.2.9 download... expandable chemical species library based on NASA Glenn thermodynamic database and Gurvich thermodynamic database, that includes data for numerous fuels and ... chemical equilibrium composition of combustion products, determines its thermodynamic properties, and predicts the theoretical rocket performance. The ...
Rocket Propulsion Analysis Lite x64
1.2.0 download... expandable chemical species library based on NASA Glenn thermodynamic database and Gurvich thermodynamic database, that includes data for numerous fuels and ... chemical equilibrium composition of combustion products, determines its thermodynamic properties, and predicts the theoretical rocket performance. The ...
11.0 download... to a wealth of information including physical properties, thermodynamic data, and transport properties. This comprehensive repository ensures that users have the most accurate and up-to-date data at their fingertips. ...
2.1.0 download... pressure offset correction Cycle based statistical analysis Standard thermodynamic engine cycle analysis Easy addition of proprietary analysis algorithms The foundation for the proprietary catoolRT data acquisition and analysis software ...
Prode Valves
1.08 download... Properties which adds the benefits of a rigorous thermodynamic framework for calculating equilibria and transport properties of pure fluids and mixtures. * Adiabatic, isentropic flash operations required by multiphase ...
2.4.4 download... calculator provides a convenient means of obtaining the thermodynamic properties of water and steam (English or Metric units) over a wide range of pressures and temperatures. By entering any two ...
6.80 download... ability to quickly run Chemkin models. Multiple Chemkin/freestyle thermodynamic databases can be used. Isothermal/Non-isothermal, adiabatic constant volume, constant pressure (variable volume) can easily be modeled with a flick of a ...
Engineer General Tools
1.2 download... VELOCITY UNITS The main Chemical Groups are :- Thermodynamic Data Solids Data Physical Data Organic Data Acid and Base Dissociation Constants Gas Data Acid Base Indicators Liquids Data ...
Chemical Data
2.9 download... certain group type information has been listed below.) Thermodynamic Data(226) Solids Data (101) Physical Data (481) Organic Data (1314) (Info types : Molecular Weight,Form and Colour,Compound Specific Gravity,Compound Melting Point(C),Compound ...
Primer Premier
6.25 download... most accurate melting temperature using the nearest neighbor thermodynamic algorithm. Primers are screened for secondary structures, dimers, hairpins, homologies and physical properties before reporting the best ones for your sequence, ...
1.1 download... variables are automatically updated accordingly providing functionality of thermodynamic and crystallography calculator. Frequently used set of parameters, corresponded to compound of interest, can be saved or imported to or from ...
Wind Turbine
8.24 download... is focused on Physics and Electricity. Effects of Thermodynamic Physics and Power Generation are explained via ToolTips with hand-written comments. The Simulation Model Wind Turbine - Return on Invest allows ...
Piping Hydraulics
2 download... PH software tool was established on the novel thermodynamic model of differential equations resolved using Runge-Kutta method. It allows to calculate simultaneously change of temperature and pressure along piping/pipeline with ...
2025 download... variety of input formats, including reaction mechanisms and thermodynamic data, enabling users to quickly set up and run simulations. Kintecus also boasts impressive computational capabilities, leveraging advanced numerical methods ...