device uploader downloads
1.3 downloadUplet is a bulk Instagram uploader for Mac. This awesome app allows you to upload and post any number of photos to your Instagram account in a single click. The ...
0.1.8 downloadGoAruna Desktop is for quickly getting files to and from your computer to your GoAruna Online Storage. Just drag and drop multiple files or folders to GoAruna Desktop to get tons ...
TouchOSC Editor for Mac OS X
1.8.9 download... can also transfer it directly to your iOS device via the Layout Sync function. TouchOSC Editor comes with template layout sizes for iPhone / iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone 5, ...
Music Manager
1.0.675.4333 download... go. Listen from the web or any enabled device with the Music app available from Android Market. Not online? No problem. The songs you've recently played will automatically be available ...
2.7.4 download... speedy encoding. • Built-in encoder Presets for popular devices. • Presets for iPad, Apple TV, iPhone (3G, 4G), iPod, PS3, PSP, Xbox, Wii, Web and more. • Customize your own ...
pCloud Drive
3.9.0 download... your files and access them anywhere on any device. Use your files in the cloud as if they are saved on your local hard disk but without taking any space ...
3.7.2 download... from a Video-For-Windows compliant webcam or other capture device (such as TV card) # Optional preview window allows you to view a video source while still allowing SCWebCam to capture ...
dvdfab_blu_ray_to_uhd_converter download... Convert BS4K/CS4K Enjoy your favorite programs on any device. As the world’s first software that enables copying ... format used by many different kinds of recording devices, such as Sharp, Panasonic and Sony. With 4K ...
5.8 Build 1648 download... and share files from any location, using any device with an internet connection. This capability is particularly ... be responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across different devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. 5. **File ...
Static EMail Backup
2.9f download... archive. Static Email Backup contains CD/DVD burner, FTP uploader, you can burn your archive into a CD/DVD writable device or upload your archive to custom FTP server. ... archive is backed up * Support CD/DVD writable device Backup program can write archive to CD/DVD writable ...